IMS "International Media Service" -News Thread [Black Box, News]

Started by Altrak, June 10, 2015, 04:32:13 PM

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International Media Service opens it's gates
"Due to instabilities with the HPG Network of ComStar and its politics. The International Media Service opens it's gates, for all those, you don't want to miss out whats going on in the realms of mankind. Always accurate, always on time... we keep you informed..."

OOC: INM transports your transmission also to Memberworlds (unlike HPG)


" Breaking news, it came to our ears that today, the Draconis Combine and the Free Rasalhague Repuplic have signed a contract over the future of the former Oberon Confederation. The Nation, overrun by the descendants of the Rimworlds Repuplic will become a Special Administrative Zone under Samarkands and Rasalhagues jurisdiction. Theodore Kurita, tenno of the realm of the Dragon and Coordinator of the Draconis Combine has announced that plans were made to aid the heavy underdeveloped area. "



" The ISDAB, bank to the ISDF has announced the release of a new currency. The Communication Credit, short named CC. It's director said on the matter that it is a resembling currency to ComStars cbill, also with a fixed course or trade value according to a black box message.

A CC is worth, 50 words of transmission, as it is with the cbill, but due to differences of comm-services the actual value of 1.00 CC is 0.50 cbills. International creditors react interrested."


Ryu goes down, brokers jumps out of window.

The Kuritan house currency, the Ryu, is going down in worth. From its highest point, one month ago and with a worth of 2.15 cbills. The current exchange rate is dropping below 1.75 cbills, further falling. Stock market expert Mitchel Thornman described it as a reaction to the Coordinators announcement to send troops into the Clanwar, the founding of the Oberon Zone and the huge paybacks the Combine has to made towards the ISDAB. Furthermore the Pillar of Gold, the DCs financial bureau seems to bring further money to the market to keep the DC market interresting for international investors. Nobody wants to invest in a hard currency after all...

Tragic ensured, some broker in the League seemed to have set on the false horse and murdered himself by jumping out of the window.


DC announces space station construction
During todays news, the Draconis Combine has announced that it will begin construction of a space station between 'Star's End' and 'The Edge'. This comes with the assignment the FRR and DC have made open the forming of the Special Administrated Zone Oberon (SAZ-O), the newest joint-project of the two nations. The DCs minister of the infrastructural bureau said on the matter:

" It is the will of the Coordinator to further develop the region, for this a advanced infrastructure is needed. Furthermore, the anouncement shall inform our partner nations of the Anti-Amaris Operation, namely the Federated Commonwealth. "

The yet unnamed nation will be within a 30 lightyear jump of 'Stars End', 'The Edge' and the former FRR and FC and now independent world of Icar (hex 2310). Construction will begin in the next three months. Until then, military presence of DCA troops will occur, to protect the construction site.

Mentioned feature of the station is at least a shipyard but detailed plans are kept secret for now. After construction, the station will be added to the special administrated zone.


This time, the transmission was something completly new... on all call centers giant screens turned on, they were there montaged over the last weeks and with the first of July 3042, packages to all Black box Leasing contractors were delivered. The screens turned on and a countdown began running down... in the Combine it differed from only a few seconds to up to 3.5 days... many wondered what this ment and a event was announced once the number reached 0.

Masses gathered on the coming final day and in some cases travellers from outer space reached a planet, asked if the transmission has already started and informed that either, everybody should see this or that they wanted to see it again.


... the vid started, but on different times on all planets of known space and in the furthest outreaches even about a week later.

two persons were standing behind a speeking pult... Tuure Skogsjö of ASA.Inc and JADE 01.

" Greetings Inner Sphere and Periphery Realms, today is a great day... We promised something new, something breathtaking, a gasp of the future.... Ladies and Gentleman... today we bring you, the B-Class Network. This is NOT a recorded video... "


" Well it is, BUT it was send via our newly developed Black Box! From now on, you will get video transmission. "

- loud screams of joy-

" So for now... Relatively LIVE from Luthien... Budokan Hall... "

During the whole presentation JADE 01 had not spoken a word, it was Tuure's show. She was merely here for represantative reasons. Besides the huge video wall behind them were the flags of both companies flying.
The cameras wher off, dozens of television and news channels went online, the live concert was running on the main channel of the IMS.

