Clan Chatterweb Thread

Started by Daemonknight, April 19, 2011, 12:14:03 PM

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Dave Baughman

This is an automated service message. We regret to inform you that there has been a service interruption on the Chatterweb at nodes %INPUT!<#DIV/0>. Technicians are currently attempting to address the issue. There is no timeframe for service restoration.

OOC: on June 30th 3091, the chatterweb in the homeworlds goes offline. The Inner Sphere side of the chatterweb is still operational.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

Terran Launch Sneak Attack Against Kowloon
Falcon Cowards Flee, Dominion Heroes Defy The Odds

Dominions Trial News (RIDDERKERK) - 8 August 3091

"...Captain Andrew Jorgensson won his third straight Trial of Grievance, using his Ryuken II's superior mobility to outflank Star Captain Felix Tseng's Kingfisher in a grueling four-minute--"

The trial footage is replaced with a splash screen announcing "Breaking News!" and then switching to an anchor's desk.

"This is Isabel Svahnstrom reporting from the DTN studios on Ridderkerk. We interrupt this program to bring you breaking news. Less than an hour ago, a priority HPG transmission was received from our embedded reporter onboard KMS Protector of Midgard. As you know, Protector had been dispatched to the Kowloon star system to participate in a three-way trial with the Jade Falcons and the Union of Independent Worlds for ownership of a former Terran battlecruiser now in UIW service."

"At approximately 1900 hours on July 10th, 3091, a large Terran Hegemony task force lead by the flagship Sarah [censored by chatterweb moderators] entered the star system and demanded the return of the former Terran battlecruiser Obvious Lie. As many of our viewers remember, Lie was known as Invisible Truth while in Terran service and was a presigious command in the Terran Space Force."

"Reacting quickly to the intrusion, the combined forces in the system assembled to repel the maniacal Terran warmongers, only to be stabbed in the back by the Jade Falcons. In a notorious act of cowardice, the Falcons withdrew their fleet at the last minute, leaving the the UIW and Dominion units to face the enemy alone. In the pitched battle that followed, the UIW's battlecruiser and marine landing ship, along with Protector of Midgard and the cruiser Blue Lancer engaged multiple Terran battleships in pitched battle on July 18th."

As the report continues, grainy footage of Blue Lancer's batteries firing as fighters launch from her hangar deck fills the screen, "Showing remarkable heroism, the crew of Blue Lancer repelled several waves of Terran bombers and a maintained a protracted exchange of fire with a Nightlord class Battleship believe to be THS Sword of Glory - formerly CJFS Emerald Talon before its capture at the Battle of Sudeten. Unfortunately for her brave warriors, the Terran's massed firepower finally overpowered her defenses and Blue Lancer is believed lost with all hands."

"For the next two weeks, Protector of Midgard played a deadly game of cat-and-mouse with a pair of Terran destroyers - in this case two ex-Falcon Whirlwinds. In a daring maneuver, protector wrecked one of the ships and managed to evade the other unit it could safely reach the system's jump point and withdraw - tying up most of the Terran fighter forces for the UIW navy to regroup and make its stand."

"In a daring and innovative attack, Obvious Lie sacrificed herself as a decoy to allow the UIW landing ship Fateshaper to close and release her attack force of almost one hundred fast-moving boarding craft. The attack ultimately failed, with terrible losses for the UIW, but several of the Terran ships were damaged and only narrowly evaded boarding by the UIW's formidable marines."

"The Terran Admiral, who named herself as Eremiel [censored by chatterweb moderators], responded to the unexpectedly-heavy resistance with blood-curdling threats against Kowloon civilian population. When Protector left the system, the Terran fleet was moving into orbit around the planet, no doubt intent on landing troops for a ground campaign. We here at Dominion Trial News salute the brave defenders of Kowloon and wish them fortune in their resistenace to this heinous act of agression."
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.