HPG invitation - Turn 4 Event (pre RP because this might take some time)

Started by Hugin, June 14, 2014, 11:50:22 AM

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"Move, move move, don't give them a inch of space. " Shooting could be heard from the japanese tea garden.
The Kuritan Bodyguard put up a hard fight, but was ultimatly loosing. No bravery could counter the sheer mass of intruders.

In the firefight a team of ComGuard stormed lady Hinata Isus room. The woman was wearing all white and it was this white clothing that stood in a strong contrast to the large blood stain that was on her front side. She must have done seppuku when the troops began to storm the tea garden. Behind her dead body, the flag of the Draconian Carritative Program was flying, unstained in pure white, with the black aesculap dragon on it. Then, a grenade rolled into the room, filling it with smoke, the lightning glance of sharp steel flew through it, cutting a head of. Firing and shooting continued.

Far more silent the scenery was from away. Then a explosion blew up a part of the building, one of the Kuritan guards must have detonated something. ComGuards advanced into to private chamber of Theodore, a Kuritan Bodyguard was blocking the way and was shot while he tried to throw another grenade. The explosion caught up the whole wing. When they entered the room burned bodys were found. Then, a third explosion at the other side of the building.

In the end, everybody was dead... corpse over corpse was lying in the building, it was a bloodbath. Not only what the ComGuards did to the Draconians, but also what the Draconians did unto themselves.


Quote from: Daemonknight on August 25, 2014, 08:46:06 AM
When the red robed acolyte was satisfied that all of the Taurian personnel were present(checked against the planetary customs inspection of their entry documents), the adepts moved out, hustling the Taurians out of the building. They seemed to be in a rush, thought they gave no reasons for this. Curiously, once they had moved down 2 floors, there was no sign of any distress: no armed personnel, infact most people seemed idly confused by the sounds of gunfire. None however, stopped the party to ask, seeming to be all to quick to get out of the way.

Upon getting outside they were placed in a small motorcade of vehicles and quickly whisked off in the direction of the starport. The Taurians were stopped once at the entrance to the starport for a check of their identity, and then again at the foot of an Overlord dropship. There were other passengers, all robed ComStar personnel, boarding aswell. Another identity check(identity documents and facial recognition against their intake pictures), and the Taurians were taken aboard the vessel, which departed the planet for the drop point.

The Taurian staff and guards quickly follows the lead of the ComStar escort. Weapons are drawn at all times pointing towards the supposed threats outside the group and slightly towards the Comstar saviors.  A few of the staff had left their paperwork in their room, one being Ian's wife whom Comstar has many photos of, another an undersecretary of the Concordat, and two Pact Marshal that were more concerned with getting armored up than grabbing paperwork. After some tense moments and other Taurian guards threatening to shoot their way through; Ian and the Precentor are able to calm everyone and the group is cleared onward.

Once on board the Overlord Drop ship the team takes up position close to their charges and some try to get into the bridge control room. Again more tense moments, until Ian steps in and tells his teams to step down and just secure the area that the party is quartered.

As they burn towards the jump point Ian contacts the TCS Foxland, still waiting at the jump point. He informs them that they will allow the ComStar Dropship to dock. He asks the ComGuards to assist his guards in securing the jumpship, while not replacing the crew. Times are hectic and right now who knows where the next terrorist will spring up.

As the count down starts to the Jump; Ian turns to the Precentor in charge,  "Precentor, I would like to know if it possible if some of your men to supplement my guard as we travel back to my home. I would believe my father would like a firsthand report. As for speaking to my father, is there a way we can clandestinely send a message to my father without the leadership of the world that we jump to not knowing whom is aboard this vessel?  "

As the Precentor formulates his reply the ship leaves Terra and the believed terror attacks behind.

(Remember that Ian does not know what is going on in other places. He thinks ComStar helped save him and his wife from what he was told was terror attacks on Terra.)