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Messages - Valjean

General Discussion / Re: Battletech-Mercenaries
October 19, 2015, 07:58:46 PM
Waiting for you. Also I am having issues getting on BTechMercenaries Forum page.

They are having huge issues with the forum page, can you host here?
General Discussion / Re: Battletech-Mercenaries
September 30, 2015, 03:23:11 PM
I am already signed up on Mercenaries, have you created a unit yet?

as for unit assignment I would like some sort of small unit special forces infantry or spec op battlearmor. I figure that will be fun role play and give me something different in this BattleMech world.
General Discussion / Re: Battletech-Mercenaries
September 25, 2015, 08:39:05 PM
For the logo, would be nice to have some info on unit background/ideas/name?
General Discussion / Re: Battletech-Mercenaries
September 14, 2015, 08:33:14 PM
I don't mind being the pick up character. Let everyone else choose what they want to play and I will fill in. To be a Infantry or tanker in the Mech world is sort of fun.

Let me know when you start building the unit and what you will need filled...
General Discussion / Re: Battletech-Mercenaries
August 26, 2015, 02:33:02 PM
I am in, I bailed on these guys for the FCG game, but now seems that my BTech schedule has freed up.
We are not sure how this is split, but the Marian Royal Republic supports this proposal
I doubt we have real time communications so I will now use the Ambassador to the ISDF.

Jason Eurymedon was still getting used to the new alliance, but understood the need for it. These clans where the most immediate and clearly overpowering threat Niops or any of its neighbors had ever seen. They new Royal Republic was an attempt to build a strong military alliance over night, now lets see what happens.

"Gentleman and Ladies, I have had only sporadic communications with the Royal Republic. As seen by their letter to this strategic meeting we are highly concerned with the clans taking over the periphery realms. Many of our own, whom still hate the Star League of old are even more outraged that the bast**d children of this oppressive regime choose to use the periphery as a stepping stone.

After debate and calm discussion the MRR will send the needed FP to the mission, know that this amount weighs very heavy on our  already small national income.

What we request is:



Eirik Olsen   Utlendr Sendiherra of the Lothian Palatinate and Jason Eurymedon, Niops External Relations Director to the ISDF; sat in the small conference room talking.

"Eirik, the latest communications form home of concerning. There has been very light communications from the Magistracy and the Concordat since the Clans started their invasions."

"Ja, Yason, I donna beleave da day vill be able ta elp our omes. Me Dróttning, Lady Lorelei , has send dat ve arr ta see ifn da ISDF vill be able ta send any elp."

Jason took a moment to understand his friends broken common, but after so long together it seemed to flow better. "It also seems like the Hegemony will be sending out their own ambassador as quick as possible, but that will take much to long. Funny how that works now that things have gone critical in the periphery. We have been given leave to act as their vote in council until someone arrives."

"Ja, my friend, da Marions while elping are omes did seem ta lik dat day wer da biggun brutes on da block. Now aften readen da latist report da ave started ta be vinr ta us all. Even do da canna stand ta da clanners dare fylking vill elp."

"Well shall we see what the council is talking about?"

***bored and wanted to have fun with an accent***

General Discussion / Re: Just a thought
March 03, 2015, 12:04:31 PM
Totally give command over to you, or who ever wants to lead, I don't mind being the guy over in the corner.

This is what I came up with for the money we would get
(now I was just trying to get a mixed Assault unit with the highest BV for dollar amount. TOTALLY do not care if this is picked apart)

Unit fits in a Union Drop Ship with space left over. Mechs are not done and can cost less if more are wanted. I just did 4 high cost for assault

