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[Diplomacy/Combat Ops] Turn 11 – 1530 Paradise (Continuation)

Started by Parmenion, February 21, 2011, 12:25:51 PM

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MTC Forces

Jump Point Escort:
3rd Commonwealth Naval Squadron - Defend

Atmo/Orbit: Ground Support -
1st & 2nd Marik Militia ASF Wings (2x Med ASF, ST, OS) V/R 89FP
3rd & 4th Naval Wings (2x Med ASF, ST) R/R 49 - 3.5 + 1 = 46.5 FP

3rd Commonwealth Transit (Transport, ST) R/R 40FP
4th Commonwealth Transit (Transport, ST) R/R 10.5 FP
20th Marik Militia (Mdm Mech, ST) R/R 119.5 FP

6th Marik Militia (Hvy Mech, ST, OS, HQ) V/R 320FP + HQ

Paradise Defenders

Raphael's Warning ("A" Heavy Mech Regiment+, RR) G/R - 149 FP


Aerospace Support Roll for MTC

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 4, total 5[/blockquote]


MTC: 320 + 7 = 327 FP
PAR: 149

Combat Rolls - OP5


[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 3, total 7[/blockquote]


[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 1, total 5[/blockquote]


MTC: 327 * .4 = 131
PAR: 149 * .25 = 37

No Crits

MTC: 327 - 37 + 4 = 294 FP
PAR: 149 - 131 + 13 = 31 FP

Morale Roll
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 2, total 4[/blockquote]

MTC  earns a Decisive Victory
Victory Points
MTC: 2
PAR: 2

Salvage Pool is at 211


"Burn in the fires of your damnation! You traitorous louse!"

Pastor Major Montgomery Lasiter drags the Reverand Willie P. Sharp before the MTC personel.

"We will not let all our youngest and finest die here. I have spoken with the other BN Commanders and we can't continue to sit by and let a loud but religious minority decide the fate of our people."

"Blasphemer! The lord is only but three beings in one, but he is the only authority I answer to! Down with your Captain General! Hell hath an eternal pool of flame with your name on it Lasiter! Mark my words, your family shall follow you in the long fall and...." The Colonel's words were cut short by Major Lasiter's fist in his face. He grabbed him by the collar and pulled him close, "Listen here you bible-thumping blowhard! I'll do what I have to for our people, but if you even think about having your 'mission' lay a finger on any of my or any member of this unit's families, you'll know the true meaning of wrath!" The reverand coward away. Lasiter turned towards the commander of the 6th.

"We've lost our way. We try to be good and decent people Colonel, but we're not saints. If you have a will for it, we'd like to stay a unit, under your banner with whatever types of liaisons and protocols you deem necessary." He looked at the other commanders. "These boys are just coming into their own. They banded together for a purpose and they have a future. We served the Captain General once, I say we serve him (her?) still." Lasiter kneeled awaiting judgment for his unit.

((Raphael's Warning turns on their commander and surrender's unconditionally, due to the change of heart, if you accept them, it up to yo if you feel they should be reliable or questionable.))


Couple of questions...

a.  where is the Salvage table as per the rules (p38)?  I can't seem to find the table. 

b.  as a question of interest only, since the RW split their unit in the last operational round, and because the MTC forces won initiaitive the following round, why couldn't the 20th Marik Militia hit the RW battalion that attacked the dropships as they were landing, whilst the 6th Marik Militia stomped the remainder of Raphael's?   

(I know it's only supposed to be 1TLU v's 1TLU, however I would have thought the above make sense considering it was RW that split their forces in the first place).

Other stuff...

I believe all MTC units involved in combat has the ST Unit Improvement.   I'll roll for their additonal 2d6 here:

3rd & 4th Naval Wings (not enough damage to make a difference)

4th Commonwealth Transit:

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 6, total 8[/blockquote]

20th Marik Militia:

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 5, total 10[/blockquote]

6th Marik Militia:

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 6, total 11[/blockquote]


The above ST rolls convert to:

4th Commonwealth Transit:  29.5FP losses x 18% battlefield repairs = 5.25FP repaired

20th Marik Militia:  29.5FP losses x 20% battlefield repairs = 6FP repaired

6th Marik Militia:  37FP losses x 21% battlefield repairs = 7.75FP repaired*

*interesting... that means the 6th Marik Militia drops below 10% combat losses, which means they automatically retain their Veteran level.  Something to be said for the ST unit improvement after all!!


Quotea.  where is the Salvage table as per the rules (p38)?  I can't seem to find the table. 

There was no "Salvage Chart", Dave told us to use the Curved % table, but DK changed the rule to use the Damage Chart.

Quoteb.  as a question of interest only, since the RW split their unit in the last operational round, and because the MTC forces won initiaitive the following round, why couldn't the 20th Marik Militia hit the RW battalion that attacked the dropships as they were landing, whilst the 6th Marik Militia stomped the remainder of Raphael's?   

(I know it's only supposed to be 1TLU v's 1TLU, however I would have thought the above make sense considering it was RW that split their forces in the first place).

