Clan Ice Hellion IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by Dave Baughman, March 16, 2010, 08:56:16 PM

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15th February 3070
Drop Ship "Intensity"

With Coventry still nagging on him, Philippe had calmed down since then, however this new Journey was not to his liking either.

But at least there was time to work off the "Paper"-trails. A humongous task indeed. But there was no denying that it was vital to any Warmachine.

Requests, plans, Reinforcements, Weapons, Bloodrights... weapons? That was no request, it was a Data Package from the Senior Chief Tech!

Quickly opening, he was greeted by his trusted Caste Leader. He spoke to him about a weapon that would be most welcome by the Warriors. Some ScienTechs were responsible for this and had worked with Techs for this since quite a while. He commended them for it. Then it came to the specs. Interesting. It would help the Touman, Philippe thought. Then came some Design Modifications and their Trial runs, some proposals for Omni Configurations and a final overview of weaknesses and strengths for it.

Philippe typed his message back, the distances were too far to get it working otherwise.
The Warriors would be pleased, although his Mech would not need modifications about it.

Next topic, the 1st Flurry petitioned Reinforcements, not yet..

He sighed. Rose was great at her job, but the Clan was strapped for Material. All flowed to allies, the Watch or to build new units. Also rebuilding damages.

A new message catched his attention: Elissa??

Reading it, he was between sadness and activity and hastily typed a response. It could mark an upswing in every way for the Ice Hellion. Even more he wished to escape the blackness surrounding him and have access to real people to talk to. It had shown that he liked that.


Elissa, you have done well.

I have no doubt that the Ravens would have given more if their first offer had not been agreed on. However, considering the circumstances, you did good. Liaison Teams are already underway at full speed to assess the situation and to prepare integration. It will be not easy, knowing the mindset of the Fire Mandrill, neé Camels, but given our history and the unfortunate but inevitable movement of Amy and 1st Galaxy as well as the Klines, you will be easy to integrate. If nothing else, the action you will see on the fronts will keep you and your Warriors occupied enough. And if it helps, rest assured that the Khan is granting you a long leash, so to speak.

The loss of Victoria Lynn to the Adders is unfortunate, but it cannot be rectified. The other "defections" are good with us, I hope you can keep some ties with them, the Spirits may hopefully see through their stubbornness and may talk again, at least that is my hope. Those Warriors may hopefully serve as a means of communication with them, in whatever regard.

What is quite unfortunate however, is that your forces lack full strength. I had hoped the long time since Antares or the worse engagements with the Terran Scum had given you opportunity to repair and get to full speed. In any case, it is good that you provided us with this detailed data.

A special liaison team is already underway to New Caledonia to secure the databases of your Clan, lest they fall in the hands of undeserving. I would not care if the Ravens got them, they have most of the blueprints already, I assume, but I do not trust the Bears. I do not know what happened to Athena Kabrinski, but I fear for the worst. If we must wish that the Ravens can keep them loyal, that is a very thin veil of hope.

Resources are also moving your way to make use of what you provide, to get you back on track and to what you can do best. Rest assured, your legacies will not become extinct.



Raina sat in the dark. It was still some days until ferrying over to the transport from the "Eisfluch" which she had visited for planning sessions. She had headache. Considering she had a big head and also an implant for an eye, the headache was big as well. What would the next month bring? She could make the biggest advance for her Clan in history, however, she could also lead her Clan into the biggest defeat in history, since the bloody civil war that left barely a Galaxy or two.

Now, she was not concerned about her own death, if she had the chance to go to ground, she would lead her forces as natural. If Connor was up to the challenge of being Khan however, that would be the question.

So far she was the leader and she was unsure. Of course, the Watch and recon would hopefully reveal what awaited them so they would not stumple in completely blind, but doubts remained.

A shell of a Clan would be like inviting the predators. 'Come on.' It would not be that bad, the important part was the navy. On the ground, there was still considerable power in the Homeworlds and even here.

She grabbed her head. It was just a terrible task to lead a Clan. She wondered how Sellen accomplished this until becoming ilKhan. She had a natural flow around her and all went to her pleasing. Raina had seen no problems with Sellen back then. Was natural beauty part of the concept? Elementals were rarely that attractive to the majority of Warriors and even within the Elementals, Raina knew she was among the .. unattractives. Not that she would have no coupling partners, but still. Perhaps Mechwarriors were indeed the natural choice for leading, being a blend of all the genetics had accomplished.