Jade01 turned her head towards Tuure
"How old are they by the way?"
" Between 13 and 15. "
"... "
" Not mcuh choice left with this... media restriction in your homecountry, surely this is something I didn't miss from the Combine..."
" Well, I like there masks..."

Of course Tuure had never seen the face of Jade01, like the rest of humanity...


Follow up:,18034.msg57164.html#msg57164

Capellan COnfederation
DC-Fortress Embassy

Press was running wild, of course it was well known that the Draconis Combine was seeing ComStar as their arch enemy and therefore the question was valiable if the Draconis Combine would support a nation that did keep its bonds with their enemy.

So it was on Yama Kurita to hold a press conference.

"High-ambassador, is the decision of the House Liao, to keep up the bonds with ComStar influencing the relations between Confederation and Combine?"

" It would be a lie to say that the decision is not influencing the relations, yet we do acknowledge the reasoning of house Liao."

" How would the position influence relations?"

" Military, It will influence strategical planning on international level. Currently only the Royal Marian Repuplic and Capella are upholding their bonds with ComStar. And both are valiable targets for the invading Clans, as all nations that hold up to a HPG Network. Since all HPG-Stations are equipped by ComStar with explosives, we await devastating catasptrophes in the coming years of war. "

" How did the Draconis Combine resolve this problem, after all you also had a contract with ComStar"

" The Draconis Combine was the birthplace of a newer, cleaner and better FTL-Communication, we have privatized it and the companies comming from this have connected the whole known space with their networks. Furthermore we demontaged all explosives placed by ComStar and took appart every HPG-compound. "

That caused a moment of silence...

"So, there is no HPG-Network in the Draconis Combine?"

" There is no HPG-Network in the whole Realm of the Dragon. "

Wide opened eyes... he continued

" HPG-Networks have beocme the roots of evil and are seed for the atrocities of ComStar and the Clans. "

"Aaaalright.... High Ambassador, back to the Capellan-Draconian Relationship..."

" The relationship is good and it will stay that way..."

" But you said it will..."

" It will influence the relationship, yes, for isntance will the Draconis Combine keep delicate informations and strategies to itself. But this has not to concern the people of Capella. We are allies and we stand to our promises. Yet, it is no secret that we are disappointed, we often hear the word Star League and how it should be refounded, but this will not happen if we let atrocities, like the ones on Outreach and Northwind simply go by. "

"Hard words, are you sure that something like this should be said, coming from a realm like the Combine?"

" Are you, right now, insulting the Draconis Combine, on Draconis Combine territory?"

He went silent... realizing the hidden message... "Let...let me rephrase the question: Since when does the Draconis Combine holds this values so high. "

" While it is the will of our Coordinator to eaze tnesions in the Inner Sphere and it was Chancellor Liaos determinded position on the values of old. Furthermore it can be said that the draconian politic in this matter was changed entirely by Dieron. "

" There were rumors about the Combine having met a agreement after the war arround Titan. "

" Yes, we have... ComStar offered repair payments and we signed a 10 year truce with them to not engage each other. We met the agreement that we would hold up to this treaty, if they do not engage any of our allies. Since we considered the whole Inner Sphere, including the Federated Commonwealth, our allies at this time. "

Once more, silence

"Why then all ComStar workers have been deported. "

" With ComStars statement to fight the clans at Terra, ComStar reduced itself to a mere Comm-Company. We do not allow heavy armament on civillian companies. Furthermore companies are taxed, they refuced to be taxed, and rather relayed on their old Interdiction-politic. Sadly for them, we did not care at this point for before stated reasons. Since we also can not allow a mere company to threaten our security at any time they want and put explosives everywhere, they were deported. "

A servant was walking up to Yama, slightly bowing and he jsut nodded.

" Last question, " he then said...

" How is the official position of the Combine towards the Confederation?"

"The people of Capella have proven themselves as most trustworthy of our allies. The two nations are greatly supporting each other in the last years and we are looking forward to uphold this bond. We see them as brothers, in ghost and spirit and will be honored to fight side-by-side. "