Rules Discussion / Suggestions

Started by Fatebringer, April 19, 2012, 12:02:07 AM

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I cannot seem to find FP rules for fighters. . .

Arkansas Warrior

There's one line near the top of the post that discusses BV for ground units:

One Force Point (FP) of aerospace forces is approximately equivalent to 15,000 BV points.

Note that that includes fighters, small craft, DropShips, and, one day, WarShips.


Guys, Infantry can be raised in any control world, or in a planet with a MF?

Arkansas Warrior

You could certainly fluff them as being from anywhere, but you're limited to2 FP per MF per turn in quantity, so you can't just pop and extra FP of infantry up on Randomworld III after using all your MF capacity on tanks and battlemechs.  At least, that's my reading.


FP of any kind, be it infantry, battlemechs, fighters, or one day WarShips, MUST be built using either MFs or SYs(depending on unit type). As he said, you are free to roleplay the unit has having been raised on World X, but they have to actually be built and initially appear on a world containing sufficent production capacity to build them.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade

Iron Mongoose

The FP of foot infantry with basic, localy avalable weapons is so low that it would take scores of regements to rate more than the 1FP for millita, so the need for a mech factory basicly represents the need for infantry to have more than just sturdy boots.  They need medium and heavy weapons, APCs, jeeps, artilery, and all sorts of other fun stuff that takes real work to put together.

An older set of rules set the FP of basic foot infantry as zero (0) so that you probably could set your infantry as just being farmers with what rifles and shotguns they had on hand anyway, and get exactly what you pay for, but I don't know that that still holds true.  For properly armed infantry with heavy weapons that can genuinely fight against mechs, that is to say that rates some number of FP, you need something more.