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[Diplomacy] Turn 9 - 2525 Terra - Cease Fire [Closed]

Started by Fatebringer, December 15, 2010, 03:12:58 PM

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The Federated Suns is not willing to accept the Raven Alliance proposal, as has already been stated several times.  We don't see the point of giving over Spica for free.


Royce looked at the others. "The Raven Alliance only agreed to a deal that included a fair option for resolving Spica, a.k.a. the tournament. You act as though the Clans invented trial by combat. I'm quite put out by your prejudices for our 'other half's tendencies. There much to be said for the strength of a Great House, apparently the ability to realize when your at an impass and think outside the boxes are not one of them."


(ooc: This is delivered as a note to Moderator Brandi)

Moderator Brandi,

Once again, you are mistaken.  It was obvious that the Capellan Confederation wanted Spica for free and was not willing to pay for it.  You insisted that we offer reasonable compensation requests.  This we did because we trust you as a moderator to perhaps have an understanding of the state of the negotiators and perhaps had more information than we do.

Instead, we are wasting time and coming back to the same tired points.

Apparently, you do not have as deep an understanding of the state of the negotiations as we were lead to believe.  We would like for you to be more restrained in your requests.  Another mistake like that and we would be forced to conclude that your impartiality is compromised and ask the SHAFT HQ for another moderator.

(ooc: Sorry, I have no idea whether Brandi is from SHAFT or Terra, I'm assuming SHAFT)


"I believe the point of these negotiations was to come to an agreement that didn't involve fighting. Well, if the Federated Suns will only give up a single contested world, I see no reason the Draconis Combine should give up two of them. Perhaps my esteemed Combine colleuge has an opinion on that?"

Wu cleared his throat. "If the Federated Suns will not give up two of their threatened worlds, neither shall we. Choose your poison, Mr. Director- Wapokoneta or Cassius. You only get one if you refuse to hand over Spica to the Capellans."
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Did we not just get a so wonderful lesson in negotiating from Strength from your very own ally?  What is the point of all these misdirections? If you gentleman wish to continue the war, just say so and we'll go back to the drawing board.

We will, of course, be cognizant of your negotiating stance the next time that you call fora meeting to waste time.


And once again, Spica is not a threatened world.  There is no combat on the planet.  The Capellans have not landed.

There is a vast difference bewtween that and Wapokoneta and Cassias, where both combats are active and in their final phases.


Wu: "You may say that as loud as you wish, but I am not conjecturing on the outcome of any battle. You may believe your forces to be far superior if you wish. It doesn't matter. You will only ceed a single threatened world, and so will we. Neither the Capellan Ambassador, nor I, have made any mention of the outcomes of the battles that have been brought to a halt during these negotiations. They are unimportant. And if you feel that a premiere mech regiment hovering over a world doesn't make it threatened, you would be a fool.

You have your options, Mr Director. You can accept the facts as they are, and move forewards, or you can sit back and re-start the war. You are the one who chooses to be unreasonable, Mr Director, twisting facts and looking at situations through a one-way filter, that apparently tells you that the FS is the one who is winning this war.

Choose- either you give up Spica and get both worlds you covet, or you keep Spica, and get a single contested world of mine."
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


SHAFT is the Military arm of the Republic of the Sphere, hence they control Terra as well.

Brandi shrugged her shoulders. " You are running out of options. You want to nit-pik with me over this option I proposed? Fine. It's off the table, but remember, I'm here to help. I'm here to moderate, not arbitrate. You guys can go back to killing each other at any time, and I'll be fine with that." She looked over at Ambassador Wu. "I'm starting with you, because your the one that initiated these dialogues. What is going to happen if you cannot agree to a peaceful accord."


Wu shrugged his shoulders. "The Draconis Combine does not wish to persue further conflict, and we didn't want this war in the first place. The Federated Suns attacked our forces, we only moved military units into the area to prevent exactly this type of debacle. We claimed what should be rights have been ours from the start, not under some aegis of flimsy negotiations with the Suns. I see now why the Coordinator lost patience with those negotiations.

If possible, I shall seek to end the war through peace. If that is not possible, then we shall have to weather the storm of the Suns' bloodlust untill they can no longer support the conflict. Or else perhaps the Suns will eventually come to their senses and end this war of theirs. Either way, we might have had a minor part in causing this war, but the Davions are the ones who do not wish for it to end."
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Excuse me? you basically just said: We didn't want this war in the first place, we just started it.

Erm, what? I'm not sure I understand you.


"Director Collins, I did not call on you yet. Please wait your turn." Brandi continued. "It has always been the position of the Draconis Combine that their acquisition of the contested region between the Draconis Combine was the final resolution of their invasion." She looked back at Ambassador Wu, "and yes, even if it was done bloodlessly because the Federated Suns had left no forces in the region to back their claim, your nation sent troops to acquire the Federated Suns settlements. That is an invasion." She looked back at Director Collins, "Which was immediately responded to by your Prince in what the Combine feels was a seperate invasion. These are facts that are obviously in contension but irrelevant. The worlds that are not part of this active conflict should not be on our docket, but the threat of force on several of these worlds has indeed brought them to the table. I've tried to avoid the 'what if' scenarios, but they do keep creeping up." She looked back at Wu. "The Federated Suns quite clearly declared their intentions at the resolution of your absorption of the contested worlds and their intentions to get them back," She looked at Royce, "Thru any means necessary."

