Clan Star Adder IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by Daemonknight, May 11, 2011, 06:05:40 PM

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"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade

Iron Mongoose

Heroyuki Sainze did what he had done every morning for the past few years: got up late, had a cup of coffee, made from breakfast, and read the paper.  After he turned 70, five years ago, the aging but eminantly respected General had called it quits.  Everyone who remembered Kindraa Sainze in its glory days, before the botched invasion trials and the reignition of the feud with the Paynes, was dead.  Amy Lynn and Kai Payne were close, but Amy was always fighting some factional fire or another, and Kai... over the past 25 years they had become close friends, but he was at the end of the day still a Payne.

This morning, Heroyuki sipped his coffee, as he always did.  It was nice coffee, as always, which had come from the nice machine in his nice house, and it was grown on his nice plantations.  The estate had belong to the Duke of Alarion, who had been a thorn in his side during his time as General of the Alarion sector.  The Duke had been foolish enough to accept a trial for the estate, thinking that with a lance of relitives at his back, he could hold off the septuagenerian Sainze.  He was wrong, and after a few minutes of intense combat the Duke was dead, Heroyuki's Blood Asp was out of ammo, and he himself was now often refered to, only semi-jokingly, as the new Duke.  He still had the Blood Asp, retaining his status as a reserve warrior and being granted the right to keep the mech he'd piloted for over 30 years.  Kai often teased him about the mech, since he'd long ago upgraded to the newer Stealth model, but the mech had never failed him yet, and there was no reason to change.

But unlike most days, something wasn't right.  The paper's headlines spoke of an attack, one that might put the enemy at Alarion's gates.  Heroyuki wouldn't stand for that.  He enjoyed his retirement too much.  He'd have to speak to Kai and Amy about it.  After breakfast...


Star Commodore Raphael Spaunn, for many years ilChi now to the Star Adders, had now cause for mixed emotions. His Ship was ready soon to be assigned to him here on Somerset, Addergrad, but the news of the massive assault against the Star Adders by the Falcons and Lyrans were most troubling. That also meant his inspection tour to the UIW and the Guest Facility there would have to wait. And might be deleted as well.

'At least I have my fighter here,' he thought, smiling solemnly. If the Blue Falcons would get to Somerset, he would likely fight with his host. Of course, his Khans would not like that, probably but he did not care. He was responsible only to them and if he was dead it mattered little. If he won, unlikely if the Lyrans brought enough troops to subjugate the world, then it would be some kind of triumph, he guessed.

His age was showing as well so he did not have much to worry about. After he had taken part alongside the Falcons on many occasions, then gained his bloodname and was made ilChi, there was not much to do other than talk. Real Trials were not the norm as a guest even if he and his staff trained regularly and some times even against Adders.

"Sarah, get a message going that the tour to the UIW will be postponed to uncertain. Then get me an appointment with the Khan here. I need to know more about this attack. I will be in the Sim."

His aide did just so and an appointment was made.

Iron Mongoose

Heroyuki and Kai would meet later that day, as Kai was on planet at the moment.  Kai, as Heroyuki had before him, bore the rank of General (OOC note: Grae and I may still change this to "Galaxy General" or something like that, but since there's a desire to lay out some history now, I'm going to roll with it, and assume its just shortened in conversation, even by two old and concervatave Clanners), which had been created in the wake of the Adder's rapid expansion to help govern the engorged empire.  With nearly twenty galaxies spread over scores of sectors, there was a need for warriors above the Galaxy Commanders to coordanate large devisions, and to handle staff positions in the high command, such as the Adjuctant positions and some Ministries that were headed by warriors, like the Forign Ministry.  Heroyuki had been General for the Alarion region, roughly one third of the empire, and one of the hottest sectors (this is how he had come into conflict with the former Duke).  Kai had held that position for a short while, but now was a sort of General without portfolio, and served as an aid to Amy (there were less than half a dozen Mandrills from the old days still in positions of prominance, of which Kai was the highest ranking) and also as the Payne bloodhouse leader (a much more dispicable job).  The Adders had also added in ranks at the bottem of the food chain for tank crews and infantry men, who's ranks had been swolen by Lyran recruts and a need to rapidly expand the Touman to face so many threats after the war with the FWL, but Heroyuki always had a hard time with them, since most Mandrills managed to test as Point Commanders and above. 