Battle Armor                  
Oni Battle Armor [MRR]   BA Squad   387   4   $2,192,000.00      
Oni Battle Armor [MRR]   BA Squad   387   4   $2,192,000.00      
Oni Battle Armor [MRR]   BA Squad   387   4   $2,192,000.00      
Void BA Squad (Standard)   BA Squad   136   4   $2,658,000.00      
Armor, Heavy (BA Transport)               
Trajan Assault Infantry Fighting Vehicle   (ICE)   1,043   85   $2,257,463.00      
Trajan Assault Infantry Fighting Vehicle   (ICE)   1,043   85   $2,257,463.00      
Armor, Light (Scout and Void BA Transport)               
Pegasus Scout Hovertank   (Sensors)   489   35   $808,775.00      
Blizzard Hover Transport   Std.   157   25   $333,125.00   
Aero Space                  
Lucifer III   LCR-3   2,356   65   $7,386,411.00      
Lucifer III   LCR-3   2,356   65   $7,386,411.00      
General Discussion / Just a thought
March 03, 2015, 02:08:12 AM
I see our game getting quite. I know we are a busy crew, but I would like to try to get us woken up. I also want to see if I can get some more people interested in our little side of BattleTech.

To that end I have been looking around how to advertise, build interest, and wake us up. I don't want to spam the BattleTech Forum so I was thinking how to get our game out there with out spamming.

Have any of you played
I did along time ago and liked it. I was thinking if we made a unit there and used Intelser as the forum (sort of volunteering your board Deamon ;D) than we might wake up and others may get interested in what we are doing here.

The other day I was playing at making a mixed company with Aero, Armor, and Battle Armor with about a lance of heavy assault mechs. I really don't mind doing all the admin stuff and not being a mech jock, if you all were willing to join me in writing. A Company needs to write about 6000 words a month, for about 4-6 people that is only 1000-1500 words a month.

Is anyone interested?
Faction Roleplaying Boards / Re: INN News Thread
February 06, 2015, 01:49:10 AM
(Something I wanted to do every 4 turns, but got overwhelmed by real life. There may be some edits coming as I continue to review this.)

State of the PACT

PACT Council
Thomas Aquilinus, Arbitrator of the PACT Council, announced today that the PACT, "formally acknowledges the force now stationed with in the ISDF" the unit is made up of independent PACT armed forces that had used legal means to take their equipment and join the ISDF. In order to show that the unit is a united PACT it will be under the command of the PACT Marshal's, a security and policing force created by the PACT to enforce and act upon the rulings of the treaty organization.
The 3rd Marshal's Calvary Regiment, commanded by District Marshal Brenda Calderon, has been given funds to build up its support units of armor and infantry to full strength to include the new Battle Armor. Inside sources have let slip that the other unit attached is Ramilie's Raiders, a long time mercenary unit of the Magistracy of Canopus, will also be adding to their mech regiment with the funds delivered.
Arbitrator Aquilinus was clear in stating while the PACT supports the ideals of the ISDF, they still have concerns over the structure of the charter. Ian Kurita-Calderon has been named ambassador to the ISDF and is traveling now through the Inner Sphere to meet with the leaders of the organization.
It has also been announced that the planet of Independence will be made into the new PACT council home planet; the planet will be ruled by the council and act as a completely neutral place with in the protected territories.

Taurian Concordat
As stated Ian Kurita-Calderon is moving with his new wife and family to the Draconis Combine to take up his duties for the PACT. Protector Thomas Calderon bid farewell to his first grandson in a private party held before the unannounced departure. Representatives for the Protector stated that the Taurian Concordat  is a loyal member of the PACT and supports the ISDF's goals, while pointing out that as of last report, the Federated Commonwealth "in their continued actions does not support" this new initiative. Adding to his statement Protector Calderon went on to say, "once more we see the great Federated Suns (Commonwealth), does not seek peace, instead they look for excuses to bring war to our independent periphery PACT. The Taurian people will be defended from all aggressors."

Magistracy of Canopus
The loss of the 2nd Canopian Fusilliers Armored Guard as they moved to further secure the PACT against pirates has hit the Magistracy hard. As further data comes in it seems that the pirate band on the lost world of Detroit had an aged warship that suffered a major core breach, which decimated all parts of the system. Humanitarian aid pours into the area from throughout the PACT with even Draconis Combine representatives seen in the area. The PACT Marshal's are pointing to this and the complete genocide on Cygnus from curable disease (if the planet had contact with the MOC health care system), as further reason to continue operations securing planets outside PACT space.
Ashanti Centrella, a close cousin to the Magistrix, was last seen on St. Ives for the initial ISDF talks, but has not been heard from since. It is believed she will join the other PACT ambassadors on Independence.