Slowly she stood up, workout was needed. Even with headache, it would help. She knew it.

Thankfully, a GravDeck was available.


HPG Transmission
From: Jurgen Tanuyama
To: Khan Raina Montose, Clan Ice Hellion

Khan Montose,

Your clan's attacks on worlds in the Skye region that have declared for the CLP is in clear violation of our cease-fire. You were advised of this development and this outrageous action is nothing but a stain on your clan's honor. I demand an explanation for your blatant violation of our agreement. I had believed that the word of the Children of Kerensky was worth more than that of the conniving Successor Lords - the fact that our agreement was breached after two months is an impressive achievement. I had not thought it possible, but if your actions are as they appear, the opposite may, in fact, be true.



13th June 3070

A vid is transmitted throughout the vast Ice Hellion holdings.

The Khan speaks again. She looks older and more worn, but a certain pride is in her eyes which makes her left eye shine. Even if her face is still not likely to draw much breath.

"My People. In the last months, a new, decisive development within the Clan known as Camel came to the surface. This Clan ceased to exist, knowing that alone they could not survive. Most of this Clan's Elements approached their old ally, our Clan Ice Hellion to bid for shelter. We approved and welcomed them into our midst. Now we are stronger than ever, materially and spiritually as we have inherited not only many of their units but also their holdings and genetic legacies. We will defend them with our lives. Currently, joint operations are already underway and they will accomplish their goals.

However, this inheriting of most of a Clan also brings to the fore a problem: You know that our Scientists were guilty of high treason and were brought to justice for it. Now, we inherit a Scientist caste of their own. Naturally heavy investigations are on the way to find out if they have anything to do with that horrible betrayal that befell several Clans, even if the Camels already have weeded out many of their Scientists.

But still, I will not disgrace our new brethren with the same harsh measure of justice I did to us. As such, the Scientist Caste will now be reinstated. Note that this will have to prove its worth. All former Scientists who behaved without any negative record are to augment our new brethren in their caste. Determination of fitness will be done by their superiors.

Do not get this wrong, our strengthened Tech Caste achieved stellar performances and even technological breakthroughs in the meantime. For this I commend all of you. If we can keep this level of cooperation and achievement for the time being, I have no fear for us. Our Clan will become stronger and stronger and will survive these dire times." She smiled at the camera.

"I thank you all. May Kerensky gaze fall upon us and take pride in us."


Worker Sven was nervous. Of course, he had earned this privilege but all the people looking at him. 'Concentrate on your task.' ChiefTech Klemens was hopefully nearing the end of his speach, about the subject of the day, why Sven was here and the deeds of Sven, out of which he was chosen to be here. He had worked hard his entire life, with dedication and somehow his boss had nominated him. Then the higher-ups agreed with that and now he was on Shipyard H-1 Beta, looking via Trivid Cameras and through thick Ferro Glass onto the "Lightning Bolt" that was just being finished by the Workers and Techs out there. It was an impressive ship. And built by his own Clan alone, no less. Despite his nervousness, he had to smile proudly. Part of this success was his work.

"And now, Worker Sven, you may release the ship." Some cheers erupted out of the mass of visitors when he ceremonially and slowly grabbed for the single button that would start the release process. A Tech had been honored with christening that ship when it was half ready, other Workers already had this privilege with the many Scout Ships the Clan had built, but this here was the first true Warship the Clan had built. He pressed the button suppressing his shaking.

The Clamps were removed and ever so slowly the Ship manoeuvered out of dock. Some last checks were to be made but no one could doubt the perfection of it.

Now the crowd cheered loudly and repeatedly, partly at him, mostly at the ship. The Trivids covered the event for the other Clanmembers.

Inner Sphere
Onboard the Eisfluch
Khan's quarters

"My Khan, the "Lightning Bolt" is preparing for her first flight. She is out of dock.", the Admiral proclaimed. She nodded at the small. Connor was there as well as was Loremaster Lienet. The small Admiral continued: "I also am proud to declare the Naval forces at hundred percent. However, the replacements not included." "Thank you, Thea. It is good to know. However, the ground forces are still lacking many Warriors and equipment, we must address this as soon as possible, especially as we are attacking the Arc Royalists. With them in our sides we cannot advance further without risking our gains in the back."

