[Turn 14: RP] Strategic talk "counter the clan"

Started by Altrak, June 16, 2015, 09:22:03 AM

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Censored summarisation of the strategic meeting to counter the clans currently going on...


Quote from: Valjean on June 03, 2015, 11:13:10 PM
OCC: I am not playing the MoC or the TC any more, so have no idea what they are doing. To make the roleplay and turnsheet work easier for myself I am taking the initiative here.

This message goes through the JADE network on Niops.

President Chuck Maledden of Niops, sends his regards to the ISDF and the Free Worlds League.

We have lost all communications with the Magistracy and the Concordat. In this trying time of threat and concern action needs to be taken. To that end Dróttning Lorelei Logan of the Lothian Palatinate, Imperator Marius O'Reilly of the Marian Hegemony and myself; representing Niops, have entered talks into creating one Marian Royal Republic.

We wish to formally declare so to you our allies and neighbors insuring our continuing support of the ISDF.

We would like to share our concern over two things:

1) The Clan invasion: This is the most pressing and we would like to know what is happening with our allies in the ISDF. We have heard that the FWL is joining the ISDF, if this is true and our allies believe it is helpful the MRR is able to send units into FWL space to assist in any counter attacks, but we are concerned that sending these units will lay our own realm open to the Clans. Instead maybe we would welcome the ISDF/FWL units to stage out of or move through our space. Again the concern is great that this action would lay us open to attack, but for now nothing is keeping us free, but the Jade Falcons concern of the ISDF/FWL.

2) ComStar: We do not have full access to the Black Box communication networks from the Inner Sphere and we have seen the vicious attacks that ComStar has done to our ISDF allies, but we alone can not act against them. Our units are ready to move to claim the local HPG network, but will the ISDF or the providers of the Black Box tech be able to insure our continued communications with the other realms?

We await your words and look forward to peace through victory.


Quote from: Altrak on June 08, 2015, 09:01:01 AM
Ooc: writing from my mobilephone on a Bus... So it will be Short ;)

@2: all periphery Nations are connected via the Free Rasalhague Network. Furthmerore all national capitals may have a Jade Black Box. If you want to seize all HPG stations please do so, you are safe from interdiction.

@1: ISDF, FWL and DC are working on a solution in the Clan invasion. However this is a Long Term project. The DC strongly
advices that you do Not take offensive actions for now. We do have contact to the TC and MoC rulers and will introduce you to a strategy shortly.


Quote from: Altrak on June 11, 2015, 08:01:34 PM

After a while another respind came in, reachin for all ISDF members and coming from Kunji-no Kanrei Asano

" Lords of the Inner Sphere and Periphery, fellow commanders and warriors. Today it is my honor to present you the DCs second counter-clan strategy:

Our plan is to ████████ ████ ████████ rimwards of ████ ████████ ████████, ████ ████ and then outfit troops and strike them from ██████. This long term strategy would at least take two years to take effect but we do think that it is worth the effort. We suggest ██ ██ █ █████████ on marked blue locations.


The ██████ █████████ have priority above the others as resistance of Canopus is falling and sadly, we expect the same from the Taurian Forces. The enemy is a monster indeed. The ████████████ once has offered to built highly effiicient ████ ███████████ and we are interested in taking the offer. This would reduce the costs of the project to ███████. Furthermore, the DC would cover another ████████. Reducing the costs of the project for construction ██ ███ █████████ ██ █████████.

Therefore, █ ██████████ ███ █████ ███ ███ would cost ██████ instead of ██████!

We do know, that we can't expect participation of the FWL or the CC in this, as they have to hold the line, no matter what but we do hope that the FRR and the remnants of the Periphery pact are willing to give ██████ per ██████ per ████.

Once finished, ███ █████████ shall go under ISDF command and be outfitted with either ISDF house units or DCMS troops. We can begin search for ███ █████ █████ of the clans in our homelands (████████ █████) and strike vital locations.

This strategy will further keep the Marian hegemony, NIOPS and the Lothian Palantine out of the war, as the troops will have not their colors.

What do you say?"

OOC Summary:

Step 1.) █████ ████ ████████ ██████████ █ ██ █ ██ █ █ ███████████ ███ █████ ██████ ████...
Step 2.) ████ ████ ████ ███ ████ ████ █████████████ █████ ████████....
Step 3.) build troops (ISDF house units)
Step 4.) strike hard at vital points


Quote from: Valjean on June 15, 2015, 12:45:58 AM

From The Marian Royal Republic;

We mourn the writing off of the Magistracy with out any hope of retaliations or actions and we are not surprised that the Concordat has been left to itself to be a bribe from the Federated Commonwealth.

