Free Rasalhauge Republic RP Thread

Started by Daemonknight, March 29, 2014, 02:27:17 AM

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Oct 4, 3042
Rasalhague, KungsArme HQ

From the outside it looked like business as usual.  From the inside, things had not been this busy since the (the FRR would prefer to forget that this past incident had ever occurred).
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November 8, 3042
Rasahague, Rasalhague

In a large room sat the heads of the different governmental departments, as well as the heads of the MIMIR, RIIA, and KungsArme.  Princess-Elect Elsa Lidstrom thanked her Finance Minister for his report.  "Now, i'm sure we are all very curious to know how the anti-pirate operation is proceeding. General Mannerheim, the floor is yours."

"Thank you Princess-Elect.  The operation has been succeeding.  Of the three planets we assaulted, there were three very different results."  General Mannerheim, paused as the screen showed the periphery border of the FRR and the planets beyond it.  "As you can see, we sent three sizable assault forces to Gustrell, Nyserta, and Elissa.  On Elissa, we found that the pirates had fled and hid among the populous of the planet.  With help from the local police forces and informants, most have already been rounded up.  This was our most successful assault of the three.  There was no property or infrastructure damage and no collateral damage."

"On Nyserta our forces met light opposition.  After a brisk engagement, the opposition was over run.  Again, most of them were captured during or within days after the battle.  There was also minimal property and infrastructure damage, and minimal disruption to the locals."

"Our third assault was on Gustrell.  Our intelligence had told us to expect one regiment.  By the time our forces had arrived in system, the size of the opposition had grown to 4 regiments.  The battle lasted a few weeks before the last remnants of the pirate opposition was finally neutralized.  Due to the ferocity and length of the engagement, there were not a lot of prisoners taken.  Considering the scale of the battle, the amount of losses taken by the KungsArme, and the amount of damage done, to the local infrastructure and populous, was as low as can be expected."

"On all three planets, the local governments and civilians seemed relieved to be rid of the pirate leadership.  Unlike the last major operation," the general could see frowns appearing on the faces looking at him, "our troops have felt the appreciation of the locals.  Their professionalism, care for the infrastructure, nature, and customs of the local regions has minimized the usual 'adverse' affect that conquering troops have on a planet.  Now that the KungsArme has shown to be trustworthy and honorable, the locals have provided us with additional intelligence.  General Mohn, would you please continue this briefing?"
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November 8, 3042
Rasalhague, Rasalhague

General Mohn, head of the MIMIR, stood.  He did not stand up quickly, but for a man of his age, he stood tall and still presented an imposing figure.  "Thank you General Mannerheim.  Members of the Government, as you know, the KungsArme, RIIA, and MIMIR have been working closely together in this operation.  I for one am very pleased with the level of cooperation the MIMIR has received from the KungsArme and the RIIA.  I think the results show us some of this."

"General Mannerheim was saying about the local populations of Gustrell, Nyserta, and Elissa coming forward with new intelligence.  This latest intelligence is dark and sinister.  We have been receiving some reports from agents on planets further out from our border that hinted at this, but the locals have, er, fleshed out this picture greatly."

"To put it bluntly, Lady Death and her pirates have moved forcefully to subjugate and extort the population remaining under her control.  This is being done in ways only the most blood thirsty ISF or, to go back through Terran history, Nazi leaders could even contrive.  Those locals most involved with Lady Death's organization, say the crime syndicates, corrupt officials, mafias, and local lowlifes, left the planets prior to our assault.  These people are now being used as police and government officials on the planets still in her control.  To say that human rights are being violated on these planets, would be a strong understatement.  In our profession, we do not like to use the word 'evil' to describe anything.  Someone always is motivated by something or some outcome.  In this case, it is hard to see any logic in what is reported to be happening on these planets."
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As General Mohn sat back down, General Mannerheim stood to speak again.  "Princess-Elect and members of the Government, this is very shocking news, especially to a nation that cherishes peace and freedom as we.  However, it would be rash to plan or even ponder action based solely on this initial intelligence.  We are not the saviors of the periphery.  We have not been contacted, officially or informally, by any of the planets still under the control of Lady Death.  For now, the KungsArme has a mission, and we will continue to carry it out until ordered to stop.  Perhaps the MIMIR can be given additional resources to investigate these reports further?"
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The Princess-elect stood to speak.  The meeting was winding down, never could all the issues be solved at one meeting.  "Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for your time, reports, and input.  On the operation against Lady Death, i think we should not be swayed too much by a few reports of abuse of innocents.  I would like the MIMIR to find out more on what is happening behind the front lines.  As far as the KungsArme and it's actions, we shall act together with our allies in this venture.  We do not need answers immediately, but when we hear from them, we will plan our actions accordingly.  Thank you and until next week's meeting at the latest."
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KungsArme HQ, Rasalhague

Things were very busy.  Not know which way the anti-pirate operation would proceed was doubling the workload of the "planners and organizers."  Would the KungsArme keep advancing on a broad front, a narrow front, sit tight to see what would happen at Apollo, or draw back their forces due to the reports coming from the MoC and the FWL of the ex-SLDF forces returning to the IS...
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The Periphery outside of the FRR borders

The orders came streaming in.  The operation would continue.  Lady Death would be attacked again.  She had started this, the KungsArme had orders to finish it.

At the same time on Rasalhague, the HQs of MIMIR and the RIIA were kept busy with their tasks as well...
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Rasalhague, Rasalhague

The Princess-elect addressed her ministers.  "So the KungsArme will continue its operations vs. the Lady Death Pirates.  Now we turn to our response to the "clans" that are invading the FWL, the CC, and some of the periphery states at those borders.  I feel that we would not be living up to our ideals of freedom and liberty by waiting for these "clans" to come knocking on our door..."
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Rasalhague, Rasalhague

"Now, with the latest news of an orbital bombardment by these "clans"... can we start gathering the support we will need to pass an initiative to dedicate more support to the ISDF?"  The Princess-Elect looked around at her staff and ministers.  This time there were more grim and determined looks on their faces, along with nods of agreement.  Rasalhagians could sympathize with those being suppressed, those living without liberty.  This sort of extermination was foreign to them.  The thought that such a thing could ever happen to a planet in their realm spurred them into action...
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undisclosed, Rasalhague

"Princess-Elect, are you sure want proceed with this course of action...?" asked General Mohn of the MIMIR.
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(RP turn 15)
"Princess-Elect, the KungsArme agrees with the MIMIR and RIIA assessment of the current situation.  Once our forces finish their task at [censored] and once the [censored] return to FRR space, we agree that a sizable percentage of the KungsArme and KungsMarine should go to assist the [censored]."  "I agree and hereby order the forces of the FRR to prepare to proceed along these lines" replied Princess-Elect Lidstrom.
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