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[RP] Hex 3541 - Spitz [Complete]

Started by Mekorig, November 22, 2010, 02:38:48 PM

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The Merchant-class jumpship jumped in Spitz`s sun Zenith point, and most of its cargo dropships deatached and burned towards the the planet, except for a lone Leopard carrying the Taurian Concordat crest on a side. Some minutes later, a message was send from the tiny dropship to the planet.

"To the representatives of Spitz government. I am Colonel Hadji Adani, Taurian Concordat representant to this planet. I would like to have a meeting with you. I will await your answer."


"Mr. Hadji, this is Spitz control, we have a large warship in orbit, do not attempt to land!"


A diferent, and more concerned voice take place in the new message.

"Spitz System Control, this is Captain Marshall Tremor of the TCS Spirit of the 53 carrying Coronel Adani. Please clarify your last report."



Again, the Taurian ship comunicates with the planet.

"Spitz System Control, i am Colonel Adani. We come in peace to restablish offical contact with the planet and its people. I repeat, this is a pacefull mission, a diplomacy mission."


"Yeah? Well, it's pretty peaceful here without you. Go away!"


After getting no comunications from the planet again, and no telemetry on the supposed "warship" orbiting Spitz, the jumpship carrying the Spirit of the 53 jumps away.


"Yay! They left!"

"Do you think they believed us?"

"Who cares, they're gone!"  :D