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Messages - Arvanna

January 12th 3043
Draconis Combine Embassy, New Avalon

8 AM local time a urgent message is delivered by a Royal Courier with a message for the Ambassador. The fellow hands over a message chip bearing both the seals of the Foreign Ministry and the Townshed-Davion family crest. Nothing out of sorts can be found , no explosives, toxins or such assuming it gets a full security check, on it a video message and having met the Duke's family the Ambassador will recognize his Daughter-In-Law when played. (Note bit of a mess up on my end of things Anna T-D is the Duke's wife and their daughter -in-law is Rosanna)

"Ambassador Wakahisa , please accept my apologies for the lateness of this communication." Rosanna began "I'm afraid in the effort to keep the wrong ears from finding out about this I only just found out that you had not been contacted about this. My Mother-In-Law is in route to and may have already arrived at Deiron to bring back Archon Melissa and her companions back to New Avalon." pause for a moment the young, diplomat all but rolls her eyes in frustration "She is traveling aboard a destroyer, the FCS Squire to be exact and with all the paranoia about Comstar and that insane rant from the new Primus, security went overboard on trying to keep this, well secret from the Robes. I've attached to this message all the required data needed for you to ID the ship and hopefully avoid a terrible misunderstanding, Please foreword this to your government and again our apologies for unintentional concern  the ship's appearance may have caused."

The other data IDs the Squire as a Essex Class Destroyer and other info allowing for IDing the ship.
Faction Roleplaying Boards / Re: INN News Thread
April 02, 2015, 06:54:07 PM
 Standing up as well the FC reporter shuck her head as she turned to her fellow reporters "It's not a declaration of war as much as a announcement of their suicide." then actually managed a bit of a smile "I look forward to seeing you all again when we cover the funeral for this lot in the near future."
Faction Roleplaying Boards / Re: INN News Thread
April 01, 2015, 11:11:26 PM
"Those......what?" the FedCom reporter asked leadingly from beside her Lyran affiliate "Please do elaborate for us why your Peaceful Order felt the need to commit mass murder against those people?"
October 1, 3042
New Avalon and Thakard

In another sign of the continuing integration of the AFFS and LCAF, the Lyran and Sun's state command PR departments announced that all military space craft will now be under the authority of the newly formed Federated Commonwealth Naval Command. Therefor all such vessels would be have their designations would be changed from FSN or LCS to for example FCS Invincible, or FCS Fearless.
Faction Roleplaying Boards / Re: Federated Suns RP Thread
February 28, 2015, 07:52:06 AM
Due to the Duke being off world the package was taken to Minister Allard, who was looking at the box sitting on his desk when Lady  Anna Townshed-Davion entered. Justin immediately began to get up from his chair but she waved at him to sit back down as she crossed the room, eyes on the box "That is the package my husband ordered isn't it Justin?"

That she knew was a bit of a shock to him, but he recovered quickly "Yes Milady it is."

Anna simply nodded , her expression dark and cold "I doubt he suffered enough before the end, not after what was done to our people." Referring to the message that had arrived from the Combine Ambassador on the state of the three survivors. He knew she hadn't given the children the full details of their mother's condition yet, how do you tell them that she had been tortured and maimed like that?

Justin felt his own hate rising , and mirrored in the normally kind hearted, noblewoman before him he simply nodded "No Milady, I don't imagine so."
course not, he hadn't killed the man with his own hands he thought to himself.

"I'll take care of the payment, just make sure this is properly preserved for when William returns, oh and I imagine the blacklisting of the mercenaries  Comstar used won't cut it anymore with him. Find them Justin, they haven't begun to pay for this, now if you'll excuse me I have to return to planning  Ardan's funeral, and we need to start looking at candidates for Champion as well."

"I'll get started right away Milady."
Faction Roleplaying Boards / Re: Federated Suns RP Thread
February 23, 2015, 08:53:20 PM
September 20th 3042
Location: undisclosed nadir jump point
FCS Hotspur (jump ship)

  Aboard the Overlord attached to the Hotspur , the communications rating numbly handed a just decrypted message to their Captain. The CO a grizzled , old AFFS veteran read the message and bit back a curse, then calming himself left the bridge to give the message to His Grace.