We understand that there needs to be a long range plan against the Clans, Yet TODAY our home sees an enemy at the gate and we are told to support a plan that does not come even close to fruition until long after possible invasion and subjection. We fearfully question could it be that once more the periphery realms are looked down upon and we are to be used as a "speed bump" as the ISDF moves to protect the Inner Sphere holdings.

The MRR can not in good grace send funds to this endeavor as we fully invest in the "now" and muster our own small forces waiting for the inevitable.

We ask one last time for clear action from the ISDF, that promised us that ALL were equal members, to send either forces or monies to build the defense in this realm.

We also ask that every opportunity is made to save the forces and leadership of both the Magistracy and the Concordat so that they may fight another day for freedom of their forfeited homes.

Imperator Marius O'Reilly
Consul Chuck Maledden
Consul Lorelei Logan


Respond from Draconis Combine towards Hegemony Answer:

Quote from: Altrak on June 15, 2015, 05:41:45 AM

From the Draconis Combine;

Imperator Marius O'Reilly,
Consul Chuck Maledden,
Consul Lorelei Logan,

we have not yet given up on the Magistracy and we consider the periphery nations equals among equals... but we have to admit, the clans have surprised us all. They have attacked not from the awaited direction, in far larger numbers and earlier then anticipated. We do understand your frustration at the current situation but by all means, do not think that we are taking this lightly.

The clans have attacked us, before we could develop the ISDF to the international defense force it should be, before we could build bases throughout the Inner Sphere and because of this, we must do it now.

The forces of the ISDF were at the other end of the known space, to handle ComStar and we are moving them now all down.

Furthermore the DCMS is adding to them at all given times. The shown project is the second part of the offensive, while the first is a counter offensive by all troops available. We would not mind that the task force Claymore strikes towards Canopus but by the time they could be down there, the named █████ █████████ should be ███ ready. Also we must equip the strike force with ████████ ██████, but for this we have enough time.

We will welcome all refugees from the invaded nations and especially its rulers. Currently nearly all members of the Calderon family are in draconian space, except the Protector of the Realm who is eagerly readieng for the coming battle. We do hope that the Magestrix has taken comparable actions. The Okami troops will strike towards the Jade Falcon within the next ████ ████ but faster strikes are not yet possible.

I would ask of the Marian Royal Repuplic that it rethinks its position on the █████ █████████, because this will be the option for Magistracy and Concordant people to fight for their forfeited homes in the future, if all other strategies will fail.

Furthermore, I have to ask for a personal comm, asking for a explanation of the "bribe from the Federated Commonwealth" as we are investigating their "arrangements" with the Clans.

Kunji-no-Kanrei Asano


Response from Capellan COnfederation towards Hegemony response:

Quote from: Fatebringer on June 15, 2015, 06:09:55 PM

From the CC Representative Arthur Yu,

The implication that we are using you as speed bumps is insulting to the Capellan Confederation. We have been diverting  forces away from the Terran corridor rimward as soon as we heard about the Clans actions. Unfortunately, We ourselves have been privy to their invasion in the form of Clan Star Adder. We had hoped that by accepting the trials they issued, we would have a chance, but instead of bidding down as we were told they would, they have been engaging us in a one to one basis.

Our Bravest have fought well, but they against their superior technology and advanced martial training they have faltered. There was one unit that engaged the Star Adders in a trail using the most advanced systems we can field today. When the Adder Commander heard that they had Star League level technology, he merely bid heavier units and more of them. We cannot continue to engage at these unfair odds.

Our forces still make their way rimward but are not yet in position. Many units from the Capellan Brigade and our small fleet will arrive to assist ███ ████ ██ ██████████ █████ forces and the Macarron's Armored Calvary to hold ██████████ for as long as they can. I feel it only fitting to tell you all that this is merely a delaying tactic. Her Celestial Wisdom has ordered the evacuation of ██████████ and any actions taken will be purely to ensure as many people evacuate as possible.

We have seen the strength of their forces and are not yet prepared to counterstrike. Forces from ████████ will fall back to ██████ █████ using the fleet assets and a prepared series of jumpships laid down to  continue the defense of the realm from there. █████████ agents will work from █████████ to try to infiltrating their logistics centers and gauge their true strength.  In short, our situation is dire; but our resolve is not. As long as the Capellan Flag flies over Sian, we shall fight on!