As a roving General, Kai had no office, so they met in a coffee shop.  They were both well known and served with respect, but it a far cry from the sort of reverance and obsiquiesness that would have followed three decades before.  The notion of "lower castes" had largely been replaced by the term "civilian" which was anyone not a warrior (Heroyuki was still a warrior, since one didn't lose that status, weather or not they joined the reserves as he did).  Asside from the right to some additional forms of government particapation, and of course the right to fight for the nation as needed and to bear arms, there was these days little to distinguish civilians and warriors.  Yes, the warriors were still on top, and old hands like Kai and Amy worked hard to keep it that way.  But, civilians elected their own local governments, chouse their own jobs (though jobs were still classified and administered along the old lines, so one might have 'tech' job or a 'scientest' job) and could come and go as they pleased to.  Civilians filled the government ministries, though most ministers were still warriors with appointments from the Khan, and there was even a push to let Governers command planitary millita and defense units in the absance of ranking warriors to command.  There had been a vicious debate in the Clan Council on that matter, and Amy had actualy had to have Heroyuki take some time to talk with the other Sainzes to whip them into line, and he'd gone to Addergard to vote in person.  He didn't like it, warriors he thought should be above the orders of any non-warrior, but the council of Plantary Governers held a lot of sway with the Khan, and they wanted a bit more power, as they always did.

Of course, the Khan was still at the top of the food chain, along with the Clan Council of Bloodnamed warriors, and when need be the warriors as a whole.  No warrior, no matter how soft they had gone, would ever alow anything else.  The word of the Khan was law.  The word of the Council was law.  And no governer or warrior or anyone else could think otherwise. 

But it didn't mean that two Generals of the Star Adders could skip the line at the coffee house, or avoid paying.  Active warriors like Kai receved no pay (no true warrior fought for money) but all did receve a nice expense account, ranging from just enough to go out on the town once a week for trainees to enough to live lavishly for Generals, though no warrior with enough honor and respect to win high rank would ever be so frivilious as to spend more than a pitance (which saved the government quite a bit of money).  Retired warriors got a pension based on rank, and there was a nice Veteran's Administration which helped with medical problems, education, and other things.  Though most trueborn warriors fought on as warriors to the death, amoung Lyran born warriors retirement was relitively common, and over the last decade of relitive peace even many traditional Clan warriors, with less oppertunity to die in combat, had opted for retirement.  Heroyuki had considered fighting on, but he knew he was slipping in his old age (he'd see his 75th year soon) and he was too loyal to the Clan to alow any substandard warrior to serve, even himself.

So he found himself meeting with others not in offices or on the training fled, but in a happy little cafe.  But, still discussing the fate of empires.  And if the enemy should come to his adopted home (it had been 25 years since he'd set foot on Shadow, and he still thought of it from time to time, but he'd largely given up thoughts of return, even if the Hellions would probably let him back) his old Blood Asp was kept in constant readiness.

Iron Mongoose

Quote from: Marlin on June 10, 2011, 02:16:55 PM
His aide did just so and an appointment was made.

OOC: We see it, Marlin, or at least I do, but Amy's off world, so its Grae's to answer.


((sorry for my lack of attention...been trying to figure somethings out, and for the last two or three days been fighting some type of bug...still not feeling at full health, but will do what I can))

Quote from: Marlin on June 10, 2011, 02:16:55 PM

Star Commodore Raphael Spaunn, for many years ilChi now to the Star Adders, had now cause for mixed emotions. His Ship was ready soon to be assigned to him here on Somerset, Addergrad, but the news of the massive assault against the Star Adders by the Falcons and Lyrans were most troubling. That also meant his inspection tour to the UIW and the Guest Facility there would have to wait. And might be deleted as well.

