[RP/MM][Complete] Turn 38 TH/DC vs. CDS Naval Engagement - 2313 Ridderkerk

Started by Dave Baughman, April 28, 2010, 12:25:32 AM

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Dave Baughman

OOC - this was delayed by movement requests and the Planting ambush. At this point, I'm going to assume that the force at Planting is going to either be wiped out or be so badly damaged as to not be pertinent to this mission so that we can resolve this before the end of the turn.

A mixed force of TH and Draconis Combine forces arrives in the Ridderkerk system, heading at full speed for the Diamond Shark blockade...

TH and DC will use coordinated combat under TH command

Luxor (Terrible Thoughts)   Commanding Admiral Ian Marsh   Lithium Fusion   Elite   Fanatical   31.5
Luxor (Alliance)      Lithium Fusion   Regular   Reliable   21
Luxor (Oliver)      Lithium Fusion   Regular   Reliable   21
Luxor (Procyon)      Lithium Fusion   Regular   Reliable   21
Luxor (Sirius)      Lithium Fusion   Regular   Reliable   21
Luxor (Syrma)      Lithium Fusion   Regular   Reliable   21
Aegis (Immortal Spirit)      Lithium Fusion   Veteran   Fanatical   25
Aegis (Righteous Fury)      Lithium Fusion   Veteran   Fanatical   25
Aegis (Swift Justice)      Lithium Fusion   Regular   Reliable   20
Sovetskii Soyuz (Wells)      Lithium Fusion   Regular   Reliable   20
Luxor (Shadd)      Lithium Fusion   Regular   Reliable   21
Luxor (Keid)      Lithium Fusion   Regular   Reliable   21
Fox (Vulpes)      Lithium Fusion   Regular   Reliable   26
Fox (Alopex)      Lithium Fusion   Regular   Reliable   26
Nightlord (Sword of Glory -- ex-Emerald Talon)      Lithium Fusion   Regular   Reliable   20
Fredasa (Kerensky's Pride)      Lithium Fusion   Regular   Reliable   5
Fox (Lycaon)      Lithium Fusion   Regular   Reliable   26
Fox (Dusicyon)      Lithium Fusion   Regular   Reliable   26
Fox (Pseudalopex)      Lithium Fusion   Regular   Reliable   26
Bitchū Matsuyama      Regular   Reliable   42.00
Aizuwakamatsu      Regular   Reliable   42.00
Kōriyama      Regular   Reliable   42.00
Yonezawa      Regular   Reliable   42.00
Yoguchi Battle Group      Veteran   Fanatical   72.75
Chishima Carrier Group      Veteran   Fanatical   138.25

Total FP: 802.50
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


[Diamond Shark Blockade folds and retreats from the system]

"Stravag look at them! Contact all commands emergency jumps, no one left behind, do it!."

All ships quickly jump out from the Ridderkerk system, with such a massive force arrayed against them.


OOC: I've mentioned this before the the TH, The following ship is the Kerensky's Blues, not the Pride. The Pride was a Congress.

Fredasa (Kerensky's Pride)      Lithium Fusion   Regular   Reliable   5

Dave Baughman

Quote from: Fatebringer on April 28, 2010, 01:36:27 PM
OOC: I've mentioned this before the the TH, The following ship is the Kerensky's Blues, not the Pride. The Pride was a Congress.

Fredasa (Kerensky's Pride)      Lithium Fusion   Regular   Reliable   5

Wasn't Keresky's Blues a Vincent 42? I might just be misremembering however. Regardless of what it was before, lets resolve this by having the toasters rename it.

Going forward, this ship is THS Vision of Justice.

The other "ex Clan" ships will probably get similar names in the near future.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Kewl Beans. To find out the original postings of ships I usually go to this site ;) At the bottom of the list is usually NPCs and Warships ;) It's way out of date now. :P
