[RP/MM] Turn 39 DC vs CBS Invasion/Blockade - Tarnby 3609 *Completed*

Started by Holt, May 08, 2010, 04:51:47 PM

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Ground:Damage done 1.5FP (1FP DC, .5FP CBS) * 19%

Naval (Destroyed Cluster): 10FP
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6+10 : 6, 2 + 10, total 18[/blockquote]


Ground Salvage: .25FP

Naval Salvage: 10FP * 18% = 1.75FP


8th Sword of Light Beta Command 3FP - .5FP Damage + .5FP Salvage  = 3FP Ending.

1.50FP transforms to RP at the end of the turn.


If Combine Forces do not have  a Black Box Present and if they move from this hex do not forget to roll to see if they get the movement orders.

Event:   HPG Destroyed or Turned Off
Description:   A HPG facility is destroyed or moved.  Area of effect is the effected control world (unless an Improved Communications facility is also present)
Diplomatic effect:  No diplomats my transverse the effected world for one cycle.  If no other control worlds (with active HPGs), then no diplomats my transverse the effected hexes for one cycle and no command circuits may be crafted for diplomatic use for three cycles.
Intelligence Effect:  Add a modifier of -4 for all intelligence actions by interdicted party in the effected control worlds, and -2 for all out side parties acting in the effected control worlds.  These are reduced by one per cycle.
Military Effect:   If orders move a unit on an effected control world to a separate world, roll 2D6, on a roll of 2, 3,  4 or 5, that unit does not move.  Reduce by one per cycle, to a minimum of 2.
Economic Effect:   Lose 75% RP production for one cycle, and for each successive cycle, reduce RP lost by 10% to a minimum of 25% when a secondary means of communications is fully utilized.
Duration:   Until the HPG is replaced is replaced or reactivated.


QuoteBlack Box Primary

These nations may manufacture and use black boxes (versions 9 and 10).  Ignore diplomatic and military effects of communications interdiction.

Plus all DC units carry Black Boxes.


All DC units carry black box's?

Please read the black box construction rules. As long as little and dave say you have them with you I have no problem.

Just please note the construction rules and limitations of each class of black box.

Black Box Factory
Cost:  100 RP
Construction Time: 2 turns
Requirements: Primary or Secondary Black Box service provider.

Black Box – 1A
Description:  A portable fax machine capable of sending data across vast distances.
Range:  15 Hexes.
Location:  Mobile, portable by a single person.
Cost:  Five RP.
Speed of Communications:  Transmission rate is 1 days per hex traveled, maximum of six pages of text per transmission.  Constant on for reception.
Provider Requirements:  Black Box.
Note: Any receiver in the direction of transmission will receive all transmissions.  No encryption is used, however this device is directional.
Construction Time:  One cycle.
Construction Location: Off site, at a military factory (no FP cost) hex element and transported at no cost to the location (simply time).  Cost of per unit production is multiplied as follows: 1 unit is 1x, 2 units is 3x, 3 units is 6x and the most any faction may produce in a single turn.

Black Box – 9
Description:  A portable fax machine capable of sending data across vast distances.
Range:  26 Hexes.
Location:  Mobile, portable by a single person.
Cost:  Ten RP.
Speed of Communications:  Transmission rate is 1 days per hex traveled, maximum of thirty five pages of text per transmission.  Constant on for reception.
Provider Requirements:  Black Box.
Note: Any receiver range can receive, however encryption is used.
Construction Time: one cycle.
Construction Location: Off site, at a military factory (no FP cost) hex element and transported at no cost to the location (simply time).  Cost of per unit production is multiplied as follows: 1 unit is 1x, 2 units is 3x, 3 units is 6x and the most any faction may produce in a single turn.

Black Box – 10
Description:  A portable fax machine capable of sending data across vast distances.
Range:  40 Hexes.
Location:  Mobile, portable by a single person.
Cost:  Ten RP.
Speed of Communications:  Transmission rate is 1 days per hex traveled, maximum of thirty five pages of text per transmission.  Constant on for reception.
Provider Requirements:  Black Box.
Note: Any receiver range can receive, however encryption is used.
Construction Time: one cycle.
Construction Location: Off site, at a military factory (no FP cost) hex element and transported at no cost to the location (simply time).  Cost of per unit production is multiplied as follows: 1 unit is 1x, 2 units is 3x, 3 units is 6x and the most any faction may produce in a single turn.


Quote from: Holt on May 17, 2010, 09:29:05 PM
Plus all DC units carry Black Boxes.

This goes back before Little and Dave, back to turn 24ish when they were implemented. It was established that all producers of Black Boxes and LC had them for all their units.