[RP/MM] Turn 2: FWL vs Rebels Hex 2337 Andurien

Started by chaosxtreme, July 23, 2011, 03:51:07 PM

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So it has come to this has it.

Dame Humphreys your illegal rebellion is at an end as is the reign of the thrice damned and thrice in three generations traitorous Humphreys Family.

Never again shall  a Humphreys raise the rabble of Andurien against the whole of the Free Worlds. Surrender or die eitheir way your family is done in the Free Worlds.


"We have the right to live free from a dictatorial regime, as is our right! You can never suppress this urge of free people. We stand ready to defend our freedom and you shall burn!"

OOC: If you disagree, Chaos, I will delete that. Its a bit thin though.


Andurien Home Squadron
Andurien Defense Squadron   Persano   Vincent (Mk. 39)   Mobile   Veteran   Reliable 1.75
Andurien Defense Squadron   Affondatore   Vincent (Mk. 39)   Mobile   Veteran   Reliable   1.75
Andurien Defense Squadron   Duilio   Vincent (Mk. 39)   Mobile   Veteran   Reliable   1.75
Andurien Defense Squadron   Dandolo   Vincent (Mk. 39)   Mobile   Veteran   Reliable   1.75
Andurien Defense Squadron   The Defender of Andurien   Mjolnir   Mobile   Veteran   Reliable      27.25
Andurien Defense Squadron   Sword of Andurien   Vincent (Mk. 39)   Mobile   Veteran   Reliable   1.75

Defenders of Andurien
1 Nuke
Humphreys Household Guards   Mechs, Vehicles, Power Armor   Transported   Elite   Reliable   24
Andurien Air Guards   Aerospace   Transported   Elite   Reliable   1
1st Andurien Rangers   Transported   Regular   Reliable   24
1st Andurien Rangers Aerospace   Regular   Reliable   1


Andurien Pacification Fleet
FWL   Task Force 61   Boone Battle Group   Vincent (Mk. 39)   Mobile   Regular   Reliable      2      
FWL   Task Force 61   Garcia Battle Group   Vincent (Mk. 39)   Mobile   Regular   Reliable      2      
FWL   Task Force 61   Javier Battle Group   Vincent (Mk. 39)   Mobile   Regular   Reliable      2      
FWL   Task Force 61   Sasaki Battle Group   Vincent (Mk. 39)   Mobile   Regular   Reliable      2      
FWL   8th Fleet   Thomas Marik   Mjolnir   Mobile   Regular   Reliable               18.25      
FWL   9th FWLN Fleet   The Jewel of Vanra   Nightlord   LFB Mobile   Veteran   Reliable         23.25      
FWL   Oriente Home Squadron   Honor of Oriente    Thera   LFB Mobile   Veteran   Reliable      15.75