
Started by Deathrider6, August 09, 2011, 07:07:31 AM

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  Alright I thought I could make it work. Well I guess thoughts and desire don't mix. I at one point put an average of 40 to 60 hours a week into this game and am just tired. Tierd of the BS and bickering and tired of seeing people whining about there's nothing going on. We don't have enough players and the players that are here for the most part are superb. Does this mean the game has to end? No. Does it mean that a reset is needed? Maybe. Putting it simply my desire has flagged rapidly and real life seems to always rear it's head as well. I tried limioting my time to less than 8 hours a week (trying to keep it to an hour or two a day). Well that didn't work. Last time I checked this was supposed to be fun and it has turned into work.

  Work I don't get paid for. I will still be around as a forum member and may come back as a player but I need to step back, get my life back in order and then see if the FC game has a place in it. Daemonknight will take over effective immediately.