Philippe spoke up: "To address this, my Khan, I propose more Volunteers units to free the forces of the Flurries and others to strike into the AR. So far those units have been a success and I do not see how it would change." Connor shook his head. "No, increase the Touman by another Front Line Galaxy, that is all we need. I am in place to smash the AR right now. They have no chance."

Philippe countered: "Unproven Warriors, saKhan? At least increase the Volunteers to one Galaxy, buff up the Zeta Prime some more, especially in the light of the newest stupidity of the Spirits, they worry me more than the AR right now."

The Khan nodded. "More Units, aye. I share your worries about the Homeworlds. If they cannot get rest, our actions here will be jeopardized. First, quiet those worlds, then take down the Scientists. When we have done that, the Lyrans will fall once and for all, freeing the path to the Terran scum. The others shall care about the Scorps. I will look into the sibkos and the stream of reinforcements if there is room for new units, by now, however, keep yours together and minimize losses. I do not like what the Falcons are doing with their Robert."

They nodded and thought about this issue for a while as the talks went on.


Onboard the "Intensity"

Philippe had his meeting with the Khans and all was plotted for the future. It was not sure what the Falcons were really up to, but it would be dealt with. One way or another. The Adders and Vipers were another matter. As long as they went along, no problem, in the case of the Adders at least, they thought and moved again, manifest with the deal about land swaps and Tech he had struck with them.

Then there were the Spirit Cats. If they really did what Philippe thought they would, well that would make them huge. Already the taking of the Capital of the Star Leagues Chief was a stunning feat. One that would not have been possible without the FWL's help, of course but alone the logistics involved were far beyond his or his Clan's capability.

The three worlds beneath Star's End, however, would need to find a solution with the Hellions. Either take them or preferably deal for them. The Cats were short on manufacturing power, he knew, so this could be the key.

But then, the Hellions were expanding their industry to all new levels but the future projects demanded it so. The second liners would have to be bolstered, not only in light of the Spirits or Scientists, but even to cope with the expanded holdings and to protect what was built.

And then there was the rebuilding of the Naval Stars. The "Cage's Pride" had to be built as a Flagship. Perhaps even 2 McKennas? Then the losses in the last battles. One destroyer and perhaps a Battlecruiser. The cost in men and material for this was mind-boggling and could only be seen as a long-term projects. He estimated 3 years at least. Then there was the reactivation of almost all bloodlines. Hard fights would be needed to get that done. And with this, the increase of fresh blood that wanted to the higher levels. Given the nature of these Warriors, he did not know for how long he or the Khans could hold. Even Connor, unbeatable in this time, would get older. A sentiment he would fight a Grievance against, Philippe thought amusedly.

Raina could have some years, she was still a great Warrior. At least the Watch was now up to what was needed.

Now to the League. Despite Coventry, advances had been made. And the League needed help. Alienating most IS powers when your communication depended on them, was risky. But the Hellions would provide it. And perhaps, even a deal for Warships could be done? He would have to send a message again.

'Preparing the Clan for the future..'


(Any faults on te game are mine, I have no clue about Rugby. :P)

Morges 3070, 04.12.


The game was pretty close compared to all those before where the 90th Striker Irregulars had defeated the Morges Lions with ease. Today it was the 45th minute and the Lions were close with 45: 40. It was soon that Beta Galaxy and the Ice Hellions would move against the Arc-Royals, so they might be distracted somehow. Anyway, the Lion's tactics had improved to cope with the Hellion Warriors. They even had "bought" two new trainers from other Beta Clusters to help them.  And it paid off. However, the next minutes would decide the match. If the Hellions would make another successful attack, the game was decided. Brent, himself not much smaller than the Elementals against him with 2.05 meters and well built was distressed. His opponent, Warrior Andrew had tackled him so many times and he was in rage. The last maul was just seconds ago and the game would go on soon, but what did Brent do? He moved forward and punched Andrew in the head? The big Warrior shrugged it off and answered, however, this allowed the Irregulars to go forward as the referees did not call it off, which catched the Lions on the wrong foot, obviously. While the two big men brawled, for Andrew in a quite mannered way, which he would decide for him with an armlock, the Hellion onslaught could not be stopped. And soon it was over. The Hellions were unbeaten in 12 games. But it had been close at last.


Several months later, the first worlds of the former Arc Royal Defensive Cordon, later becoming the core of the CLP, were falling. Arc Royal would follow. The Ice Hellions would fight alongside their Allies the Jade Falcons and the Robert Loyalists against fanatic opposition, eventually overcoming them with their proficiency, power and skill. 


