Horse Alliance IC Roleplay Thread

Started by Parmenion, October 29, 2010, 01:13:42 PM

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Alpheratz, Horse Alliance

early 3070

Star Commodore Jules Reuterskjold stood on the command deck, watching as his crew went about their duties.  At 55 years of age, he thought he had seen it all.  That is, until six months ago.  Rising through the ranks of the AAC, he had made Chairman and command of a Fighter Regiment before moving over to the black and command of a Invader class jumpship.  Then he had been yanked from his command, sent on the most intensive course of his life for three months, and at the end of it, had beaten several others for command of this little baby.  Well, not so little he thought, as he once more looked over the bridge of the Potemkin class Onverwacht.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Onverwacht, Horse Alliance

Military Reserve

Feb 3070

Over three thousand kilometres away from where the continual shuttle of dropships were landing at the planetary spaceport, a much smaller, but just as important, stream of combat dropships were landing.  From out of the dropship bays strode those versed in the ways of war.  Or who were being trained in those same ways.  Numerous sibkos disembarked and lead off immediately under the command of their nags.  Others, veterans all, joined together to share a smoke, before they too moved over to some waiting vehicles that transported them to other training centres that had been built.  Or half built in some cases. 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Alpheratz, Horse Alliance

Avellar Estates

late Feb 3070

"Thank you all for coming," began Mitchell Avellar.  Very quickly, the hubbub of the chambers died, as Avellar continued.  "I have recently returned from a tour of several of our reclaimed worlds.  The investment of all parties concerned in reclaiming and rebuilding of our traditional systems has been money well spent.  I can say that today, the planet of Onverwacht has achieved a degree of productivity and self sufficiency as to once more be counted as an equal in regards all our worlds. Progress is being made on other worlds to also bring them up to representational level, and I am happy to inform you all that the world of Rondon has been rediscovered.  Initial reports confirm that the planet remains habitable, which     


Ramora Mechworks Beta
Duc d'Albuera Plateau,

Apr 3070

Standing outside the entrance to the giant Mechworks, Colonel Louis Suchet had a perfect view of the lines of Arcas and Stone Rhino 'Mechs that stood ready to receive the warriors of his new command. 

He had arrived a day earlier than his soldiers, to go over the remaining production schedule with the factory's managers and to get a feel for himself how the rapid conversion to Clan standard how gone down.   As growing up on Ramora, he had often wandered close to the factory complex to gain a look at the weapons of war produced there.  Most of it had been a bit boring.  Spare limbs and crates of spares for the most instance.  Sometimes, if he was lucky, he had seen some 'Mechs out on patrol.  Those Stingers and Locusts had looked fearsome to a twelve year old boy, but now he knew with wry knowledge, of those 'Mechs severe limitations.

Not so the massive machines of war closest to him or the line of Nova Cat Omnimechs further inside the complex.  Many in the Alliance still viewed the intergration with the Clanners with apprehension, however for the Alliance Ground Arm, their arrival had been an extra boost to the already vast improvements carried out by the President.  For Suchet, his Black Hawk-KU had remained behind in his old unit, as the cross pollination of tech levels within units was bad enough with a mix of Inner Sphere equipments. To throw in Clan tech, would  have been to invite disaster.  So instead, brand new units had been raised to augment those already in existence.

Tamaron Zenith Jumppoint

Apr 3070

Star Captain Sacha looked on as the last dropship docked with the Blood Horse.  The dropship was a huge Mammoth class from the Outworlders, designed to carry an enormous load of cargo but now modified to carry thousands of personnel. 

It was the Blood Horse's third deployment from the Homeworlds to the new Outworlds region.  Previously, she had loaded with personnel and equipment from Niles, but this time had continued on deeper into the Kerensky cluster and to Tamaron.  Now carrying a variety of lower caste, industrial and technical equipment, and a variety of sibko and training personnel formerly of Coyote origin, the ancient vessel once again readied herself for the long voyage.  Star Captain Sacha, trueborn warrior of Clan Hell's Horses, read off the last status report and turned to his captain to report all in readiness to jump.


Apr 3070

Overseen by a number of bloodnamed warriors, including one of only three blooded warriors of the Zuljdweg line still active, this bloodline trial was the first of nearly a dozen that were scheduled to take place over the next three months.  Although not reaved, most all the lines had languished in limbo for many years, the result of a decision of a former Khan.  But now, given the wide-spread deployment areas the Touman was operating in, James Cobb had decided on a limited reactivation of selected bloodlines to increase the number of bloodnamed warriors.   