'At least I have my fighter here,' he thought, smiling solemnly. If the Blue Falcons would get to Somerset, he would likely fight with his host. Of course, his Khans would not like that, probably but he did not care. He was responsible only to them and if he was dead it mattered little. If he won, unlikely if the Lyrans brought enough troops to subjugate the world, then it would be some kind of triumph, he guessed.

His age was showing as well so he did not have much to worry about. After he had taken part alongside the Falcons on many occasions, then gained his bloodname and was made ilChi, there was not much to do other than talk. Real Trials were not the norm as a guest even if he and his staff trained regularly and some times even against Adders.

"Sarah, get a message going that the tour to the UIW will be postponed to uncertain. Then get me an appointment with the Khan here. I need to know more about this attack. I will be in the Sim."

His aide did just so and an appointment was made.

When the aide to ilChi Raphael Spaunn had called the Khan's office, Rosaleen spent only a few minutes rearranging the Khan's schedule and confirming the appointment for him with Khan N'Buta, to be held two days hence in the midafternoon.


When the aforementioned day had arrived, Rosaleen greeted the ilChi with a respectful bow and escorted him into the Khan's Office without hesitation...she took her position very seriously and it showed, as it should, since she has had it for nearly 20 years, often garnering compliments of her performance to the Khan.

Standing and moving from behind his desk to greet his visitor, Stanislav first saluted then shook the hand, a gesture adopted after nearly two and half decades of leading Clan Star Adder and the Star Adder he has found to put his guests at ease or off balance, depending on the purpose of their visit, of the Ice Hellion representative.

"IlChi Raphael Spaunn," the Adder says in greeting, and even at fifty-five standard years of age, his grip is still firm and strong, his eyes bright and piercing, "an honor to meet you," he remarks with a genuine smile, "I hope your time on Addergrad has been worthwhile, and that your desire to meet with me is one that will mutually benefit our two Clans, quiaff."


Even as Raphael, still listed as Star Commodore had to look up to most others, there was no humbleness in his attitude or gaze. He still felt as a Warrior and was one. As such he met the Khan on an equal level, although he was now a diplomat as well.
Just slightly younger than the Khan himself, Raphael had serious business to do. "Khan Stanislov N'Buta, I am pleased to meet you finally. The years here on Addergrad have been interesting as have the talks with your saKhan, Amy Lynn. (He is here for a few years already, but no problem, eh?)
As she is concerned elsewhere, I will get to the point of this meeting at once, I have heard reports that the Falcon-Lyrans are attacking you on broad front? I am sure neither of our Clan takes that easily. I have recently seen the speech of Robert and it does not look promising. Can you tell me more about all that, how you will react and what this means for the future of our Clans?"

Iron Mongoose

General Sennacherib Khatib had, in many ways, a dream job.  He was the personal aid to saKhan Amy Lynn, which on the surfice seemed unimpressive.  But, with Amy Lynn things were difrent.  Many saKhans were young, active, vigiorous warriors.  Ristars on their way up, destined to be Khan someday.  Amy was in many ways a old lady, though she still looked very youthful, and in both in her mind and in combat retained the lightning like fighter pilot reflexes that had served her in her rise to the top, and she had never been much of a field commander.  Where most saKhans would lead their keshik about and assume command of other galaxies as needed, Amy's skill was political, in holding clans together (or sometimes not, as the falure of the Camels demonstrated) but hardly in holding clusters together.  So, she delegated to Sennacherib, who could take command in her name and lead task forces in key missions.

Despite it, he had more repect for her than he probably should.  Sennacherib was a ristar, a rare thing in these days of peace, achiving an impressive record as a trial warrior that lead him to be a general at only 30.  Amy was a very deep woman, who had often battled depression, and still pined away for some lost love; she'd told him about Kenshin when he asked, since she had few remaining friends she could confide in, but a clanner to the core, Sennacherib was perplexed by it all.  When he'd offered to couple, she told him it had been nearly 25 years since her last time, and she was in no hurry for more, which floored the typicaly promiscuious lover.  She'd told him about the near falure of her first sibko, how when the scientests had told her that her genes and Kenshin's may not be a suitable pair, and that their offspring may prove all to be wash outs, she was devistated, and spents months in isolation, nearly dooming her Clan through her lack of leadership.  To a normal Clanner, and even to the more 'modern' Sennacherib, who had been only ten when his sibko had been moved to Addergard from Tanis, and had passied his trials in the New-Adder Clan, this all spoke of weekness.

