Clan Ice Hellion IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by Daemonknight, May 11, 2011, 06:05:28 PM

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"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Hot Springs


That came from young Neil, a Freeborn Cadet mostly on top of his "SibKo" who just had a 20 km race through Hot Spring's rocky terrain, far away from the Capital of Boulder, within the mountains.

Neil was not only strong at his 15 years, his mind was also fast and quick, just as the Clan wanted it. His Mother had been one of the first Volunteers with the Ice Hellion Touman and later he chose the same path. Not that he would have to overcome difficulties with his civilian life as his father and family had been wealthy in the health business here.
The Pack Leaders saw much promise in him but he would have to become much better still. Especially in mechanics and MechPiloting.

As the SibKo was one of the best in this year, even the Loremaster, at over 57 years of age still an impressive man, had visited the camp. It would not be like the famed (or infamous) ones on Hector, or even on Atreus or Shadow, but the last years they had turned out a respectable number of respectable Warriors of many Classes. Even Battle Armor was now open to Freeborns as the Marine units had no difficulty accepting smaller frames for their duties.
Fighter Pilots from Hot Springs regularly were serious competitors for the best, with the reopened BlackJack War College further upping the standards on many levels. Usually, Mechwarriors and Elementals of Trueborn heritage were still superior, however, the fighter Phenotype was seemingly still wanted by the Clan, as the integration of the Camels neƩ Fire Mandrills requested a steady flow of ProtoMech Pilots and their machines.


Hot Springs

It was his 56th Canisterday. ,,Birthday" as the Freeborns called it.

Although he had kept himself in shape over the years, the age was now clearly visible. His once nut-brown hair was now almost completely grey. He would also need glasses to read, his head hurt when he sat his hours before the comp and studied reports, compiled his orders and worked for the Remembrance.
MedTech Oliver, an Inner Sphere Doc who had tested down over the time, told him that this was age-related vision.

Considering this, the last few Trials of Possession for his Command had been a relief, although he found no consolation in how he had won some of them. Earlier he would have taken a step back if the opponent was about to lose, but there he did not. One of his contestants had payed with his life. The others were badly injured. Granted, the last one was close and nearly took his leg again. Ursula certainly knew him well. But she would have to wait. Perhaps one year, perhaps ten?

At least his position as Loremaster was widely respected, however, how would that be when his Command was lost? In a battle of wits he was still almost untouchable and those that could challenge him there were smart enough not to. 'They just need to take a look at me to know how they will end.' He chuckled.

Clara had now her own Galaxy and thus not much time for him anymore, not that it mattered, some of the old guard were good enough for him, but they were fading away at an increased rate. And rightfully so. The Clan would need the new blood, he felt. At least the Khan was in his prime, despite an age that would once count as old (48). When Raina had stepped down, many applauded her, she really was different, not in the way Sellen was, but in her manner. Her duty would be the measuring stick for coming generations, also for Connor . To destroy was easier than to keep what had been gained.

The Clan would see if Connor would be able to do it. In any case, last year was kind of sad for Philippe. Then he just realized what he missed. Aleksandr. His Anathema. He was one of the Isolationists if not their head after Connor Rood declined that honor in the recent fights.

The Clans were waking up, as were the IS states. They had to be ready to strike. The masses of young warriors had had too long to sit on their asses, although the training regimes had taken the rebellious edge off most and taken the life of so many, perhaps it was time to unleash those that had mastered it. It was indeed far more hazardous than ever before. 20 years ago he would have never condoned such abuse, even to Warriors. But it was either that or another intra-Clan war. It had been close enough after some years of quiet.

'So, where do we stand', he thought and recapitulated: The Navy was as powerful as never before, four full naval stars complemented by the Reconnaissance Stars that partly he was responsible for. Smaller ships that were supporting their larger cousins in extended operations. And, luckily, the Naval Arm had stayed out of the Great Clash of viewpoints that had happened  a few years ago.