Alpheratz Orbital Shipyards

August 3070

Accompanied by President Avellar himself, as well as a dozen senior officers of the Horse Alliance navy, Tanya DeLaurel had spoken little during the flight up from the planetary surface.  Instead she continued to work on the various reports which daily passed across her desk.  Once within view of the immense facility though, she put her work aside and quickly scanned the brief her aide de camp had arranged for her.   Facts and figures of the various Warships completed recently.  The names and photo ID of the senior technical caste who managed the facility.  Projected hull builds, which, if it came true, would give the Alliance a substantial fleet a decade from now.  That done, she stood up and moved across to the viewing window to stand beside the President.

"A fine looking ship, President Avellar.  Aff?"  she spoke.  "Indeed, saKhan DeLaurel," Mitchell Avellar responded as the massive bulk of the Tribal class destroyer 'Cossack' moved fully into view.  Then beyond the destroyer, chiefly a York class but with some unique Outworlds cosmetic alterations, came into view the main reason those on board the shuttle had come out today.  The Cameron class cruiser 'Epona', newly built and ready for commissioning as soon as those on board the shuttle transferred across.  The largest ship built so far in the Outworlds region, she represented a huge outlay in construction costs and time, yet more importantly, was to be only the first in a long line of capital Warships to be built.  The next, roughly twice the size of the battlecruiser they were fast approaching, already had the keel taking shape on the slip and would in all likelihood become the flagship of a future naval star. 

Tokasha Mechworks Alpha

Onverwacht, Onverwacht Province

August 3070

Star Captain Zara clamoured up the side of the lead Epona Omnitank before pausing at the top to take a look around at the trinary of surrounding vehicles, and then dropped down into the commander's cupola.  Quickly linking herself in to the vehicles communications systems, she gave the order to her driver to exit the compound and deploy immediately outside.  She had no qualms but that the armour trinary of the newly reformed 45th Mechanised Strike, Gamma Galaxy would be certified combat effective within time, no matter what the 'mech plodders did.  As coming from the saKhan's Omega Keshik, she had no desire to explain to her former commander any failings.


New Tamaron Zenith Point, Onverwacht Province

August 3070

Captain Jurgen Steinberg, lately captain of the Outworlds Explorer Corp vessel 'Wandering Light' cast a reassuring glance over his bridge crew as they went about their business.  He still found the Clanners too damn quiet in the way they worked, especially after the rowdy crew he had had on the Wandering Light, but as he had said to himself on more than one occasion in the last two weeks, these Clan Hunter class jumpships were a beauty.  Just what was required when searching for lost worlds.

Alliance Astrological Agency, University of Columbia, Alpheratz

October 3070

Professor Rajesh Koothrappali pushed down his own nervousness as the visitors moved into the conference room.  As head of the AAA, he had previously answered only to the Department of Education minister, a revolving door of political appointees.  Now though, a permanent Science Ministry had been formed and sitting at the head was one of the Clanners newly arrived on Alpheratz.  A Senior Scientist D'zulla who specializied in micro-organisms.  What she knew about Astrology he still didn't know, but as long as the Clanner kept away from his work and people, the better it would be.  However she was here today, and not only by herself.  As preceding her walked Mitchell Avellar of all people, and another Clanner.  One of the senior ones called DeLaurel. 

Walking across what seemed like a great chasm to greet the arrivals, he ran through the facts he would be presenting shortly.  Preliminary work that had been undertaken from recent data extrapolations and archival notes.  That Onverwacht Province was developing well with five worlds recolonised, another two hopefully before the end of the year.  With the remainder of the Province settled within five years time.  Averaging three planets per year.  After that would be the recolonisation of Trader's Domain Province.  Which would be tricky considering the astrological difficulties articulated in the archives around the old world of Wynn's Roost.  But certainly doable.   The timeframe for that would be ten years, again averaging three planets per year.  A period of consolidation to ensure the viability of the recolonised planets and undertake preliminary surveys of the next phase, then off to Blommenstein Province in around twenty years time. 

Budgetary financial estimates was running at slightly over 5% of GDP per year for the next fifteen years.  Allowing three surveying/exploration missions per year plus a reserve.  Flow through infrastructure development and secondary population transfer to upgrade the worlds was not his field, however he had the figures in case of questions.  6% of GDP.   Returns on investment had been harder to quantify, however in purely financial percentages, by the fifteen year mark the program was expected to deliver 2.5% above current GDP. 


Horse Alliance Executive Meeting

early 3071

Mitchell Avellar cleared his throat and within moments the chatter around the room died away.  "Thank you.  Firstly, while we do not have Khan Cobb's direct input, I would like to state here and now that we have all seen his vision intent for the next ten years.  So I trust your comments today will be guided by that.  Now, then, the first item on the agenda today includes, but is not limited to, shipbuilding.  Admiral Wood?"