Answer form Hans Konning towards the Draconian Strategy:

Quote from: Hrodulf on June 15, 2015, 08:54:02 PM

from Hans Konning

The FRR is in full support of the ISDF.  These resource could also be used to firm up a defensive line and to create more regiments to hold off the "clan" assault.  For all factions, big and small, resources are our limitation.  The IS was been through a mini-succession war and a brawl vs Comstar.  The IS has a lot of recovering to do still.

We do not know the extent of the "clan" forces.  We only have snippets of information.  There is absolutely no guarantee that increasing our mech/ASF/warship product will be enough to hold off the "clans" let alone push them back over the MoC and TC borders.  While the ISDF and it's members organizes a defense, the FRR agrees that this plan, while risky, has merit.  As we read through the history of the IS and Periphery, never has such a plan been attempted.  Nor does such a plan fit into the "clan's" way of "fairness" on the battlefield.

Being a small nation, the FRR can not give much, but we will give what we can in support of this plan.  The FRR will also work to work with ISDF members and see if we can be of direct military support as well.


Answer from Kunji-no-Kanrei Asano towards Hans Konning:

Quote from: Altrak on June 15, 2015, 09:06:11 PM

"Fair is a matter of point of view."

The clans seem to bow their "honor code" to their whims, therefore we should act accordingly, by teaching them a lesson they never forget. Our ██████ may be hidden, but our troops will come at them openly. It is not as if they aren't hiding their forces from us,

sadely... they miscalculated...


Calculated mission costs:


This are valid informations and we are going to use them, if needed against them. Surely this will hindre their "reinforcements".

However, before we can try to take a go at this, we must weaken their forces here...


I doubt we have real time communications so I will now use the Ambassador to the ISDF.

Jason Eurymedon was still getting used to the new alliance, but understood the need for it. These clans where the most immediate and clearly overpowering threat Niops or any of its neighbors had ever seen. They new Royal Republic was an attempt to build a strong military alliance over night, now lets see what happens.

"Gentleman and Ladies, I have had only sporadic communications with the Royal Republic. As seen by their letter to this strategic meeting we are highly concerned with the clans taking over the periphery realms. Many of our own, whom still hate the Star League of old are even more outraged that the bast**d children of this oppressive regime choose to use the periphery as a stepping stone.

After debate and calm discussion the MRR will send the needed FP to the mission, know that this amount weighs very heavy on our  already small national income.

What we request is:





OOC: Nope no instant messaging yet. Messages travel at a speed of about 6 hexes/day. So there is nearly a week going by before a response comes in.

Gunji-no-Kanrei Asano was scratching his head, at one time the Royal Marian Repuplic wanted safety and hold back their troops, then they were eagerly offering frontline support. They declined his plan and wanted... no demanded immediate action on the other side, while a valiable strategy still was missing.

Luckily the other Periphery nations were not sitting in the Security Council yet, what allowed the ARAR, DC and CC to overthrow their objections. On the other side this would lead to a missing funding for the mission itself. Furthermore he couldn't get more funds from the Coordinator. The quartal budget for this was already larger than the income of most nations in the inner sphere and further increase would not be allowed.

When he then got the response from their ISDF-representative he shook his head but also immediatly readied an answer...

1.1) The ISDF is working on a support network. It is planned to construct and move a █████████ ████████ in the space between the █████ ████████, ███ █████ █ and ████ ████████ █████ space. The ██████████ will see construction within half a year and will arrive at the target location within the next half year. However, ███ will be in support range for these frontlines far earlier since the DCA has moved a considerable amount of ████████ into FWL and CC space and is operating via ██████████████.

1.2) Currently the security council has concentrated all payments for the lowering of the interdiction of the FWL, as their functioning realm is a military essential to hold the line between Capellan and Marian space. After this, the ISDF banked credits may be used to either help out with the founding of the "█████████████ strategy" or be given to outfit troops in the border regions (including the █████ for the ███).

2.) There will be multiple █████████████, as we have to deal with multiple clans. We advice that the ███ and the ███ arrange between each other where to strike and reinforce best for now. It is further adviced that a nation under attack withdraws and builds up a line of defense before a counterstrike may be done. The moment the DCMS is able to support ████ ███████, we will add troopstrength to your strategy.