[RP-Combat Ops] Turn 2 LA vs CSA - 1519 Vorzel, Blockade/Trial

Started by Daemonknight, July 13, 2011, 05:36:48 PM

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Iron Mongoose

I think there's no real evidance of that, and I resent the implication.  Remember, this was planned, at least as a contingancy, from the very start, as evidanced by the staged 'bid' set up at the onset.  It was known that defeat was not an option, so an 'honorable' way to bring masses of forces into play was enginered.  Its unreasonable that that contingancy plan would not include at least some amount of order.

As for RP:

Eddie had just been a boy when he'd learned about the Clans.  A retired warrior had moved onto his street, and told the boys and girls about not just combat but about honor, duty, loyalty.  As these were values Lyran mechwarriors had held dear for centuries, they resonated.  Eddie signed up as a mechwarrior as soon as he was old enough, but being small and quick he was transfered to the aerospace branch.

So the Lyran attacks shocked him.  He had told himself for decades that honor was a Lyran trait every bit as much as it was a Clan trait, and he had tried to uphold that.  The idea of pushing the envalope with victory only as the goal, even as the Adders stuck to their beliefs even in the face of mounting losses, burned.  Despite the Lyran's practice of calling for reenforcments, he defended his station from attack.  And he truely wished to show that one could win with honor, not through stratigy or trickiness but by skill in combat.  Of course, his superiors knew that they could not lose the trial, and could not put the whole battle on his honor and his skill.  But it would do his best.

His men fought like beasts, doing massive damage to the enemy.  Early in the battle, he scored a telling hit on the enemy warship's CIC.  But, the Lyran defenders also had a lot at stake, and they fought savagly, knowing that the security of their capitol world was at stake.  Eddie knew the significance that Tharkad held for any Lyran, what ever flag they lived under, and as his wing's losses mounted, he called in back up even as the Lyrans did the same.  The Adder defenders had never done that, despite the oppertunity, he knew, and this softened the blow of his own actions.  And he fought on vallently, just as the Lyrans did the same.  He managed to isolate a portion of the enemy, but his own force was left out of position and took significant losses.

He weight his options.  He could fight on, of course, and perhaps win.  Or call for some back up.  It would be upsetting, but he was ordered not to lose, and his own honor depending on doing his duty.  But, he was, as the saying goes, saved by the bell.

"Star Colonal," a familiar voice came over his radio.  It was an older voice, but very melodic all the same, and he saw it was on his most secure channel.  "You have fought well, but we can not afford more delay.  I'm dispatching Green Group.  Coordanate with Jasmine Lynn, and distroy the enemy at once."

There was resignation in Eddie's voice as he responded, "Very well.  Green group, here are your targets..."

Iron Mongoose

Also, what's the method of determining what elements of the force are captured?  Is the Fox assumed to be excluded, or included, or is there a role to be made?

For refrence, Green Group is all fighters.  No warships.


well first of all, the actual ships being used in combat need to be listed. You can't just move foreward with 200 'naval FP' and let it stand like that. Before I respond, I need the list of CSA forces participating in what has stoped being a Trial, and is now just a limited Naval Engagement.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade

Iron Mongoose

Its 2000 Batus.  Why not?

Honestly, I don't have that sort of breakdown avalable, but I am confidet that of my 550+ FP avalable, I have at least that many fighters.  There may very well be a few dropships as well, but I don't know how material that is.

From an RP standpoint, I wouldn't read too much into that number.  Most likely, any remaining forces would be crushed long before the 100th FP entered the trial area.  The idea is that 'about 40%' of the Adders light up their drives and move in, and that its so much that there's no possiblity of anything but victory.  It could have been 50 or 100 or 500.  Its an RP function more than a rules function in my mind.  I'd sooner just say some big number than sit and calculate "well, if I roll a 2 and he rolls a 12 and gets all the damage reduction crits, how many is the minimum number of FP I need to ensure victory...?" and say that number.


You're just lucky he picked the bit that said "Three Crits' instead of the bit that said "attacking force retreats."


we both had 12s, so more than likely, they would have cancelled each other out.

In any case, I'm going to have to wait untill the ACTUAL force breakdown for that 200 FP is done up. You said you commit 200 FP, so you've committed 200 FP, not 'whatever FP I need to auto-win'. And again, you can't just say "i commit 200 FP. Oh, and it's all fighters btw" without actually having 200 FP of fighters.

DR, its upto you and IM to figure out, but I can't undertake my actions until I actually know whats coming at me.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade

Iron Mongoose

You'll have to wait for him then, if you're not prepaired to act at present.


I would act right now, if I had the information I needed to make a decision without a blindfold.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Guys, please chill out a little. If IM doesn't have the force list we have to wait for DR6.

DR6, for your reference:

The Adders failed to break thru the Blockade and issued a trial for Safcon.

The Adders declared their whole force as a back up bid for the Trial. The Lyans only 14 FP.
At this point, the Adders have put 17 FP of Aero into play, the Lyrans all 14 FP.

The Lyrans were ahead BV wise before the Adders called in 200 FP of ASF.
LA wants to verify the ability of CSA to call in this many fighters out of their total force.


Stand by I will deal with this. I will be posting an ASF force list as soon as I get around to since I have records. I'm half tempted to break out the GM hammer of DHOOM but really do not want to.


for the record: not arguing their right to engage me with so many forces. Of course he can do that. But I consider such an act breaking Zell, since he already used his calldown, and i was told 1 was the limit. He called down 4 FP for OpRound 3, thus using his calldown. I did likewise, calling down 2 FP. Now he has charged me with 200 FP.

All I want/need is the info on those units, and we can proceed, but Zell is broken, so there is no longer 50% salvage from the trial.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


I'll get you a list as soon as I can tomorrow. I need a final result of this mess so I can do orders.