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Messages - GreyJaeger

Atreus City, Atreus
Marik Commonwealth, Free Worlds League

The face of Melissa Steiner-Davion, the Archon of the Lyran Commonwealth was frozen on the screen of the holovid for a second before it went black. "Well ladies and gentlemen, what do you think?" The smooth baritone of Julian Tepes, MP of Tamarind, rolled over the crowd of roughly a dozen others, all MPs from the Duchy of Tamarind, The Abbey District, the Silver Hawks Coalition, the Stewart Commonality, and some of the independent planets that border the Lyran Commonwealth. They all whispered and commented quietly to each other for a few moments, but no one spoke out loud. Finally, Riva Dontraire, a regal looking older woman from  Stewart spoke.

"She is blowing smoke.. The increasing integration of the Lyran Commonwealth and the Federated Suns has caused some bad feelings, and the debacle during the War last year has really ratcheted up the tension. SAFE reports there has been some trouble on Skye, which it seems they just confirmed. Her popularity is falling, and she needs a distraction."

Most of the others nod in agreement, including Julian. "What do you think her play is going to be?"

This time it was Marco Kardokki's turn. "She launches a few raids, calls them punitive for, what she call it, 'Marik Adventurism", then goes home."

Julian regards Marco's words for a moment, before speaking himself. "And if she decides on some adventurism of her own? Where is she going to target? Us here on the borders. And that is what I have you here for..."
General Discussion / Re: 2014 NFL Football Season
May 15, 2014, 02:38:06 PM
Quote from: Hugin on May 15, 2014, 02:02:43 PM

Not likely anytime soon. They just signed him to a seven year contract. $54 million is guaranteed.
General Discussion / Re: 2014 NFL Football Season
April 25, 2014, 02:58:06 AM
LOL.. When was the last time the Bears beat the Pack twice, in the same season?
General Discussion / 2014 NFL Football Season
April 25, 2014, 02:23:44 AM

Full 2014 NFL Season schedule is out.

My predication?

Chicago Bears go 11-5 at best, 9-7 most likely, 7-9 possible. Of course I am always happy with 8-8, as long as the Bears beat the Pack once.

Week 1 vs Bills- W
Week 2 @ Niners- L
Week 3 @ Jets- W
Week 4 vs Packers- W
Week 5 @ Panthers- L
Week 6 @ Falcons- W
Week 7 vs. Dolphins- W
Week 8 @ Patriots- L
Week 9 Bye
Week 10 @ Packers- L
Week 11 vs. Vikings- W
Week 12 vs. Buccaneers- W
Week 13 @ Lions- W
Week 14 vs. Cowboys- W
Week 15 vs. Saints- L
Week 16 vs. Lions- W
Week 17 @ Vikings- W
1st Hussars Bivouac
Ferleiten, FRR
12. January, 3040

"ATTENNNTION!!" The Fanjunkare's bark rang out like a gunshot, instantly silencing the din of the tent full of people. Överste Karl Stigrsson held his subordinates at attention long enough to cause an uncomfortable air to develop as he slowly scanned each person, making eye contact before moving on. Finally satisfied, Stigrsson called At Ease as he moved to a small dais, removing his hat and overcoat before turning to his audience. Each of these men and women were the officers and senior staff of the 1st Hussars, the men and women who would carry out his orders.

The Överste was a bit young for his rank, but he was no Lyran Social General. And he needed to make sure these people knew it. His greeting of "Good Morning" garnered only a luke-warm response. "I actually had a speech prepared, full of grandiose prose about Glory and Honor. But I think I will forego that and just get into it, ja? I am not just some political appointee, some favorite pet officer of some politico on Rasalhagüe. I was with the First Tyr Regiment. I served during the Ronin Wars. I am combat tested, and proven. As my service record shows, and of which I am certain most, if not all of you, have read. My posting with the Drakøns was because of my past accomplishments, just like my receiving my promotion to Överste. I understand I likely stepped into a position some of you felt was yours, and with good reason. But let me be clear about this one thing... When this position became available, I applied for it, just like you did. It was not a guarantee. I did not pull strings. It was the High Command's decision, without any more input from me than my interviews, and my service record. If you do not care for that decision, write a letter. Otherwise, walk it off and get over it. You and I have a job to do, so be a professional and do your job. Is that understood?"

The responding "Understood sir" was stronger, and more confident. There are still those who will resist until I prove myself... A few will never get past it. I just need to see if they will do their jobs, or will I have to get rid of them.

"With that out of the way.. Any questions?"
1st Hussars Bivouac
Ferleiten, FRR
12. January, 3040

"Ja.. And I told that Drac that if he didn't apologize, I was going to break my foot off in his ass. The next thing I know, he is all 'Banzai!!' or some other nonsense... Överste Karl Stigrsson only half-listened to the Korpral driving the staff car, his mind was occupied with the business of the day. As far as the KüngsArmee was concerned, he was the new commander of the 1st Hussars. In fact, he had ordered the unit to Ferleiten while he was still on Rasalhagüe. But he had not yet joined with his command. He was expecting some resistance, there always was when an outsider took command. The Överste was from the 1st Drakøns, the most prestigious unit in the KüngsArmee. But Stigrsson wanted action, and wanted a command, neither of which was likely with the Drakøns. So when command of the 1st Hussars became available, Karl went for it.

Karl's musings caught up with the ground car stopped, and the Korpral staring at him. "We're here sir. The unit's officers and senior command staff should be in there waiting for you. You want your luggage taken to your tent sir?"

Karl simply laughed at the situation. "Yes, that will be fine Korpral." The officer got out of the car and just stared at the tent for a moment. Finally, he straightened his overcoat and proceeded to enter the tent. Let us see how the hounds howl..."