Marian Hegemony IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by Dave Baughman, March 16, 2010, 08:52:56 PM

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Dave Baughman

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

GI Journalist

Andiron System Listening Post
Marian Hegemony

Emergence waves for an unusually large number of jump ships were detected at the Andiron Nadir Point. We confirmed drive plumes and motion signatures from a small group of defensive aerospace craft, but no DropShips approached the planet. The ships appear to have recharged their drives via jumpsails and jumped out of system. We received no communications, but have tentatively identified them as MAF from long range visual inspection.

Ordo Vilgilis Compound, Alphard
Office of Section B, Delatura Militaria

Prefect Bret Hedican frowned at the report on his desk and rubbed his closely cropped temple. As chief of Marian military intelligence, he kept close watch for enemy operations within Hegemony borders. True, he had expected to see movement from the Canopians, but not from that sector.

Caesar would not be pleased.

Hedican would notify Director Svoboda of the intrusion, though chances were good that he was already aware of it. Sometimes Bret found himself wondering at how he came to be working for the man. The two of them worked as team mates during the days of the Directorate of Security and Intelligence, and Hedican had been senior. Back then their biggest goals included escapades such as breaking into a senator's safe. The Prefect smiled to himself at the memory. Svoboda had been a real monster when it came to locks. Come to think of it, maybe that is what had put him ahead. It never hurt to have a little black mail in your pocket, and Jaroslav Svoboda had enough to fill volumes.

The director's door was shut, but Svoboda called him in before he could knock.

"Salve, Bret. Come in, we have much to discuss."

"Semper vigilos. We do indeed."

GI Journalist

New Venice, Marian Hegemony

The man watched appreciatively as Star Colonel Kaylee Addersin performed her daily routine. His crisp neo-toga was warm in the morning sun, but not so warm that he would have been comfortable in the Star Adder's current attire. "The delatores weren't kidding when they said sans vestis," he muttered to himself. If not for the shadow of the nearby Star Adder DropShip, he expected the display would have attracted quite a crowd. Those willing to brave the looming vessel in search of a show were carefully noted in the reports, but she certainly seemed to invite attention. It was almost enough to make him overlook the DropShip that the Star Colonel referred to as her embassy, and perhaps that was the point. He at least had the sense to wait until the woman had finished her routine and was fully clothed before making his approach, unlike that idiot centurion the Legion had sent to investigate when they had realized the DropShip had no intention of departing.

"Dies bonus, Star Colonel Addersin. My name is Craig Adams. I can certainly admire your...dedication." Craig made a point to examine the woman's physique. "I can see why a warrior such as yourself would be committed to training each day. What I can not grasp is why you would volunteer for diplomatic duty to a nation such as ours. Among my countrymen, such assignments are more often a punishment than a reward, yet here you remain. Caesar is troubled by your persistence. If you are so persistent here, when you've been given no encouragement, how can he believe your Clan will abandon the Magistracy? He wants to bring an end to this senseless conflict, but so long as the Star Adders remain there, none of the Periphery states will see reason."

Craig paused, looking Kaylee Addersin directly in the eyes. Clearly the reports had not done her justice. This woman was much more dangerous than any of the delatores had recognized. Was this how snakes hypnotize their prey?

Nonetheless, he pressed forward with his question. "I have the ear of Caesar. What assurances can you offer him?"


Kaylee smiled at her visitor, his presence having been noted some time ago during her workout, the slight coloration of his face coming from more than just the bright sun overhead, "Dedication and persistence is the hallmark of my Clan, Mr. Adams," she says as she braided her long hair, "As to why I volunteered, the answer is simple. I wish to fulfill the Khan's desire to restore a Star League that lives up to the ideals of the original, instead of the mocking copies that the Inner Sphere has tried to pass off as being the inheritors of the Star League."

"And even amongst my people such a duty would normally be considered a punishment, seen as not fitting for a Warrior," she responds, "Times though are not what they once were, and with a pragmatic foresight, the Khan is determined to ensure that Clan Star Adder changes in order to fit with the modern Universe. His vision includes establishing strong ties with all noteworthy Periphery Realms, especially those that were subjugated by the House Lords under the guise of the original Star League," Star Colonel Addersin states, "and in a manner of speaking, still are."

Stepping closer to the Marian representative, close enough so that he can feel the heat radiating from her body, she adds, "In the fear and paranoid ignorance bred by past experiences, and fed by the propaganda and slander spread by the Successor League, your leaders labeled Clan Star Adder as no different than the Successor Lords. Only the Magistracy sought us out, only the Canopians have had the courage and honor to deal with us as an equal, and asked our Khans what our purpose and goals are," Kaylee comments.