"Now, everyone here, I remind you that any proposal here that has not been agreed upon, is likewise irrelevant. The only thing that matters is the resolution we can agree upon, so the previous contested proposals mean nothing and should not be used as a basis for further negotiations!" Brandi paused, "Now, Ambassador Wu, we appreciate yours and the Coordinators patience at these negotiations, but the alternative is the same as it was, a lot of people die. That is the one thing I'm still trying to prevent. I have no current proposal. Would YOU as the initiator of these talks, please issue whatever proposal is truly in your heart and that YOU think can be agreed upon, knowing what you know and why."


Ambassador Wu sighed, and seemed to be quite unhappy with his next statement.

"I do not believe I can offer such an agreement, as what the Combine itself feels to be fair, will likly not jive with what the Federated Suns believes to be fair. We simply have different interpretations of the term 'fairness'. The Combine feels that if it is to relinquish control of worlds that are threatened, but not yet conquered, the Federated Suns should balance that equation. Regardless of the progression of the conflicts, or the chances of success or failure, the simple fact is that at this moment, the contested worlds are exactly that- contested. Neither side can claim actual authority.

So I will make the Federated Sons 2 offers, and they may choose which suits them better. First, however, I offer terms that have thus far not been the center of the problem.

(DC/CC Offer):
-CC retains all salvage from it's conflicts against the FS, contested worlds included.
-DC retains 50% of salvage from all conflicts against FS and RA forces on contested worlds. FS and RA retain all salvage on worlds which they have successfully taken from DC forces(as in zero(0) DC defenders present in system, or on planet). DC retains all salvage on worlds where FS/RA forces have been completely repelled from the surface
-FS forces withdraw from Dobson+Breed
-FS forces withdraw from Victoria
-RA forces withdraw from New Samarkand
-Draconis Combine and Raven Alliance enter separate, private, negotiations concerning Chirala and Koulen
-Draconis Combine will send a unit to represent it at the Raven Alliance tournament
-Federated Suns will send a unit to represent it at the Raven Alliance tournament

(DC/CC Territorial Option #1):
-Federated Suns match Draconis Combine 1:1, in threatened worlds relinquished to aggressor
-Federated Suns want Wapakoneta, Cassius, Dobson, Breed
-Capellan Confederation wants Manapire, Spica, Frazer, Courcellete
-Any other worlds the FS wishes to acquire without fighting must be matched by worlds relinquished to either DC or CC*
*Stipulations: must be border worlds; cannot currently(as of T9) have military forces from aggressor present(i.e., FS couldn't request Dobson/Breed); toxic worlds may not be traded in this fashion; defender chooses worlds it will receive upon relinquishing others(i.e. if FS wishes to acquire a world from the DC, the DC get to choose the world they will receive in compensation; FS MUST agree, or give up claim to world); these stipulations go both ways. worlds already named in this offer can only be traded for other worlds named in this offer

(DC/CC Territorial Option #2):
-All conflict ends immediately. Worlds that have been conquered stay in their new masters' hands*. All invading forces must withdraw from contested worlds, unless negotiated on a case-by-case basis, after the initial armistice is signed.
*Raven Alliance and Draconis Combine will still enter separate negotiations concerning Koulen and Chirala*
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Brandi looked quite pleased. "Thank you Ambassador for expanding the options to being fair and includes options." She looked at Director Collins. "I personally feel at least two of these options have merit." She looked back at the Ambassador, "As the moderator I will refrain from saying which two." She looked back at the Director. "Area any of these proposals amicable to the Federated Suns?"


GM: I regret that a resolution could not be mutually agreed upon, but for the sake of the game, we must move on. The first deal offered by the DC will be put into effect.

-CC retains all salvage from it's conflicts against the FS, contested worlds included.
-DC retains 50% of salvage from all conflicts against FS and RA forces on contested worlds. FS and RA retain all salvage on worlds which they have successfully taken from DC forces(as in zero(0) DC defenders present in system, or on planet). DC retains all salvage on worlds where FS/RA forces have been completely repelled from the surface
-FS forces withdraw from Dobson+Breed
-FS forces withdraw from Victoria
-RA forces withdraw from New Samarkand
-Draconis Combine and Raven Alliance enter separate, private, negotiations concerning Chirala and Koulen
-Draconis Combine will send a unit to represent it at the Raven Alliance tournament
-Federated Suns will send a unit to represent it at the Raven Alliance tournament

The Cease Fire will remain in place for 3 additional turns and there will be a Loss of PS for anyone who breaks it.