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[Diplomacy] 2207 Paulus Prime (v's CHH), Turn 11

Started by Parmenion, February 23, 2011, 12:15:50 PM

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Paulus Prime Zenith Jumppoint

September 3091

Unannounced, the Clan Hell's Horses jumpship suddenly materialised at the Paulus Prime jumppoint.  The smallest of the Clan specific jumpships, the Hunter class made excellent scout and reconnaissance ships.  Not be mention on the rare occasion diplomatic missions needed to be conducted.  Such as now.

On board, Acting Senior Merchant Jessper sat waiting.  With his superior, Senior Merchant Christian co-ordinating the relief and garrison efforts back on Gustrell, Jessper had suddenly found himself in charge of the next leg.  And although feeling decidedly naked what with the unsupported jump into a potentially hostile system, he quashed that train of thought before rising to send off his communique to the Spheroids inhabiting Paulus Prime itself.

"Leaders and people of Paulus Prime.  I am Acting Senior Merchant Jessper of Paulus Prime.  For some time now, our Clan has been re-establishing contact with the various groups that make up the periphery area in this region of space.  Several systems have willingly joined the Hell's Horses, capitalizing on the protection we bring as a Clan, and not to mention increased trade and technological standards.  Bearing this in mind, I am here to offer to you all the opportunity to do more than scratch out a living on the dusty plains of this planet and join with the Hell's Horses for a better future for yourselves and your offspring".   


"Deciding to join? This is a much different attitude then the first time Clan Wolf came and killed our people because they were related to pirates. Then we were claimed by the horses and abandoned during the times of trouble. We are a people that feasted on freedom! When we took what we needed, we were called pirates, when the Clans did it, it was an honorable way to acquire shit. We're damn tired of the hypocracy of it all. We'll let you have your old enclave back, there are more resources then we need, but leave our people to believe what they want to believe and you have yourself a deal.

((CHH would get the planet uncontested, but if accepted, they would have to RP an external Indigenous people here and if they were ever convinced to turn on you, they would not have to make planetfall because they're already here))


"My Khan on Csesztreg is prepared to go so far as to allow certain latitudes for those who willingly join.  This extends to peoples such as yourself on the conditions that you accept that it is Clan Hell's Horses that make foreign policy, you desist from any private adventurism in the name of taking what is not yours (unless the Horses allow them to) and the only military force you enjoy would either be a local militia or Clan Hell's Horse formations.  If local militia, they are to act under the senior Clan commander on planet at all times."



"We would agree under these terms and would not stand in the way of any who wish to rejoin your herd. In exchange we ask you extend us likewise consideration. Our people have been reborn from the hearts of the damned. We have ways to change a man's heart. In short, what we ask for are your criminals. So that instead of being forced to live in a society that doesn't want them, they be allowed to seek redemtion. If you want, I can explain more of the process over a meal of roasted turkey?"