"Your Coalition has acted no differently than the Successor States, when offered the opportunity to talk, you invaded," the statement made with a tone of condemnation, "and had Clan Star Adder been intent on military conquest of your Nation, do you not think that it would have set a purely military force in the place of civilians."

Stepping back, and clasping her hands behind the small of her back, and tossing her hair to the side, the Warrior of Clan Star Adder adds, "As to what assurances I can give your Caesar, they are the same that were given to the Magistrix. The same partnership that was intended for the Taurians and Outworlds Alliance had you all accepted the saKhan's invitation to attend the Summit of Major Periphery Powers instead of launching an invasion as part of the Coalition of Periphery States."

She pauses briefly, shifting her gaze to the DropShip looming above them, "What the Khan desires is something that concerns and should interest your Caesar. Something that is best told directly, face to face," another pause, her eyes once more meeting those of Craig Adams, "along with the Canopian Magistrix and Concordant Protector simultaneously."

"Convince your Caesar to arrange, and host, a new Summit for the Leaders of the Major Periphery Powers," the Star Colonel says, "and all will be revealed at that time. You can give the Caesar this assurance, he will be surprised by what he learns should he agree."

A slight lowering of her lashes, and a coy smile on her lips, she adds, "Now, unless you wish to continue this conversation and participate in the next phase of my morning routine, close-quarters, unarmed combat," a flirtatious lilt in her voice, "I would surmise that we have concluded this discussion for the time being," as she concludes speaking, she folds her arms across her chest, pushing her breasts closer together and slightly upwards, and awaits the response of the Marian.

GI Journalist

As the man fought to recompose himself, a wry smile slipped through the cracks in his demeanor.  This Star Adder envoy knew her weapons well and used them to her every advantage.

"As tempting as your offer might be, I think the Legion has tested the strength of the Star Adders quite sufficiently. I have no wish to repeat the effort."

Painstakingly ignoring the DropShip, Craig made an attempt to regain lost ground.

"I am Caesar's ear, not his voice, so I can not give you his decision. But I can tell you this. Honeyed words are unlikely to win Caesar's favor. We Marians' do not share our neighbor's history of oppression at the hands of the Star League. We do, however, have a keen sense of history. It is not by chance that we have modeled our nation after one of the pillars of Terran culture. Suffice to say, no Marian would believe that your Clansmen have gained the respect of their fellows merely by asking for it. Much like the Terran nations of old, you've bitten, squeezed, and crushed to get where you are. If we are to deal with each other as equals, you should acknowledge that."

Craig's head began to nod as he emphasized the last point. Words were well and good, but respect was earned at the expense of blood and treasure. The Marians had spilled plenty of both.

"Let me offer you some insight, so that you and your Khan might understand us better. We have adopted Roman language, and with it, Roman thinking. In Latin the word for frontier is limes. The plural is limites."

Craig paused for a fraction of a moment, letting Kaylee make the connection. Then he made his point.

"Where others only see limits, Marians see frontiers."


(OOC: will get a reply up later today or this evening)


Kaylee smiled at the Marian, "While the Legion has tested our mettle, nothing can compare to first hand experience," she says, "should you change your mind, feel free to impose at anytime Mr. Adams."

"The Khan's influence is likewise very powerful with Clan Star Adder, Mr. Adams," she states, "His interest in history has prompted many of my fellow Clansmen to delve into the subject, especially on those ancient cultures which, through military conquest or conflicts, came to influence Terran culture. I seem to recall several Nations, of sorts, being in this area of the Periphery. Perhaps you have heard of them, they were called the Lothian League, the Illyrian Protectorate, and the Circinus Federation."

The Clan Star Colonel, having once again locked her gaze with that of the Marian representative, waits a few moments for her words to have an affect before continuing, "Our cultures are not so different Mr. Adams, only interstellar distance and the culture that inspired our individual leaders separates us. The Khan sees no reason to follow the ancient paths laid down by those cultures and repeat history, learn from them most certainly, so instead of having angry barbarians at the gates of Rome, they come in the spirit of respect."

"On the matter of frontiers, I am confident to say that your Caesar and my Khan are of like minds, after all, Clan Star Adder is here when no other Clan has expressed any interest in the Realms of the Periphery, either militarily or monetarily," Kaylee says.

Another pause, a frown creasing her lips, "At least for the time being. And none will have the same peaceful, relatively speaking of course, intent as the Adders. Clan Star Adder will be the only one that is willing to deal with you as an equal, should a Clan such as the Blood Spirits come, they will be looking for your heads on pikes, nothing less will appease them, and they will hold nothing back in order to accomplish that goal."