The maximum unit size to use the "Intercept" Order is a Mid-Level Unit. The RW sent the max allowable size they could to oppose the landing. If the rule used a Top-Level unit, most of these Dropship groups wouldn't stand a chance, plus it's in the rules that way :P After that fight, the unit returns to it's parent organization. Both unit's were still on the Ground. This actually works out to your benefit because it doesn't allow a defender to split his unit into lets say 9 Bottom-Level units and send them at you one at a time to draw out the combat.

Per the rules, unless it's Naval Engagement, only one unit can engage another unit at a time, this is to ensure all games have a chance at being "Playable". The FP from seperate units that are on Aero or BA support don't count as individual entities for the purpose of a given battle. You can either send one force in to attack or Defend. You do not get to pick your target. A good example would be as follows.

Example: Lets say I won initiative on that last Turn, I could not send Raphael's Warning to go do Combat with the 20th. I send them to attack your side. Since it is your choice who defends, you can send forward the already damaged 20th, or you could send forward the boosted and fresh 6th Marik Militia, as the defenders choice, I'd probably be sending forward the 6th.

QuoteOther stuff...

I believe all MTC units involved in combat has the ST Unit Improvement.   I'll roll for their additonal 2d6 here:

3rd & 4th Naval Wings (not enough damage to make a difference)

Sorry I didn't realize all your units had ST. Not that it made much of a difference for the Wings, but they got one extra FP because they rounded up due to the extra %.


Salvage Pool is 211.

Salvage roll:

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 6, 1, total 7[/blockquote] 


A roll of 7 equals 40% 

40% of 211 = 84.4    round down to 84

I'll get an IC response up in a bit in reply to your IC piece.


Colonel Naomi Kyster, CO of the 6th Marik Militia, stood impassively as the two locals traded stinging barbs, before the second knelt in ancient tradition for the sword to fall.  One way or another.  And it didn't take long to fall.

"The Reverend here, and his entire family will be sent to Atreus to await the Captain-General's pleasure.  His estate is forfeited.  All Battalion Commanders will send their eldest child to Atreus, along with one senior family member as guardian, for a period of four years.  There they will be treated well and schooled, albeit at your expense.  All going well, at the end of that time, they will be free to return.  Your unit is disbanded.  Permanently.  All equipment is confiscated.  Your people can either go home, on parole that they will not engage in any activity adverse to the Free Worlds League, by my definition, or they can enlist in the FWLM as a body.  They will need to pass the standard tests as well as additional testing to retain their qualification as a mechwarrior.  If they pass, they will have a home in the Marik Militia.  Is this understood?"


Quote from: Fatebringer on March 03, 2011, 06:51:55 AM
"Burn in the fires of your damnation! You traitorous louse!"

Pastor Major Montgomery Lasiter drags the Reverand Willie P. Sharp before the MTC personel.

"We will not let all our youngest and finest die here. I have spoken with the other BN Commanders and we can't continue to sit by and let a loud but religious minority decide the fate of our people."

"Blasphemer! The lord is only but three beings in one, but he is the only authority I answer to! Down with your Captain General! Hell hath an eternal pool of flame with your name on it Lasiter! Mark my words, your family shall follow you in the long fall and...." The Colonel's words were cut short by Major Lasiter's fist in his face. He grabbed him by the collar and pulled him close, "Listen here you bible-thumping blowhard! I'll do what I have to for our people, but if you even think about having your 'mission' lay a finger on any of my or any member of this unit's families, you'll know the true meaning of wrath!" The reverand coward away. Lasiter turned towards the commander of the 6th.

"We've lost our way. We try to be good and decent people Colonel, but we're not saints. If you have a will for it, we'd like to stay a unit, under your banner with whatever types of liaisons and protocols you deem necessary." He looked at the other commanders. "These boys are just coming into their own. They banded together for a purpose and they have a future. We served the Captain General once, I say we serve him (her?) still." Lasiter kneeled awaiting judgment for his unit.

((Raphael's Warning turns on their commander and surrender's unconditionally, due to the change of heart, if you accept them, it up to yo if you feel they should be reliable or questionable.))


The lack of any real training program had yielded well equipped warriors with little actual combat experience. Their only strongsuit has been knowing their territory well enough to respond quickly to raiders. Now, the mechs they'd all sacraficed for years to afford were being taken from them. The sting of becoming dispossessed as a result of losing to superior numbers was visible on Lasiter's face. "I do not know you sir. I know you fight well, but I have to ask you as officers and gentlemen. What are the odds that these men will ever see combat again under the banner of the eagle?"

((Essentialy RP-wise, he's worried that his unit's green status might keep them from passing your tests or that your offer might not be on the up and up.))


"Some will. Some will not.  Those that do will be further screened and will undertake additional training to ensure that all other qualifications a mechwarrior of the Marik Militia requires will be instilled.  They will be posted to the same unit, although I doubt very much that they will be in the same sub-unit.  Those that fail the initial test will be split into two groups.  The first group will comprise those the instructors deem to have sufficient capacity to in the future become mechwarriors.  They will also be given ample opportunity to see if this eventuates.  The second group will comprise those that have failed the test and who are deemed to have little or no ability as a future mechwarrior in the Militia.  They will be returned here to Paradise, or, if they so desire, they may transfer to another combat arm.  Dare I say it behoves any that tread down this path to give their very best in the initial screening."