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[Roleplaying] Turn 11, 2525 Terra - Allied Council, Geneva

Started by Daemonknight, February 16, 2011, 09:20:35 PM

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General Belle Lee watched disgustedly as the delegates filed in. How could Victor stick her with this bureaucratic hellhole? The bastard was just to damned afraid to do it himself. As the final delegate seated themselves, Lee stood to address the Allied council, first fixing the ambassadors from the Draconis Combine, Capellan Confederation, and Federated Suns with a withering glare.

"Now that we have all decided to play nice once more, perhaps we can get on with the business of restoring peace to the Inner Sphere. Territorial claims really cannot be more important to you gentlemen, and ladies, than the survival, can it? The Blakists are still out there, waiting. We do what we can to find them before they strike, but as anyone whose studied the history of guerilla conflict knows, thats not going to get us very far. What we need, is stability, a reason for the worlds that harbor the Blakists, to no longer WISH, to harbor the Blakists.

Now, I am not authorized to set policy. Thats your job. I'm here to direct the conversation. I'm here to make sure that whatever you esteemed gentlemen decide, has the resources to be completed. But that requires decisions! Thus far, no decisions have been made! I realize the recent brush war on the DC/FS front has captivated us all, but now that its over with, perhaps we can get back to the business of reuniting civilization, unless someone wishes to return to the lostech world we've only so recently left behind?"
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


 Enrique took his seat and get himself confortable as General Lee began the meeting. He saw Lee`s stare directed to some of the representatives, and smile in his inside. After General Lee ended her speech with a retorical phrase, he tough it was a good moment to intervene.

"General Lee, i think you are right. The Blakist menace is not over, as several report all around the sphere testifies it. I propose a simple thing, to form a multinational force to hunt down the Blakist remanants. We need to stop beign reactive, and began to be proactive against the Blakist."