[RP/MM] Turn 43: SLDF vs UIW 1213 Inarcs Hostile Movement *COMPLETE*

Started by LittleH13, October 11, 2010, 04:55:49 AM

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A SLDF/Wolf forces enters the system.
"Inarcs controll we are moving through the this system on our way to Kowloon. We will be exiting after we recharge our jump drives."

Delta Naval Reserve   Patrol Star Alpha   Independent Wing   2
Delta Naval Reserve   Patrol Star Beta   Independent Wing   2
Delta Naval Reserve   Patrol Star Charlie   Independent Wing   10.5


Quote from: LittleH13 on October 11, 2010, 04:55:49 AM
A SLDF/Wolf forces enters the system.
"Inarcs controll we are moving through the this system on our way to Kowloon. We will be exiting after we recharge our jump drives."

Delta Naval Reserve   Patrol Star Alpha   Independent Wing   2
Delta Naval Reserve   Patrol Star Beta   Independent Wing   2
Delta Naval Reserve   Patrol Star Charlie   Independent Wing   10.5

"Delta Naval Reserve, this is Inarcs Control, please stand by for clearance, you may be bound for an active Conflict zone, we've gotten a Status Red alert state on the Kowloon System, they are expecting the arrival of severe unfriendlies, and the backup in-system doesn't like you guys much, Over."


"Have a care Wolf Actual.

Free Worlds League interests on Inarcs will not brook any "Accidental" Weapons Discharge's in the Inarcs System. Mind your Manners and see that all you do here is recharge your drive's and play nice with the locals."

7th Tamar Cavaliers Aerospace Brigade V/R 2.5 FP


The SLDF forces jump out of system after recharging their drives.