Invasion, Hex 912 (New Kerensky) UIW vs. CSC (UIW Victory)

Started by Cannonshop, July 19, 2011, 07:18:40 PM

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Nadir Point, New Kerensky system...

Heat blooms boomed across the infrared as military transports slammed into existence.  The 171st Kowloonese Volunteers, 1st Brigade of the 1st Division, UIW Marine Corps, was coming to play jungleball and blood-tag with the Spirit Cat defenders of the world of New Kerensky.

Aside from a transmission less than twenty minutes ago to a passing Blood Spirit flotilla bound for Main Street, there would be no announcement.

(25FP Ground, 5FP Aerospace)

Zenith Point, New Kerensky system...

Battle Group A and Task Force A-1 rippled and slammed into existence.  New Kerensky was just a stopover for the Union Navy's forces on their way to Mainstreet, with the mission of suppressing that world's Naval defenses and cutting off its industrial output to the Spirit Cats.  

(Aegis Class UIS Bunker Hill
Lola 1 Class UIS La Valetta

edit: a review of originating point to end point indicates TF A-1 could not have passed through New Kerensky on the way to Mainstreet-a review of rules further indicates TF A-1 could not have carried out Blockade orders, as Blockades have moved from standard 'Battles' to "invasion" orders, and there is no accessable way to invade Main-Street in turn 2.

I missed a detail, so Marlin gets a pass this time.


"Ready up, friends. We are going to fight the plague. Might as well go out in a blaze of glory, ne c'est pas? Best of luck to those who survive."
Star Captain Alfons was on his way.

1 FP of Militia stand in your way.


Attack Roll:[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 3, 5, total 8[/blockquote]


Critical Check: [blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 1, total 2[/blockquote]


No crit.

TF A-1 and Battlegroup A move on to Mainstreet.


So, 30 FP move in to the Planet, right?

However, I dont see how you can just move on with the other stuff from here. If you do invasion, then you must invade with the stuff sent here. They cannot switch targets. I dont think it is possible to move more than one Hex via Invasion.

Anyway, Militia goes to their deaths.

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 2, total 6[/blockquote]


Quote from: Marlin on July 21, 2011, 06:10:41 PM
So, 30 FP move in to the Planet, right?

However, I dont see how you can just move on with the other stuff from here. If you do invasion, then you must invade with the stuff sent here. They cannot switch targets. I dont think it is possible to move more than one Hex via Invasion.

Anyway, Militia goes to their deaths.

This dice roll has been tampered with!
Rolled 2d6 : 4, 2, total 6

ooc: The "other stuff" is just transiting-it appears because I wanted to let you have a chance at trying to stop it with your forces, and while I could've just routed it around and filled up the hostile movement threads, this is the most direct route to where they're going, and it informs you-the-player that they're going there.

That's why the forces are broken up the way they are, instead of having everything lumped into one line with a single FP value.


I think he's pointing to the fact that you can't use invasion past one hex in and you can't use Hostile movement to Invasion. Unless they changed that rule too... :P Lots of changes out there that kinda were added silently.


Quote from: Fatebringer on July 21, 2011, 08:41:26 PM
I think he's pointing to the fact that you can't use invasion past one hex in and you can't use Hostile movement to Invasion. Unless they changed that rule too... :P Lots of changes out there that kinda were added silently.
oh, they changed Blockade to an invasion type order...missed that.

Fine, most of that stuff (the bigger parts anyway) are on "Naval Engagement" orders-the lighter group with the bulk of the smaller value equipment was tasked to blockade.  Which means the Warships and a few fewer units can still roll in and kill stuff, since "Naval Engagement" is a vanilla "Battle" order instead of being an actual "Invasion" order.

No problem, I just hold the second wave TF in a conquered system until next turn, then proceed to bum-rush with the reinforcements that're coming off the production line this turn.


Colonel Samantha Burquart  walked past the bodies.  "Jesus, is that all they had?"  she asked nobody in particular.  Her expression was a mix of shock, and something else.

"Aye ma'am.  That's all they had."  Major John Lincoln, the infantry C.O. confirmed.

"Those motherfuckers left over a billion people defended by....less than a company, of trainees?"  she was building up, "On the bloody rag-end of the periphery border??"

"Ma'am, you gotta admit, we've kept the Pirates off them, along with  ourselves, for more'n a decade."  Lincoln reminded her.

"That's not the point."  she said, "It's...irresponsible to leave a world unprotected.  I would have expected it from the old-days version of House Steiner."