But, he also saw strength.  When the chips were down, she had managed to summon the strength to save the Mandrills from the fate of their brothers in the Homeworlds and form a new Clan, and she had pulled her Clan back from the brink.  True, the lack of leadership in her absance had emboldened Elissa Sainze and created a gulf that couldn't be bridged, but he had met Elissa Sainze once, and it was even more of a wonder after how the unassuming Amy Lynn had held the much more formidable warrior off for so long.  Despite being by her own admission a middle of the road warrior, she'd scored repeated victories over the Mandrill elite to hold the Clan together as long as possible (she'd even pulled a trick or two on him, though he could nearly always defeat her).  The fact that she'd held the Adders together after their absorbtion of three Clans spoke that her skills were more than detractors made them out to be.  The Wolves had fallen to internal rivalrys, as had his ancestors the Cobras, and the Burrocks, and the Jaguars, and so many others, and despite every oppertunity to fail the Adders were still around.  That was worth something.

These days, Amy was largely kept going by visits from her 'son', Kenshin Lynn, who was now 23 and a front line Star Captian on his way up, the sole survivor of his sibko.  There was a story that Amy had visited him as a young boy and said something to him that had driven him to succede, but neither would speak to what it was.  Doubtless, being the namesake as well as the gene-son of the great Kenshin Carrol was quite the motovator on its own.  She'd offered her son (Sennacherib cringed a bit when she spoke that way, since he was a bloodnamed trueborn warrior, and diserved a bit more respect than that, he felt) a position in the Quasar Keshik, but he'd turned it down, and was with Delta Galaxy on Addergard now.  He'd go places, for sure.

As for Amy, she was closer to the end of her days than the begining, all knew.  Most of her old friends were dead.  A few were retired, some with families (including two trueborn, blood named warriors who had met in exile in the FWL, which was quite the implausable story).  A few were still active, but most of them had risen to high enough rank as to be occupied all the time.  So she worked with the difrent factions of the Clan, and wrote, and planned millitary opperations that would never be implemented, and talked to him about the old days.

She had said she had a pretty good plan for the present invasion, and had asked him to get a galaxy ready to go, which he had done.  Sennacherib was confidant that she had cooked up something good.


Xagyg, Clan Star Adder Zone

Galaxy Commander Gerhardt Aliychuck paused on alighting from his current ride, an Epona hovertank.  Quickly straightening his uniform, the first Galaxy Commander in the Horses Touman to come from an armoured background then quickly strode up the stairs and into the Adder's planetary command centre.

Ushered through immediately, he wasted little time in informing his opposite number in the Star Adders of the new orders he had received from Alpheratz. And indeed, that his command was even now packing up for a departure within the next 48 hours.   The loss of communications with the Homeworlds took priority over everything.  Even the defence of holdings long held by the Horses closest ally.



To:  Clan Star Adder Headquarters
CC:  Magistracy Armed Forces Headquarters

From:  Star Colonel Sebastian Mercer, 22nd Armoured Cavalry Squadron, MAF

Sir.  I regret to inform you that forces under my command were unsuccessful in defending Oberon VI against a Trial of Possession for the world issued by Clan Steel Viper.   Our defending bid amounted to 2 heavy mech binaries of advanced Inner Sphere mechs piloted by Regular rated warriors.  The opposing Steel Viper assault bid was comprised of veteran rated pilots from their 51st Battle Cluster, and totalled two mech trinaries.  Given variables, estimated Steel Viper force composition was 190% of our defending bid. 

Given the Magistracy's long experience with the Star Adder Touman, it is clear that the Steel Viper commander had a 'win at all cost' focus and caste aside whatever honour he held for his Clan in obtaining that win.