[RP] Turn 46, Sector 2242, Tanite System

Started by tassa_kay, February 18, 2011, 09:12:33 PM

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Nadir Jump Point
Tanite System

With the silence that only the void of deep space could ever know, a veritable fleet of JumpShips began to emerge from the nadir jump point of the Tanite system.  Each JumpShip, as well as every DropShip that occupied a docking collar, bore the teardrop-and-star symbol that, in a star system controlled by the Star Adders, could only indicate one thing.

Clan Blood Spirit had come to bring war upon Tanis.

Aboard the primary JumpShip, a massive Star Lord, a figure that had long been absent from her Clan stood upon the grav-deck, observing the goings-on through holographic displays mounted discreetly throughout the cavernous space.  As Blood Spirit naval personnel and technicians went about their duties with diligence and even a bit of an excited fervor, the figure merely watched the central holographic display of Tanis itself with measured impassivity.

A number of figures had gathered behind the figure in a precisely-measured display of subservience and organization, their uniforms and attire indicating a number of the Clans of Kerensky: Jade Falcon, Ghost Bear, Hell's Horses, Star Adder, Wolf, Fire Mandrill, and Smoke Jaguar.  Though their expressions were rather serene for a gathering of Clan warriors, they still bore every bit of the self-possessed arrogance that many in the Inner Sphere had come to expect from Clansmen.

After a frenzy of moments, a lone technician turned to the central figure, lowering his head slightly in deference.  "Channel open, sir."

With that, Kira Keller stood to her full height and stared into the display of Tanis swirling in the air before her.  She was clad in the black-and-red leather uniform that she herself had designed, knives glinting menacingly from the ankle-wrapped straps containing them, and her own thick red hair gathered into a pair of short, almost girlish ponytails.  Her once-cybernetic prostheses appeared to be gone entirely, replaced by regenerated limbs that matched her skin tone almost perfectly, with the faintest of scar tissue indicating the seams between natural and regenerated flesh.

The Blood Avatar had been restored.

"Warriors of Clan Star Adder!  For your numerous self-debasements in recent years, ranging from allowing your Star Colonel Macleod Connery to share his Bloodname with a Spheroid spouse to your disgusting attempts to seat a science project such as your Charlemagne Steiner onto the throne of the Lyran Commonwealth, I declare your Clan dezgra and, in addition, I make this vow today: I will not rest until I have expunged every last drop of your blood from our Homeworlds, to stop your corruption from infesting our people further!  Think on that, and prepare yourselves!"

With that, Kira terminated the connection, and ordered her JumpShips and DropShips to commence their invasion of Tanis.