Loremaster's Cabin

Another bunch of reports. Just seven years ago, he would have never thought of wasting so much time on data and paperwork alone. But, alas, this was his job. The Khans, even though he was helping them, were not much better off.
Really doubtable that any sane Warrior knowing this would apply for this position. Perhaps all the gloryseeking Warriors would be calmed over time? He could not imagine someone like Asa in such a powerful position. It should be forbidden for his manner had destroyed so much in fits of rage and blustering.

Anyway, back to the reports. Another bunch of Recon Ships were nearing completion with the Admirals demanding more. Always more. Sure, it was a definite advantage for the Clan and they were affordable enough, but more important to him was the keel laying of the Cage's Pride II. This was an expensive thing but nevertheless, much needed.

nd while he was at the naval things, the new Theta Galaxy Clusters reported combat readiness. His head could not get around those numbers of Elementals, thousands of them each. It spoke for the Clans's power that the sibkos were that massive. And they were still expanded. However, even so, and increasing part were freeborns to help fill the slots. Of course they would always be inferior to true Elementals and could only pilot light and Medium Suits, but for Space Ops they might be most suited, if not more than the bulkier Elemental breed. Many ships still had small gangways and the smaller the Marine, the better they could manoeuvre. At least that was his argumentation when it came to deciding the influx of freeborns even into the Elemental Arm.

Freeborns were now nearly everywhere. While Zeta Prime still was their own realm, the most talented were found in recognizeable numbers on the Front liners. And it was good. Tensions were still there, but with holding Planets in the Inner Sphere there was no way around Freeborns in the Touman.

Ah, yes, the Volunteers. There were enough even after strong filtering that were available to serve there. But it would cost resources as well. He would have to look into that. Perhaps the UIW would have something? The FWL, even? Construction crews were only waiting the final sealing of a deal that would send them to those worlds building HPGs.

Another issue was the Mjölnir. But well, might as well keep it as it is an excellent design.

Then there was R+D. Interesting stuff. Could very much help the Clan in the endeavour of keeping others at bay. But they needed to expand their Infrastructure. More holdings, more resources. The Arc-Royal Worlds would be taken with or without any interference. He would deal with it.

The Khan was finally moving back to the Homeworlds for a time to have an eye on the development and to supervise the first Ops of 5th and 6th Marine Clusters. As an Elemental it would certainly spur on those Warriors that their Khan was watching them.

And it was a dicey mission as well. The last two Wolf-Traitor Stations out there would become either Ice Hellion or interstellar dust, but as the 2nd Coming had been spotted just a bit spinward of Wolf Orbital 82, one Cluster could ran afoul of them.

Hopefully, the Bloodfoul traitors had moved on.

And then there was the thought of grouping the Fredasas into a single naval Star. With the "Instigator" coming up, there were five now. Their deployment mode would not change much, but their organization would change for a bit. The Independents were not up to date anymore. The name would have to be snappy however, to depict the independent nature of their Captains.. Frost Bite perhaps, or Whirlwind? He would leave that to others.

The Oaxaca and Star of India could merge into the Hunting Wolf Star, thus leaving only the Transports without a binding structure. Hmmm... he mused. A new Potemkin would help fill in the always strained logistics that happened when a Clan was either in the Homeworlds and in the Inner Sphere. However, the cost... Talks to the Admirals were definitely in order, the Naval Part would play an increasing role in the future. And perhaps one time it was not out of the question that an Admiral or Commodore would become Khan...

But not before Connor was Khan.

Thinking of which, both Keshiks demanded their Aerospace Arms repaired if not expanded, while Delta still needed a start on theirs. His own Gamma finally had theirs and that was good. Omega Prime was pleading for their full complement of Clusters.

If he was a Spheroid, then he would have sweared. What was that? 'Goddammit!' or something like that. He stayed with 'Freebirth!', though. The Merchants he would have to talk to, then the Worker. Those people had worked and continued to work so hard for the Clan. It was tough to find something they would appreciate and which could spur them on to work even more without slowly destroying them. No doubt, the Clan had expanded in all dimensions but to cope with the growths there was things missing on all ends. And he had to think of this. Last day, his coregn had noticed the first grey hair on him. It shook him to a certain extend but not much. He was somehow beyond worrying about his age now. It still mattered as long as he would be a Warrior, lest he could not stay in his position.

His eyes burned and he went to rest. He needed rest so much.