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Turn 4 RP Hex 1619 Tharkad-LC Successor House Summit

Started by GreyJaeger, May 10, 2010, 02:35:35 PM

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 Lyran Command
New Berlin, Tharkad
July 16th, 3090

"So, Countess Lamon, still no word from anyone but the Captain-General?"

"No Archon, the Diplomatic Corp has still heard no word from any of the other Lords as to whether they will be attending. The time is short though, and I would expect any who are attending to arrive soon." Adelina Marcosa, Countess of Lamon, and Chief of the Lyran Diplomatic Corp replied in her Italian accent.

"Archon James Steiner sucked his teeth as he thought for a moment. "Well, a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step, or something to that effect." Sighing heavily he continued. "But otherwise, all arrangements have been made, yes?"

"Yes Archon. The facilities here are not as opulent as they were at the palace, but the contractors have done a fantastic job preparing everything."

"Good. I know you have a lot to do, Countess, and so do I, but can I expect you for dinner tonight?"

A sly smile crossed the Countesses face and her eyes flashed playfully as she responded. "Yes Archon, you can."

*OOC- This is the thread for the Summer Solstice Gala/House Lord Summit. I backdated it a bit as I forgot about this myself. All of the House Lords were invited for the Summit, and still are.

Anyone who has a diplomatic embassy on Tharkad may attend the party.


Ryu struggled against the chaffing of his dress uniform. Although he could have worn anything he pleased(there was no shortage of dressy clothing on Luthien), he had decided for the Class A Dress Uniform of the elite 1st Genyosha Regiment. Having served with the unit for 4 years, it was perfectly acceptable that he wear the uniform, even if he hadn't techniclly attained the rank of General that his shoulder pips sugested.

"It looks quite good on you, if I do say so. Quite dashing actually." Lissea Cho was definetly not dressed for the party, in a black armored bodyglove, with a hip-holstered heavy laser pistol and a vibro-katana strapped to her back. As the head of Ryu's personal bodyguards, it was her duty to ensure Lord Kurita's health, and a gathering of the noble Lords and Ladies was the wet dream of any competent assassin. She would not, of course, allow anything to befall her charge, whom she had known since he was a boy.

"If I'm so dashing, Cho, then why do i feel like a fluttering peacock in this thing? Look at the medals! Curse it, I didn't earn any of them..." He had begun to strip the shiny loaners off at first, but eventually satisfied himself but simply ripping them off. The heavy fabric didnt rip despite the violent tug he gave them. He instead used the space to house a palm-size disk showing the Kuritan Dragon, tooled in black jets against a backing of sparkling rubies. "If i have to wear something ostentatshious, it might aswell be a House symbol."

"As you command, Lord Kurita" Cho replied with a sardonic smile. She was rewarded with the icy glare that greeted anyone close to Ryu who insisted on formalities. He hated them. He was a warrior, and true warriors, in his eyes, didn't need pomp and circumstance to feel important.

"Have you sent the message yet? I'd rather they know we are comming and not blast us out of the sky over Tharkad." Cho nodded, turned on her heel, and left the room, crossing the decking to a secure comm room across from Ryu's stateroom aboard his modified Behemoth dropship. It was a bit extravagant, especially considering how much the Coordinator hated excess on his account. However, Lissea had convinced him that it was the best thing for him: this way, he was totally self-sufficent once he boarded, and Lissea and her comrades could restrict access to him.

Lissea entered the Communications room, and sent off the pre-recorded message Ryu had compiled to inform the Combine Ambassador on Tharkad of his inpending arrival for the Gala.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Royce knew that being a late comer to the Gala would not effect his social standings or the position of his state especially considering the distance they had to travel. However, his appearing with his mother would definately earn him some grief back home despite the fact that thruout the Inner Sphere, family ties were everywhere even when hidden behind the trappings of titles. Royce's knowledge on this topic was the primary reason he was selected to be the Raven Alliance delegate for the event. As a minor representative for one of the smaller remaining realms, his retinue was was minimal.

