Sudeten [RP]

Started by chaosxtreme, December 12, 2010, 02:26:50 PM

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Falcon Capital

As he gazed onto the assembled throng of warriors both from the Free Worlds and several clans decompressing after the hard fought trials were concluded on Sudeten Paul Masters thought hard about how best to convey the message he had been charged with by his Liege Lord in the face of the events here and on other worlds.

"Well fought fellow warriors the Free Worlds League shall honor its batchall for the participating Clans."

"To the Steel Vipers, The Jade Falcons, the Snow Ravens and Ice Hellions you have my congratulations on a well fought and honorably conducted series of trials. You have vindicated in every particular the Free Worlds League's decision to meet in trial's Clans who show honor."

Unfortunately my fellow warriors not all among the clans have conducted themselves with honor. You know them well for they had not the courage to stand here in arms at your side.

I of course speak of the Star Adders.

The Free Worlds have shown them honor in every engagement and yet they have shown themselves to have none.

As such I am forced to stand here today and explain why and how the Free Worlds shall no longer treat the Star Adders among the honorable.

Their dishonor has not just been seen by the Free Worlds, Speak to the Oathmaster for the Trials at Coventry. Star Admiral Johann Folkner.  His Authority as Oathmaster was accepted by all parties then when rulings on matters of honor and clan procedures did not go their way the Adders ignored them. Later when they agreed to new trials the Adders again ignored the outcome launching a surprise attack on Coventry in close orbit which lead to the death of so many civilians. They now blame the Free Worlds for these deaths. These lies are unconscionable.

If those outrages were not enough V.I.N.H. has traced the public attacks on civilians at Marik to the Star Adders and elements of Loki known to be operating with forces Loyal to Charlemange Steiner.

As such the Free Worlds name's them oathbreakers and barbarians one and all until such time as they return to the path of honor while we will continue to respect clan ways and Zellbrigen with those clans who have shown honor much as you have with the Free Worlds while other states have acted without it. However these Star Adders, these falseborn bandit caste scum shall be shown none of such.

They have declared war on the Free Worlds and named it one without constraints, as such challenge accepted. We shall meet them with maximum force with no constraints until such time as they weep for what they have unleashed and know true remorse for exiting the system of trials that Aleksandr Kerensky set down to prevent the necessity of war from touching the lives of the lower castes.

In conclusion for those who might think this action rash I would remind you.

The Star Adders violated the terms of the Trial of Possession for the first Battle of Coventry. Failing to deliver the irsorla and then proclaiming that they would not because "The Cards told them too".

The Star Adders violated the terms of the Trial of Possession for the Second Battle of Coventry, when they ignored the rulings of the Oathmaster Star Admiral Johann Faulkner on the Free Worlds right for a trial of refusal.

They violated the terms further when they assaulted Coventry, which was a violation of the Free Worlds Irsorla honorably one at Second Coventry.

They have since chosen to strike without trials and without honor on several worlds forcing the Free Worlds to abandon Zellbrigen after the Star Adder forces have done so.

They have tried to refuse trials offered honorably even as they strike at Free Worlds Formations from the shadows with watch, Loki and Longrein agents because of their fear.

I have even heard reports that they scheme and pro-port to you and other Khan's that the Free Worlds Trials against them were the start of an assault by the Inner Sphere on all the Clans. I would note they have shown honor enough not to say it was a surprise. You see Honorable Khans it was not a surprise the Free Worlds Notified the Adders several months in advance of our intent to launch honorable trials against them much as the Magistracy had and been praised for doing. They welcomed the trials saying that they must be issued at the worlds being trialed for and that we would be subject to counter trials. How do I know this? I was there. I spoke with the Star Adder Ambassador and waited for him to confer with his superiors. All this talk they have put out among you about a new Inner Sphere offensive is so much nonsense.

Tell me honestly as Khan's were a Clan to conduct themselves in this manner with you would you consider them honorable?

Were a Successor State to conduct themselves in this manner with you would you not consider them without honor and mere lucre warriors and sell swords?

I do not ask your help with this fight, not that we would refuse any who feels their honor has been impinged by the dezgra conduct of the Adders.

I merely inform you of how far the Adders have fallen so that you may make your own judgements with a clear mind and all the information.

Again well met to you and your warriors who have won this day.


The CIH envoy hurried to relay this message to her superiors.

She knew that the Loremaster was already coordinating negotiatings, but this would make matters worse.

And increased the need to work together.

(RP underway to get negotiatings on and a ceasefire)


The Spirit Cat envoy and Watch representative also looked with suspicion at the report.

This was really a terrible deed. And peace was instrumental to the Cats. It would have to be investigated by the Watch. And hopefully proven false. If the Adders stooped that low.. unthinkable. But then it could be rogue elements of their new friends.

Anyway, the waste should end so that they could take care of the real enemy. Terra and its allies. Some of them were already about to pay... He went to offer service to the ilKhan and Watch. A seat for the Cats was no in order there.

(OP were can I find the thread for the Placing of Characters within the Watch?)


Diana's eyes narrowed as she read a transcript brought to her by an ICW agent. She sat once more in the Director's office, a fusionnaire on the desk. He was off coordinating something or other, and she was left alone for the next few hours.

It appeared that the Adders had finally lost the last dregs of their honor. Breaking trials, refusing properly formated trial requests, refusing to grant Isorla that was rightly won, initiating dezgra attacks on non-combatants. Not to mention the audacity to send an unbloodnamed eyas of a warrior to a meeting of ranking warriors. Not to mention the stravag bitch had the gall to order us...

Diana had to restrain herself, lest she crush another of the Star Colonel's glasses. Twice already, reports of the Adders' actions had caused her similar anger. It had gone far enough. She decided it was time to deal with this issue, and it was perhaps time that she spoke in the only true language there was amongst the Clans.

She stormed out of the ICW building, calling the Falcon Galaxy Commander in command on Sudeten as she walked. There was business to be discussed...
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


OOC question:  Was an intel op run to provide false records provided here if not, a lot of the above would be easily disproved by data already circulated.

Edit:taking to PM as I don't want to clutter this thread with what I had thought was a simple question.


OOC: Please specify what you think I can't prove, and I will provide you with the OOC proof.

Prior knowledge to the trials? I have PM's where we talked with the Adder Ambassador on Canopus.

Failure to provide irsorla, Pick any of the Coventry threads.

Violation of the no trial agreement at Coventry? Second Coventry thread.

The Marik System Terrorism? Preliminary reports point to Adders and I am not sharing them with you inchar. Because well I don't trust you not to use it to fix the hole's in your intelligence apparatus.

That the Adders were the first to break from the Trial System. Pick a thread with the automated message.

I could go on but if there is something you have a problem with please let me know I made a point of keeping everything in this post out of the grey area of things that the Adders have done in their dealings with the FWL.