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Messages - Ranulf

General Discussion / Re: 2014 NFL Football Season
May 15, 2014, 01:25:38 PM
Nah Cutler will get injured midway through the season (Bears will be 6-2) and miss four games (Bears losing all 4) and miss the playoffs as Cutler loses two of the next 4. His backup will not be able to save the season this year.
General Discussion / Re: 2014 NFL Football Season
May 05, 2014, 04:41:19 PM
I'll try to wach someof it online at My team picks late as befits the loser of the SubPar Bowl, so I might skip th first 8-10 picks.
"... by decree of Chancellor Ursula Liao this station is to be mothballed for later use. The diplomatic and military situation in the Periphery is… difficult and… nigh to impossible to navigate. I guess the last thing the Chancellor wants to do is explain the content of this station's main hangar bay. Ninety-nine percent of the stations population have been boarding dropships and left the system within the last seventy-two hours. I am looking forward to completing the mothball-procedures with my skeleton crew of thirty men within the next 48 hrs and returning to Victoria.

It is a shame to leave that many goods and that wealth behind, after all, Brandov station is a great prototype for space habitats featuring six grav-decks, three dozen docking collars, the plant, the massive hangar; That, together with its experimental jump-drive makes it one of the greatest assets the Capellan people have.  But I am rambling again and I apologize.

To whoever gets to reactivate this jewel: Behold its greatness and put it to the best use for the Capellan people.

Captain Grant Imai"

Upon realizing it’s content, Hwang-soo read the final lines as thoughts of what this entry could portend for the Confederation and its future. He looked up and around at the astonished faces of the other crew, “Whatever happens from now on, the existence of this station must now and forever remain a state secret,” he thought to himself.Fortunately, since the only people who knew anything about the station where all still within this star system, his mission would be manageable. His thought process was interrupted as Professor Wan exclaimed, “Most Excellent! This is even better than I hoped it would be." His glassy eyed expression belied that he was thinking of possible futures for this station too. As the others poured over the other files in the systems, Hwang-soo slipped out of the room.

Hwang-soo knew where they needed to go. The station's command center was the obvious choice. It was there they could find out what happened on this station all those many years ago. What happened to the crew? IF abandoned, why? It was there they would find the stations logs. Whatever happened it was not catastrophic as the station and its core were intact and they had not discovered any human remains in their early exploration.

This station had mysteries, mysteries that needed solving.
6 January 3040

As the Cháng'é-sānhào began its deceleration burn towards their target, Wang-soo fine tuned his sensors to get etter read on the object he could see that the 'station' was several hundred meters long and nearly as wide. At their current range of 20,000 kilometeres he couldn't spot any docking collars or heavy weapons, but he could tell that it was not powered up as there was no heat signature. The hull appeared to be intact and showed no significant wear. This surprised Wan's team and himself. If this station had been here a long as Wan thought it has been, there should have been some damage. Perhaps as they got closer, there could be more evidence of whether it would be useable.

As he sat there transfixed by the image on his screen, he suddenly felt a presence over his shoulder. "So, Mr. Kim, what do you think of our find" asked a feminine voice. It was Dr. Sabine Ikerna, Professor Wan's associate. He hesitaed slightly, "It's a great time for you and the professor. Your theory has been validated. It's an honor to be a part of this historic event."

Dr. Ikerna smiled, "Yes, it is a relief to see that all of our work was not wasted. If we had been wrong, we would have hadto start all over again. It would have destroyed some of us,but now we have saved from ruin." As she turned away,"Revel in this moment, Mr. Kim, it ma the greatest time of your life"

"Yes, Doctor, I will and it is" Hwang-soo replied. He knew that this was the most significant moment in his life. He also knew that once word got back to the powers that be that her success would be taken from her and the professor. It was too important to leave in the hands of civilians. Th Confederation had a greater need fo this station than Chefong Interstellar Archaeology.
3rd January 3040
Unknown LaGrange Point

Kim Hwang-soo, along with being a member of the DropShip's bridge crew, was a deep cover agent of the Capellan Confederation's Maskirovka intelligence agency. His mission was to maintain surveillance of Professor Wan and see where his research was leading him and his associates. Sitting at his sensor station aboard the Gazelle-class vessel, even he could not believe what the long-range sensors indicated. The sensors aboard the DropShip were not as efficient as those aboard the JumpShip, but if they proved true, it would be an outstanding discovery. Verification was paramount before he could draft a report for his masters back on Madras and Sian beyond.

OOC: Sorry if I overstepped, but I thought I would help push this forward while still being vague