The broody young man entered the main hall with his escort for the trip. It was not his idea to bring strangers, but his uncle had insisted in case the unthinkable happened and he failed to intermingle. The Huards had a Gala twice a year and Royce had become accustomed to the nuances of the social and military elite, he even had the benefit of interaction within a Clan Society. He moved forward thru the security line and after his mother was announced, Royce stood up to the receiving line and handed the Herald a card for the announcement.

"Lord Royce Avellar-Huard and Lady Caitlin Dechelle, also of the Raven Alliance!"

Since he didn't know anyone here, Royce seperated from his mother and began making introductions. A quick glace backwards showed that his mother was conveniently in range in case he needed her to take over a conversation for him. There was still an agenda to follow.


"Lord Ryu Kurita, Lord of House Kurita, and his wife, Angelique Hsu-Kurita." The usher announced the pair hastily, as they walked in quicker than he anticipated, as if seeming to rush into the grand ballroom. Lord Ryu was in his immaculate white dress uniform, the ruby/jet disk on his left brest shimmering in the soft glow. His wife however, was wearing a scorching yellow halter-top dress, a cream colored sash cinched around her thin waist and an open back showed the lithe muscles of an athlete. Of course with the number of men in the ballroom, more eyes were on the long, thin opening in the front of her dress than the open back.

Ryu smirked as he glanced behind him and saw a very uncomfortable look on Lissea's face, as she was not used to wearing a dress that was worth more than 6 months of pay. Her bright red dress played perfectly against the lustrus black hair that fell just above her neckline, but the dress widened considerablly just underneath her breasts so that she could conceal a weapon within easy reach should something be amiss in the ballroom.

"Try and relax Lissa, maybe you'll find a handsom Steiner bodyguard here and get to have some fun tonight, hmm?" Angelique's voice was soft and smooth as silk as she teased the uncomfortable bodyguard, who was equally appalled and angered by the hungry looks she was getting.

"I hate this...i have no idea how you do it Angel. I'd rather be in a Commando, by myself, in Tharkad, facing and entire Lyran Guards regiment than have to be here..." she growled under her breath, because Lord Ryu was shaking hands and exchanging greetings with the Combine's Ambassador here on Tharkad. The two men walked together, the latter introducing the former to various Dukes, planetary lords, business owners(including the current CEO of Defiance Industries, one of the few businessmen with nearly as much if not more clout than a politician), and various other important figures.

Angelique and Lissea followed at a short 6 pace distance, chatting between the two, while both women kept an eye on Lord Ryu and the small entourage of followers he had so far gathered.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


"Now entering the Ballroom, Captain-General Hunter Humphreys-Halas, Grand Duke of Oriente, Arch-Duke of Andurien, Warder of the Peripherant Defenses, Defender of the Free Worlds, and Lord Protector of Kearny and the fallen reaches!"
A young man with jet black hair dressed in an immaculate white uniform with purple and gold trim seemed to saunter into the room his half cape swaying due to his strutting gate, a true peacock of a man.

"Ah Archon, we are overjoyed that fortune seems to have limited this event to equals I see none of the pretenders to my throne have dared show themselves. As always we look forward to dealing with our Lyran friends to preserve good relations between the whole of the Free Worlds League and the Lyran Commonwealth for while many still pledge allegiance to traitor claimants and false parliaments they are no less our people and no less deserving of our concerns for their interests and well-being."

"Ah but I digress, we shall have meaty discussion later now is the time for wine women and song. Mayhaps I'll make mother happy and meet a suitable bride here. Even if not I always enjoy the search"

Then with a wink and a far too familiar pat on the shoulder Hunter was past the Archon and jumping into the midst of another parcel of guests swiping a flute of champagne from a server as he sauntered past without a care in the world.

"It's like the man doesn't even care he's taken his nation to war." said a Lyran General to the Left of the Archon with a somewhat shocked expression.


There was no short supply of beautiful escorts at the Gala, but Royce had to admit that his host had picked himself a winner. "Archon." he said giving a kurt not do Lyran head of state. He'd waited for an opportunity to engage James by himself. He didn't like having to fight for attention, he got enough of that back home. "This is a splendid affair. It outshines anything I've ever seen before. I am Royce Huard and this is the Lady Dechelle. I'm pretty sure the only people that have travelled farther then us to get here are the Fed suns retinue, and that's only because they gave Capella a wide berth on the way here." Royce grinned.