Pompey Rolls

Started by Fatebringer, August 11, 2011, 08:11:32 PM

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So yeaaaah, I was trying to understand this, and I finally understood what DK did, but it appears to be all wrong as Marlin said. Granted, I think the MH would have done more damage quickly had they done it the way I think it was supposed to go down, but I'm not an expert.

First off, the units carrying the Nukes need to be declared with the " * " markers when forces are declared because there are limitations to who can carry them.

The way I understood things, there aren't two combat declarations a turn, there's only one. Turn 1, the MH use the Nuke, force survival rolls and then gets to use Naval Engagement orders against the CSC, since they won initiative. The forces that have the nukes have to be part of that attack formation, it counts as part of the same action, but with the Nuke going off first, then captured forces, and then other crits.

With defenders on default Defensive Interdiction, the Offense can not choose to put any forces on Offensive Interdiction, only Blockade, which requires Blockade Running to get past. MH forces get to use Naval Engagement vs whatever Naval forces they choose to engage. However, the CSC can choose to have all of their Aero assist in the defense of that unit. Then all Naval Units roll for survival. (I noticed the MH wasn't doing any rolls for this, Were there no Naval assets amongst the Naval Engagement or Blockading force?) Round done.

The CSC can not choose to Run the Blockade until they win initiative. Once the CSC Naval / Aero is gone, then the Blockading forces can switch to Offensive Interdiction if they so choose, but what was rolled out here didn't make sense cause you had CSC losing initiative, using Naval Engagement against the interdiction, and then having the MH Naval Engagement do damage directly to the ground units as if they were an interdicting force, which they were not declared.

Just my 2 Kerenskies, wanted or not :P Put it here in OOC because I didn't want to clutter up the thread. :P


Thanks fate. Also, if attacks on ground forces is now allowed, there was explicitly stated that the GMs knew it from before incarnations of the game and specifically avoided it.

Lastly, if there was all Cataero gone, and all enemies on offensive interdict, the Ground pounders would have made to the planet and tried to kill as much as possible rather than getting slaughtered in space.


Well, they did nuke you, who says they won't OB you ;P


I would have let it come to that. And even then, scattering lets you live longer and make it more complicated at least for the enemy. I would like to hear back from the GM about this though.


On looking back, I believe it was the product of me rushing to get something done, and my last thought on it was a discussion between me and DR about a week ago about it playing out that way. It likely shouldn't have happened, but at this time, I'm in no mood to change past actions.

Marlin, you force was going to die one way or another. Deal with it. The SLDF ground forces were more than capable of curb stomping what you had, without much in the way of pain on their end.

On a somewhat related note, let me make some crystal clear, to everyone in this game. The next player, who decides that they are going to obliterate a newbie player(meaning less than 3 turns of experiance), is going to get the Wrath of GM/God layed down on their faction(s). GI faced an unstopable attack on his Capital(plus what, 4 other worlds?) on his first turn in game. If it happened to me, or Fate, or Cannon, I wouldn't care, because we all understand the game. But a newbie player, who just comes in, and suddenly his faction is useless? Thats the easiest way to drive away incoming players.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


The forces would have gone out. Even if I had lost a ship or even both.


Its not being changed. It was resolved after the combat deadline, and I don't see any PMs to the GM account about what your forces would've done. Per DR's rules, once GM resolution is enacted, you have to provide him with what your forces are doing. This wasn't done, its over, and it's not being reversed.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Marlin, sorry to say, you would have died by the fact that you lost all three init rolls with left you without the ability to run. You would have only died quicker had it been done the right way and you would have done less damage. But I still have to ask if the other side had Warships, because if there are, there should be survival rolls.