  The Duke was in his cabin chatting with the Marshal when he found him. Noting the emotions roiling from the spacer William started to rise "What is is Captain?"

  The Captain motioned for him to stop "You may wish to sit down Your Grace, we've received a communication from the Combine concerning..." he hesitated as he struggled to keep his voice level "The .....robes..delivered our people to the Dracs on Dieron." walking stiffly he approached the Regent and handed him the communication pad "There are..only three survivors Your Grace."

  Williams felt his whole body go numb, he barely heard Ann's gasp of shock, his hand seemingly of it's own accord reached up and took the pad from the man. The next few minutes seemed to last forever as he read the ghastly tale, despite the clinical terminology used, of what was left of three of the strongest, best people he had known.

  He didn't even recall handing the pad to the Marshal, only that  he wanted all of those robed, vermin fed to Numerian Eel Sharks, them and every merc who had taken their money to help them on Outreach. William didn't even notice the Captain edge back from him at the wrath blazing in his eyes, then in a blink it was swept away , replaced by a grave, yet more sane expression "Thank you very much Captain, if you and the Marshal would let be alone for a bit I have some thinking to do and some messages to prepare, that is all."
Faction Roleplaying Boards / Re: INN News Thread
February 23, 2015, 02:01:22 AM
A FedCom reporter stood up next "Do you have any information on any of the FedCom representatives that were seized on Terra during the conference with Comstar, or Archon Steiner Davion or the Duke of New Syrtis who were on Outreach when it was attacked by the Comguards?"
Faction Roleplaying Boards / Re: INN News Thread
February 06, 2015, 05:05:07 AM
INN New Avalon

INN Palace Correspondent Linda Lanner got an opportunity to ask Duke William his reaction to the latest accusation from Protector Calderon? Video clip cuts to the Regent turning to one of his aides "Did anyone propose anything during the briefing about attacking the the PACT?" the young officer shakes their head as well as the other's behind him.

Off to the side Intelligence Minister Allard makes a show of checking his notes "No Your Grace nothing of the sort."

The Duke lets out a stage sigh of relief "Good, I was fairly sure I had managed to not nod off today and miss something like that. Now Miss Lanner in all seriousness either the Protector is delusional or just desperate for attention. They've already did a 180 degree turn from their last wild claim so this is more of the same along with some quick tap dancing to try and save face after all but calling his grandson a traitor before who ran off with the family car. Though I said it before I shall say it again, the Fed Com is not seeking, planning or frankly wasting our time with plans to go to war with Taurians, the Canopians or the Marians or any of the other PACT member states no matter how desperate some of them appear wish we were. Now if you will excuse me I have a meeting with the Combine Ambassador with whom I wish to relay my personal thanks to the Coordinator and the brave people who got my nephew off Outreach alive and back to us, thank you."
Faction Roleplaying Boards / Re: INN News Thread
January 21, 2015, 06:08:29 AM
June 1st, 3042

INN Thakard

  Today former Prince-Elect Magnusson and the former Chief of Staff of the Command Council of the KungsArme's General Mansdottir arrived under heavy guard where they were quickly shuffled off to a undisclosed location pending questioning prior to any charges being presented against them. Archon-Regent Steiner promised both men would receive their day in court, to answer for their plot to instigate a new FC/DC conflict by invading the Tamar region with FRR units operating under DCMS colors.

  Immediately after that she announced that the FC had just completed discussions with the newly elected Prince Elect's representative. The aim of the discussions were to mend the rift instigated by the deposed Magnusson and begin a new relationship. Much has changed of late Katrina noted, that it was in our best interests to help the Republic move out from beneath the shadow of it's failed leader and of being a Comstar creation. The FRR is here to stay and the FC will defend their right to exist  provided they remain good neighbors of course.

