[RP/MM] T 44 CSC vs Lyran Ind. ToP/Invasion? Caldarium 0616 [Complete]

Started by Marlin, November 18, 2010, 08:43:26 AM

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Nostra smirked. "It will not have anything to do with this world General. We will try again, or not, but that will be decided much later. I thank you for your kind words, however. But I am sure, Star Captain Bauer will need some time to get over his defeat. May I ask you for how long you are away from the Magistracy?" he chatted as they walked ta a safe place.


"That is unknown, Galaxy Commander.  As they say, how long is a piece of string?  As just as you are under the orders of your Khan, so do I receive my orders from the Magistrix.  We could have left some time ago, however strategically, once we are gone, then it takes considerable time to return.  I do the Magistrix intends for us to remain until this whole Lyran fiasco sorts itself out.  She was considerably distressed when those responsible killed Morgan Kell, as she had meet him* on more than one occasion."

* ooc:  it would be in the public domain, that Emma Centralla personally returned the body of Phelan Kell from Somerset to Arc Royal, following Phelan's death at Somerset.


Nostra nodded solemnly. "I did not know Kell much, except for all the stories he made. To end this way.. Those who did this, however, seem to have goals for the people of the Lyrans, and seem to make progress. Tharkad fell surprisingly easy. And if Robert does not show up again to speak for his region, I guess many worlds of them will follow. The methods of these Arc-Royalists are despicable, to say the least, but then, the Terran scum is like them." He paused for a bit.

"Is it true that your realm still is under occupation by foreign elements?"


"Major portions of it, yes.  Predominately by the Marian Hegemony, albeit with the backing of this Coalition of Periphery States.  Although the CPS is lacking a few members these days," saying the last with wry smirk.