This Clash, as it was now known, was between two views of the Clan and its future. The old split of Isolationists and Conquerors had evolved somewhat as the Isolationists had been quieted for the longest time in light of the successes in the Inner Sphere. However, when there was the dissolution of the Terran Hegemony and the Clans could do little to intervene, many of the old Isolationist guard thought that the Clan had served its purpose here and would propagate a move back to the Homeworlds to make several enemies pay.

The other side was shared by most high-rankers and the more flexible adapting Clanspeople, who had become used to more diversity, power and challenges in ruling over a vast range of Planets.

Obviously, Philippe was one of the latter. His many visits on the different Planets under Ice Hellion control had done much to ease tensions between the People and the Clan. Khan Montose had been on their side from early on, but with Connor Rood an early champion of the Isolationist movement, they had turned their hopes and projections on him, although he had stayed out of the conflict for a long time. Or tried to, rather. When Clashes on Cluster level became more frequent, he had been dragged into it to calm down the sides, but after his speech to the Clan, the Isolationists felt betrayed, as he had enough wisdom not to support them.

Then the Clashes erupted in a bloody way and threatened the core of the Clan. Several Clusters were severely weakened and had just been rebuilt. The only good thing was that it had relieved much of the tensions within the Touman, delaying the youngbloods for several more years.

The downside to this was that there was so much economy bound to the recovery, that other projects were lagging behind. Also, it cost several good and experienced Commanders their lives. Of the old Guard of Abtakhas, once being instrumental in helping the Clan to shift from its almost suicidal focus on light machines to a more diverse mix, only Dalton Banacek had survived and lead Delta, along with Epsilon of Jennifer Lopez the two heaviest formations of the Touman.

Elissa Sainze had died just two years ago, thus another generation of Ex-Mandrills-ex Camels had taken responsibility. If all went according to plan, they would have something worthwile to do soon.

One ray of hope was, though, that the Inner Sphere had produced a handful of very capable Officers now serving in different Clusters, the Clan had grown together through the pain.

Now more united than ever, due to the bloodshed, still strong in the Inner Sphere and the Home Worlds, the Clan would have good chances to shape its future. With the Nemesis of the Terran Scum gone mostly, other targets could be taken on. And those that hoped to profit from the relative weakness of the Clan in the last years would repay their mischief with interest.

Another new development was that the saKhan, Shelly Tyler, was a Naval officer, to Philippes knowledge, that was unique in the Clan so far, but it displayed the importance the Naval arm represented for the well being of the Clan and perhaps all realms.
The numbers of Warships were stunning, however, despite the designation, not even half were real combat vessels, the small ones being used for transport duty, picket and reconnaissance.

Still the Naval Stars were about to be full and several separate Ships of real power were around. He would have to talk to Star Admiral Thea Hasbrin if they could and should be put into a separate Transport Star.

'Now, let us take a look again at what that guy had written about Raina..'

"The late Khan Raina Montose cannot be praised highly enough.
Having risen from Star Colonel to Loremaster, to saKhan, after the glorious death of Jonas Cage in battle, she served under the legendary Sellen Cage, accompanying her in our glorious Crusade to the Inner Sphere. When the Guiding Light Sellen Cage was voted for ilKhan, she proudly took the office of Khan. 

When disaster struck our Clan over Sudeten, the ilKhan fell.

It is Raina Montose's work that we did not fall into despair in that time. Instead, we marched from victory to victory, defeating, mauling and destroying some of the best units the Inner Sphere had to offer, gaining impressive numbers of systems.

Likewise, the Clan experienced a continued growth in the Homeworlds as well as in the Inner Sphere, where we went to some length to accommodate our new peoples. Also, relations to the loyal Clans were as stable as possible, while others fell into the abyss.

It is her work that the Clan did not fall into a feeding frenzy, instead moving in with several other Clans to punish those that strayed from the path, making our Clan stronger in the process.