  In other news on the other side of the FC spokesman for Duke-Regent William Davion announced that Arthur Steiner-Davion was not only alive but had been returned to his family on New Avalon. No details about how the young heir had come to escape the horror on Outreach was immediately disclosed, only that they would be in several days when the Regent addressed  the people about the news that has filtered out concerning the fates of Northwind and Outreach.
Faction Roleplaying Boards / Re: INN News Thread
November 15, 2014, 02:31:15 AM
FedCom Co-Regents declare day of mourning and vow justice for the victims of the terrorist attack on Tharkad.
  In a join statement from both Duke Townshed and Archon-Emaritus Steiner a day of national mourning was called for in the wake of the nuclear bombing of the Triad and devastation wrought on the surrounding areas. Presently investigations are underway and while all possibilities are being looked into by the intelligence services more then a few are looking at Comstar, specifically the extremist factions following the orders of Primus Waterly and currently waging war against both the FedCom and the Draconis Combine.

  Regent Steiner who was attending a series of briefing at the Lyran State Command Center at Asgard when the attack occurred has set up temporary accommodations there for the time being as rescue crews and other relief efforts work round the clock to save any who can be saved. In addition she in a short interview with the media answered questions.

"Regarding the accusations of collusion between the Combine and Comstar prior to 3040 that were so conveniently leaked, that the Combine had a close relationship with them is no secrert, we learned that truth of this during the 3039 conflict. That said I know from my own daughter that Waterly also only a year or so ago was trying to buy the Commonwealth's friendship with promises of Losttech and all manner of other gifts such as the Invincible. Well we know now while she was offering with one hand she was readying a dagger in the other behind her back."

"To the questions regarding the our neighbors in the FRR, I am glad to see that the people of that realm have voted Prince Elect Haakon Magnusson out of office. I have seen the evidence obtained by LOKI on Tamar and the other worlds attacked that the invaders where  KungsArme units and mercenary commands in their employ pretending to be newly created DCMS units. Perhaps the Prince sough to take advantage of the distraction caused by the conflict with the Confederation to grab a few systems and distract us with a expanding conflict with House Kurita."

"As to our silence on the matter we have been conducting behind the scene talks with the Coordinator as to how to deal with this deception in addition to dealing with our common enemy on Terra? Our preference is that this situation be dealt with peacefully, with the withdrawal of all FRR forces from our space and the return of our worlds presently occupied."
(Lovely, so who is died and what all did we just lose? Will be waiting with baited breath for the fall out, literal and figurative.)
September 1st, New Avalon

12:30 am Royal Residence

  The Duke's reply was not what Lady Anna had been hoping for "Absolutely not." he replied without hesitation as he looked up at her from the reports she had just delivered from the Foreign Ministry.

  Going with her most diplomatic tone she opted to not simply give up on the subject "But Your Grace, we need to have someone attend this meeting on St. Ives and not simply the nearest AFFC Officer we can toss onto a ship to get there. There are a number of diplomatic issues that will need to be addressed, just from the reappearance of the Camerons for starters and a simply military representative will be poorly equipped to deal with them."

   Setting down the file William leaned back into his chair as he regarded her, forcing himself to not dismiss what she was saying , even if that was his immediate , gut reaction. Damned it all if she wasn't making sense, course she was a diplomat and damned good at talking you into agreeing with her. "The alleged Cameron's!!" he said finally "First I'm not simply going to take word of that...woman alone. Even assuming this isn't yet another of her deceptions, they have no nation to support them and frankly they're going to cause us more troubles with the Taurians then we already appear to have Anna."

  "Now you are right about us needing someone from your side of the street for this, so I want you to get with your Boss and find someone we can send who can actually get there in time. Even if I ordered them to set up a command circuit you wouldn't get there in time. Besides, you have a daughter to look after and considering that no one has returned that we have sent to the last two diplomatic meeting like this , I will be damned if your going and that my dear is final!"
Reply from New Avalon

  I rather doubt this is the genesis of a reformation of the Star League that Primus Waterly was entertaining amidst her mad, fantasies of a new SL with her at the lead. From my own conversation with Precentor  New Avalon prior to her murder I was told that we likely face a lunatic, who thought to use the revelation of the fate of the Exodus to launch herself to higher levels of power,and that she may well be a pawn.

  The Blood which apparently the name the descendants of Clan Wolverine who fled back to the IS and allied it self with Comstar, she believed was supporting the Primus for their own purposes and that she was of the impression they would rather see the whole of the IS go up in flames to deny it to the Clans. After the most recent actions taken by the ComGuard forces under their command I can not doubt that we are dealing with a  evil, the likes we have not seen in many generations.