"Granted they are the extreme of the Crusader Clans, so the possibility of them venturing this far out of their way is virtually nonexistent. Clan personalities run the range much like the Successor Houses, and each can change literally overnight should a new, more popular and powerful Khan take over the reigns of leadership. Fortunately though, most will honor agreements made by their predecessors."

"I suppose the question, or questions, that need to be posed are these; Which frontiers is your Caesar interested in exploring, and does he want to face the unknown within those dark frontiers alone," she asks, the stress on that one word intentional, for even though her command is effectively cut off from the Clan, it isn't entirely isolated from the outside Universe, and while they are unsubstantiated rumors to the best of her knowledge, snippets of those rumors relating to a group calling themselves The Dark have managed to reach her ears.

"When he has given voice to those answers, I will be here, keeping myself busy and entertained in a variety of ways," the smile she gives him leaves no doubt as to the how.


Triearchos Charles Norrington, one time commander of the MHS Carausius, sat in his apartment on Alphard.  The lights were off, and the only illumination came from the glow of the city outside.  The etherial yellow, green, and blue glows made for a disturbing contrast on the furniture and walls of his apartment.  It also fit his mood well.

Tonight was a bad night.  The empty bottle of whiskey and the empty shot glass in front of that merely confirmed that fact.  His uniform was half on, unbuttoned wherever possible, but nevertheless somewhat draped over him.  His face was covered in unshaven stubble and his right hand twitched as he picked up the signed photograph that sat in front of the whiskey bottle.

To Charlie,

Congrats on your promotion and appointment as commander of the Carausius.  You'll do us all, and especially me, proud.  I hope we get the chance to serve together for the glory of the Hegemony.

Your friend, Fujori

How many times in the past few months had he read that photograph?  How many times had his mind wandered back to that day when he failed Fujori?  When he failed everyone.  How long would it take for the pain to go away?  Charles knew what was coming next.  The tears began to well up, a mix of sadness, pain, and alcohol.  He put his head down on the table and began to sob.

The knock at his door was unexpected.  He was still, officially, an officer in the Marian Navy.  Though ever since their return he had been relegated to "indefinite leave" to allow him to "recuperate" from his injuries.  Nevermind that his injuries had been superficial at best.  Nevermind that Claire Auggie, former commander of the Duilius, had been brought back to active duty and cleared of all wrongdoing.  Or that Tom Deane, fromer XO of the Scipio, had similarly been brought back.  No, Charles was the scapegoat.  Furjori's falling on his sword had not saved his friend, merely deepened his guilt.

The second knock at the door, followed by a voice calling for him, broke him out of his lethargy.  He stood up, a little warily, and began to button his uniform.  He went to the door, and finished buttoning his uniform before opening it.  There, to his surprise, was Trierarchos Alexus Constantini.  She had been the commander of the first Carausius, the one lost at the great naval Battle of Butler.  Upon her return she had been promoted to the Chief of Staff to Praefectus Classis Lorenzo DiSoble, commander of the Marian Navy.  Without waiting for an invitation she came into his place.

"Looks like you've had a rough few months Charles."  Whether it was the human contact, or the alcohol, or her condescending tone, Charles was  not in a mood to play along.

"No thanks to you Alexus.  You, your boss, everybody, have seen fit to keep me in purgatory."  He closed the door and turned on some lights before walking into the living room.  "So is this visit personal or business?  Do I get the honor of being told that I'm being held responsible for the destruction of the Marian Navy?"

Alexus barked out a short laugh before reaching into her uniform pocket and pulling out a letter.  "Charles, you need to clean your act up.  The Review Board has finished their investigation.  As the senior surviving officer, you were naturally held under a very fine microscope.  You have no idea how hot the breath of some of the senators was during this.  This letter clears you of all wrong doing and reinstates you as an active officer in the Marian Navy."

Charles barely registered what she was saying.  He had been immersed in his self-destructive pity for so long he could not recognize good news for what it was.

"And to where am I going to be stationed?  Commander of the first Garbage Scow Flotilla?"

"Charles.  Charles, listen to me.  Your report, and the report of everyone else, was glowing.  Your performance was all that could have been asked for.  You are, without a doubt, the star commander of the Marian Navy.  Or at least you were," she said as she looked around his disheveled apartment.  "Your first appointment is in charge of the Marian reclamation efforts to get the Carausius back.  Once you do that, she's your ship again.  Is that good enough for you?"

"Absolutely."  Her words had been like a bolt of lightning through him.  He found himself naturally standing a little straighter and feeling the alcohol a little less.

"Good.  Report to Praefectus DiSoble at 0830 tomorrow morning.  He'll give you the brief of the political situation and let you know what resources you'll have at your disposal."  She turned and walked to the door, opened it, and then spoke one last thing before leaving.  "I suggest you shave."