"Thank you, Sir.  Currently, nearly 50% of the overall budget is taken up in the construction of new ships.  Specifically Warships.  And however much some might wish for this margin to be lower, the fact is that we need new hulls in order to remain competitive with our neighbours such as the Combine and the Federated Suns.  We now have the infrastructure in place to commit to some serious construction, even of capital ships, as although the local defence squadrons are suitable for anti-piracy operations and the like, it is our fully mobile units, which Lithium Fusion battery equipped Warships are, which we need in service to have the strategic and tactical flexibility to meet all threats.  With this in mind, we have drawn up a proposal covering the following ten years.  A plan which at the end of that time, will give us greater strength and strategic reach.   First and foremost, this plan is broken down into two year stages.  Within each stage, one McKenna class battleship (25FP) and two Tribal (York) class destroyers (10FP) will be constructed.  The McKenna in service will be complete with full fighter and dropship groups.  The Tribals with onboard fighters only.  A further ship design, such as a Potemkin or a cruiser (10FP) would also be constructed.  This last vessel will either complement the other Warships within the phase, be used primarily for transportation only, or would be available for foreign offers.  Within the two year phase, twentytwo months would be taken up with construction, with the remaining two months set aside for maintenance, upgrades and staff rotation.  This two month 'downtime' would also free up funding for other needs."

"Thank you Admiral.  So, at the end of you ten year plan, we would expect to see five battleships and ten destroyers.   With the possibility of up to a further five Warships.  Yes?"

"That is correct, Sir."

"I see.  Is there provision within the scope to defer any McKenna construction and go with something else of comparable size?"

"There would be Sir, however we would then be going down the path of attempting to obtain the specifications for another Capital ship class from another Clan or realm.  Our sole Nightlord class battleship was built by Clan Diamond Shark in trade, which did not include schematics.  We of course are able to construct Potemkin class troop cruisers, however our philosophy has long been that this ship class transport capacity far outweighs any combat potential.  Especially as has been vindicated over the last five years bringing personnel down from the Clan Homeworlds."

"Mmmmm.  How about within a phase if we went all destroyers?  Would that be feasible?"

"It would Sir, although we would need adequate lead time to ensure the bigger items such as the engines, would be available is sufficient quantity."

"I see.  Well I do not think too many of us here would be opposed in principle to the requirement to build up the Navy to this degree.  Allocating nearly half the budget might be a problem considering the pressures on it from other quarters, however being able to allocate two months of fiscal income to other projects is welcoming.   I would like to hear from everyone else on this, as well as the discussions on our other agenda items, however am prepared to provisionally accept this.  One thing though.   Get your people to present an outline out to twenty years.  We have a couple of other long term agenda items, so might as well wrap them all up together."

"Thank you Sir."

"OK then.  Next on the list is our ground forces.  As I see it.... "


Presidental Palace
Eastern Gardens

Alpheratz, 3073

Mitchell Avellar walked beside his wife of nearly five years, Caitlin Kell, and their eldest child, carrying the reason they were all in attendance today.  Besides the numerous political functionaries present, there was also a number of Kell Hounds, mostly relatives of one sort or another of Caitlin's, but also a couple of the more senior regimental commanders.  Those last were talking to a smallish knot of his senior naval and aerospace commanders.  It had only been a week since the last of the regiments from the contract with the Capellan Empire had arrived back from their eight month journey.  Now that they were once more complete, the Hounds would be taking on the responsibility of the defence of the Cerberus Province.  Not an altogether easy task, considering the border shared with the Combine.  But one the combined weight of the Hounds had taken up with vigor.

Moving on to the last group, he smiled.  Most of those of the Clan present were warriors, who looked as though they wished to be anywhere but here.  SaKhan DeLaurel though, had more than enough clout to keep those in line.  It was Unther Cooper, the hugely tall Elemental with the wicked sense of humour, that could prove to be the undoing of today's ceremony.  As even as he thought to himself it had been such a clever idea to have Unther in the official party, he still hoped the giant would behave himself and keep himself in check.  And it was this last thought that led into a full round of greetings, those to be at centre stage forming up, and the ceremony beginning.

"May the peace of God be upon you all today", intoned the Islamic sheik to start.  Alongside him, the leaders of the other major religions on Alpheratz waited for their turn.  "Today, we celebrate the birth of a new life.   If the name given to him by his parents are any indications, then Morgan Kell Avellar..."