  Your Sister, Lord Kurita, my own cousin, Archon Melissa narrowly missed by a sniper's bullet within days of each other, all prior to the conference on Terra? The Primus's forces were already in motion before our representatives at that conference voiced their first concerns about her demanded action to deal with the existence of the Clans.

  It can not be understated that we, the Great Houses must put aside our age old squabbles if we wish to see the immediate threat posed by Waterly and her minions ended, let alone look to being able to stand up to these Descendant's of Kerensky when and if they return.

  Your news about the finding of Lady Cameron is not something any of us would have imagined and I look forward to hearing the full details of how she came to escape Amaris's clutches. Much work lays ahead of all of us, not only amongst those of us who are already working together against Waterly's ambitions.

  I hope that the FWL will not allow it's self to become a puppet and thus an accomplice of the Primus's crimes. It's quite clear that the Primus seeks to sway the League to her side, hence the lack of attacks on former Hegemony world's presently in League hands. Nor are her efforts solely aimed at the FWL, I have no doubt her minions are busy inciting the Periphery States to foolish actions while we are distracted by the fighting around the Terran system.

  It's high time we all dealt with the states of the Periphery as they deserve, and that is as independent, sovereign states, worthy of our respect and not a collection of back wood bumpkins. Our ancestors and the Cameron's made the mistake of condescending to them and it was  the Pollux Proclamation and the following conflict to drag them into the SL against their will that in my opinion lost that body it's legitimacy.

  The recent conflict between the FWL and the Periphery Pact members has ROM's finger prints all over it namely I believe ComGuard troops disguised at Canopians invading a number of border system then vanishing into thin air. Coupled with the FWL's recent conquest of the Circinus Federation, someone is trying hard to see us at one anther's throats, you can also look at the recent accusations from the Protector against the Fed Com.

  We need to engage the Periphery as equals or our common enemy will happily whisper into their ears about the Davion Boogeyman, or the crusading Leaguers or those sneaky back stabbing Capellans and how we're coming for them. Build bridges with them that bring understanding and advancement for both sides, not simply drag them into our quarrels just to gain and advantage over someone else.

  I believe that my fellow Regent will agree, and if she doesn't I certainly hear about it, the the FedCom will be sending representatives to the meeting on St. Ives. There is much to discuss in order to get the nuts and bolts of a combined effort ironed out and we have not the luxury of a great deal of time.

Duke William Townshed-Davion



In his study William turned off the monitor at his desk once the INN feed was done "If only all of the Primus's rats would squeak so conveniently when provoked? It would make cleaning the vermin out so much easier , but still one more for the list." he said to himself as he got up and went to check on his family before retiring for the night himself.
Faction Roleplaying Boards / Re: INN News Thread
October 12, 2014, 01:43:02 AM
INN New Avalon

Today Duke William, Townshed-Davion issued a scathing condemnation of the brutal orbital bombardment of the surface of Northwind by ComGuard Naval forces loyal to Primus Waterly and the secretive cabal known as The Blood. The Duke compared the actions taken by the Primus over the past year or more as coming straight out of the Amaris playbook of dirty tricks and atrocities and a return to the indiscriminate warfare of the 1st Succession War.

He issued a call for all those within Comstar who are not party to Waterly's mad ambitions to stand up and either refuse to carry out her orders or to openly oppose her and her allies. All that is required for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing, he paraphrased the ancient saying and that for those with the courage to stand to know that they are not alone.

When asked about the recent accusations from Protector Thomas Calderon, His Grace's response was (quote) "Poppycock!!!! I hate to burst Lord Calderon's bubble but he should lay off the paranoia flavored cool-aid that the Rom agent assigned to him keeps giving him. All we know presently is the people in question have expressed interest in joining this ISDF movement to oppose the lunatic cabal running Terra. There is and has never been any plan, scheme or inclination of the part of the Sun's State Command or the FedCom to interfere with the Taurian's internal affairs on any level sorry but I'm of no mind to repeat the Old  Star League's stupidity, I much prefer living peacefully with our Periphery neighbors."