Even the betrayal of the Scientists did not weaken us, instead when we cleaned ourselves from the foul elements of those, she showed a flexibility of mind that allowed us to prosper further.

The Clan, for a time not seen since the Golden Century, made advances on all fronts. When the Scientist Caste was later formally reinstituted, it has lost it's arrogance and would not be the proud Caste it once was.

The integration of the Camel Worlds, units and Castes went on with what we know about her. Although voices raised concern, it went smooth and the former separate Clans and Allies are now one Clan, united by fate and purpose."

He shared much of this. Part of her success had been to listen to people. He had been one of them... those times were gone..

He needed a distraction.


3079, BlackJack School of Combat
Director's Office

Star Captain Alexander wondered what the Director, a civilian!, would want from him. He was an instructor now for five years after the saKhan had taken him bondsman in 3070 and released him to be Warrior again 2 years later. It had been a tough time.

He stepped in, only to see the small frame of the Director overshadowed by an Elemental and another more reasonably sized figure. He recognized both and greeted appropriately.

The Elemental woman started, one of her eyes were metalframed: "Star Captain Alexander, you have been a good instructor for the Cadets of this school for a time now. I want you to move on to your next assignment."

The smaller Warrior continued, he was younger than her but his hair was already almost grey as a sign of his age. "As we have settled here to stay, we must strive to get better relations to those that could be of use to us and could become important as a counterweight to all those who view us unfriendly." The Elemental grunted at this diplomatic trash.

The session took some time as Alexander sat down.

Finally he spoke: "So that means, I will be ambassador? Where will I have to go?"

A hint of a smile approached the Director as the MechWarrior answered: "You shall approach the Free Worlds League. This is a delicate mission and your hardest so far. I am sure you will not disappoint us. Know that saKhan Connor Rood has proposed you as ilChi for them."

Alexander was speechless.
Even more so as Philippe Lienet shook his hand.

A few hours later he realized what that meant and smiled.

He could see his family again.


Loremaster's Office

When there was the announcement he waited for, Philippe sat straight.

A good Warrior was always welcome and this one was an exceptional example of one. He knew that Raphael would not like what he was about to hear, but hoped that he would see wisdom in this.

The Clan still had to learn and Raphael was not only a Warrior, he was a leader of Warriors. Or rather.. had been. His new Assignment would take him away from Command. Although he had grown old like all of the "old Guard", he was in better shape than most of his age. And younger than those from 20 years ago still in their seats.
Philippe sighed. He would hate to be used like that, much like he had hated to be relegated to Zeta back then...


2. February 3091

"Grace, it is nice to see you after this long time. Please, sit."

Philippe pointed to the seat and the slender Star Colonel of the 78th Hellion Lancers sat down. Her age was about Philippe's but to him it seemed she had taken it far better than him. 'Let us see how she takes this.'

"Grace, I know you will dislike it, but you have been appointed as ilChi to the Horse Alliance. Although your performance in the field is without flaw, you know it was not stellar. Also, Alpha wants fresh blood and the increased Trials against the old guard is detrimental to its performance."

Her face, quite flawless despite her many fights and age, darkened visibly. Obviously, he was right.

"I see. When do I go?" 'Always for the Clan. That is why you are worthy for the Clan.'

Your Ship is being prepared at North Gate and should be ready in 3 weeks. So it would be by tomorrow. If you have business to finish here, then I can give you 2 more days but that is it. Pick your staff and make us proud."

She nodded, then solemnly saluted her Loremaster. Was that sadness in her eyes because the two would likely never meet again?

He sighed as she went away. Aging was a burden. A heavy one.


Marthe's Folly
Clan Ice Hellion

Oct 3091

Deep Periphery

Arriving unannounced, the pair of Horse Alliance Warships immediately communicated with the Ice Hellion commander on planet, requesting use of their HPG as well as informing the Ice Hellion of some of what had occured on Niles before their departure.