[RP] CJF vs. CIH ToG Hot Springs 1812 [complete]

Started by Marlin, July 16, 2011, 12:01:16 PM

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The Khan sat in his Mongrel OmniMech and contemplated. He had not seen his opponent yet but it was unimportant anyway. He was just a chessfigure for the Falcons and they had bid poorly. It would not bring honor to beat an unblood. Not that there would be any battle due to the sheer ignorance and blindness by the Falcons but he would see to it that they would at least pay a political price for it.

He marched to the starting point of his opponent as soon as the Trial was called and opened his loudspeakers. "Falcon Warrior, you have bargained poorly, A true Warrior would know the cutdown." Another couple of steps. "A true Warrior knows when victory is impossible." More steps. "A true Warrior sees to honor his opponent to bring honor to himself."
A true Warrior seeks to preserve the Traditions of the Clans." He was nearly there. "A true Warrior strives to preserve his Clan." He finally stood before his opponent who did not show fear, but should know that there was nothing he could do.

"The courage you have is misused. You should have tried to make your Clan whole again with it, not become the tool of traitors. The Trial you lost was about words and honor, but it may cost your Clan more than just an argument."

With that his left hand struck out against his prey, even the most cold-hearted Warriors were not looking forward to a crushed human. But the Khan gently grabbed him and held him up. While moving to the circle's edge, where the most watchers and the Oathmaster stood, he stopped just inside and let the young Warrior go. A gentle push sent him out of the circle, with MedTechs rushing in to look for more than bruises. The Trial was over. Khan Rood was victorious and the Falcons were proven to be Lyran Mercenaries.