Marian Hegemony
Imperator O'Reilly has been seen on the planet of Niops with his grandson Julius, there he meet with the President of Niops and the Dróttning (Queen) of the Lothian Palatine. Not much was shared about the meetings. The Imperators only child Prefect Sean O'Reilly has been given command of the Ultima Legio ex Mortuis and stationed in the Lothian Palatine. The rumors continue to circulate that this is an exile, but official channels state that only an O'Reilly can pull these lost souls back to loyal service to the Imperator.

Nips grows into an interstellar realm with addition of Astrokazy to its protection. The realm has seen a major increase in production since they have joined the PACT and their militia was the first to match the Inner Sphere's deployment of "Battle Armored" Infantry. Niops has decided to swll their armored units to the Lothian Palatine as they concentrate on the deployment of multiple new armored infantry regiments. Little is known about the meeting with the Hegemony and the Palatine, but afterwards the conventional armored units started shipping as did mechs and battle armor to the newest PACT signee. There are unconfirmed reports that the Free World Ambassador also meet with the Leaders, but nothing was stated in official communications.

Lothian Palatine
With Niops this realm has seen the most activity in the last few years. This realm joined together, than petitioned the PACT as they were concerned about the further aggression of the Free Worlds League as they had occupied the Palatines longtime nemesis the Curcinus Federation. They seem to have gotten an excellent deal as the Hegemony has stationed a full Legion here, Niops sells them units a cost and PACT Marshal's deployed throughout the territory. Their own ambassador Eirik Olsen sat with the PACT representatives on St. Ives and is seconded to Ian Kurita-Calderon as the PACT ISDF representatives.
"Bonjour, Duchess Fenlon. We are glad that we have something to offer your people. For too long there has been tension between the realms of the Inner Sphere and the Periphery. We all understand history, but wouldn't you agree that instead we need to look forward to the future."

Ian sat back and sipped his coffee, " Duchess that is exactly why my family and I agreed to join Ashanti here in these talks as we travel to her visit her family. The history of our governments is what holds us in bondage to what the future could offer. Now before I get to radical, the people along our boarders still hold grudges and," he added with a tense smile, "at least on of our rulers seems to be against forward looking. But because the Magistrix has made a point that the PACT is no enemy of the Federated Commonwealth, these minds are being held in check."

Ashanti smiled as the Duchess made her offer, "I would be honored to ride with you," turning to the others.

Ian smiled, "Duchess at this moment our security detail, made up of PACT, Taurian, and Combine operators is more tightly wound than ever should be inflicted upon such people. Myself and my family shall ride with you, we must take these steps to calm down not just those present, but the political leaders in their capitals and the military troops upon the boarders."
The invader class jumpship "PACT Silurian" arrives in the Jaipur system, after a brief verification is exchanged back and forth with planet all goes quite.

A day later another invader jumpship arrives the "Kuiniu"; the two ships communicate back and forth than transfer personnel.

A Seeker dropship and two Leopard CV's detach from the Silurian and make their way in system.

When the ship lands, PACT Marshal Battle Armor and other unknown security teams take up positions. The visiting teams look wearily at the Federated Commonwealth security, eyes dart back and forth - tension is high.

The first to leave the Seeker is a young twenty something women of darker African completion, but with the facial features of an oriental decent. As she neared the gathered dignitaries she was directed to the Duchess, "Duchess Fenlon, we are honored that the Federated Commonwealth could set up this meeting at such short notice."

The Duchess accepted the extended hand, "Welcome to Jaipur and the Federated Commonwealth, Ambassador Centrella. You honor us by your request and visit."

The Ambassador smiled; leaning in slightly, "I understand for formality, but please Ashanti is fine." She then waved to the people behind her; a young man and women, she was carrying a small child, "May I introduce you to Ian Kurita-Calderon; his wife Florimel and their child Francois."
From the Periphery PACT,

We shall not support the reestablishment of the oppressive regime that was the Star League. If this is the ruse that was said to be a ISDF council meeting our representatives will stay home and our military forces will begin to deploy.

To us this once more shows the colonial attitude and short sightedness of so many people in the Inner Sphere. You continue to look only towards yourselves for leadership and direction instead of the whole of human kind.