Started by Fatebringer, September 07, 2011, 06:38:39 PM

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Orestes, New Dominion
14 July 3091

Minister Lidia Sørenberg had no idea when her guests would arrive, but when they did, it was up to her to ensure one of the most important diplomatic missions the Dominion had seen since the forming of the Rasalhague Dominion became official. The Flying Drakon were on standby to escort the delagates in. She was glad to see the Dominion Naval Support star was standing by just in case. While she was fairly certain there wold be no treachery from the League, the Sharks had harbored a grudge against the Ghost Bears for a long time. Still, they were a "Merchant" clan. They should see the advantage of what was to be proposed when they arrive and if not? Then they would be asked to leave and the Dominion would focus on the League.


Star Admiral Niomi Nawasawa arrived at Orestes with clear apprehension, which showed in her choice of escorts. She knew that bringing in any of her clans warships would show too much aggression, so she chose the next best thing. As she sat on the bridge of the 36,000 ton Tiamat Pocket Warship she fell safe encased in the over 200 tons of Heavy Ferro Aluminum armor, but what gave her the most reassurance were the two Dragau II Interceptors that flanked her ship.

"This is Star Admiral Niomi Nawasawa, commander of the Diamond Shark naval forces requesting vector and clearance for the Naval Conference."   


Vincente Orloff erstwhile Ambassador Emeritus to Taurus, gentile uncle and confidant to the reigning Earl of Orloff, proclaimed Hero of the Free World's and Conqueror of the Dark once more in the thick of the diplomatic deep end at the behest of a Captain-General. Well at the behest of a dead Captain-General and so far Conrad Brett-Marik had not seen fit to recall him.

Which was really unfortunate as he would much rather sit on a quiet beach at his Nephew's expense sampling the local color on Vanra.

Instead he was on frigid Oreste's negotiating what could arguably one of the greatest achievement's since the original Ares Convention. He had never been so terrified in his life.

" Greetings Star Admiral Niomi Nawasawa, Minister Lidia Sørenberg it is truly my pleasure to be here for such an important and historic occassion.  I am certain that the work we do here together shall be a start of a new chapter  between our people, our warrior's and all of humanity."

Dear God I need a vodka tonic he thought as he studiously maintained the open faced smile and welcoming posture that had served him so well in his thirty year career as a diplomat.


"Ladies and Gentlemen.  It is my pleasure to act as the host for these important negotiations. At some point the Chairman of the Grand Tribunal, Prince Elect Rolph Magnusson would like to pesonally greet you, but my mission here is to make sure that when you do, we have some progress to report, Seyla?" The dignified older woman said. While she was no longer young, one could tell that while slim, at one time her frame held the strength of a warrior and that her scars wer not from burning herself in the kitchen.


"Star Admiral Nawasawa, both the Free Worlds League and the New Dominion have acknowledged that while your clans strength lies in it's Merchant arm, we do not discount your Clan's Naval Prowess when it comes to fleet battles. It seems almost a shame that the Diamond Sharks have not participated in any of the larger scale conflicts that we have seen since the renewed invasion. For whatever reason this was, we welcome you to these proceedings. We have been talking at length regarding the limitation of arms proposal and code of conduct we wish to see enforced to keep the top fleets on top.

There have been many discussions of cowardly or dezgra tactics being used against warships. If Tamar was any indication of what desperate people are willing to do, then we need to let them know there will be consequeses for these actions, and those whose people invest heavily in their naval superiority will take actions to make sure that does not happen again. Now, this is not merely a way to keep people from using Nuclear and Biological attacks against us, we are proposing a Naval Alliance to enforce other nations and clans to limit the size of their fleet and aerospace assets as well as a set strict code of conduct for all fleet engagements in the Inner Sphere. These forms will also include rules of conduct for those represented here on how to settle our differences between each other. It is no secret that the Diamond Sharks have had centuries of bad blood with the clans of the New Dominion.

Also, for those that partipate in this endeavor, there will be...  incentives...to maintain our continued cooperation" Lidia made a broad sweep of her arm, when she stopped her hand was pointing at the FWL Delegate. "To start with, the New Dominion would like to extend the Captain General of the Free Worlds League limited use of of the Fleet currently stationed at the "Aerie Space Station" until we can accomidate him on his request for a more imposing fleet that he will help fund." she put the arm down and swept her other arm towards the Shark Star Admiral. "For the Diamond Sharks, we would enterain a similar request to lease ships if that is desired. But at the very least, we would be willing to build the Diamond Sharks their own Mjolnir on top of any leases, at their own cost of course."


Admiral Nagasawa bowed her head towards the Dominion woman, "You are correct that my Clan has not been in combat lately, but as you pointed out our merchant interest require our fleet to be mobile and able to participate in trade missions. We welcome a naval treaty to stop the degradation of space combat to seem akin to the pentagon campaign or succession wars, as a space fairing society it brings us much displeasure."

"As what incentives my clans brings to the table is that both the FWL and ND, besides preferential rates on our finished goods we will give each of you the schematics for the Dragau II Heavy Intercepter; the same you acting as out riders on my way in. You will also be able to purchase on of the most powerful Pocket Warships, the Tiamat."


"I like the phrase you used," Lydia taps the datapad surface a few times. When she's done she looks up and grins. "The wording of such a declaration is very important. When you speak so plainly there is no meaning lost on these words." After a few more strokes Lydia gave the tablet to her aid to proofread the text...


The aid who nodded and gave it back to her. "If you would look at the current draft proposal, you shall see that much of it is as yet undefined. It is our mission here to determine the full status of this document for our leaders and the leaders of the rest of the inner sphere to abide by for all eternity. That is quite a mission statement but if we are successful, well, we may be able to curtail some of the waste that is brought about before the dogs of war chew everything to bits.


After three more weeks of negotiations and discussions, the biggest point of the debate had been settled. Instead of setting tonnage limitation there would be a class rating for each warship group much the way the MRBC assigned ratings to various mercenary commands. While it might seem like extra work, this was there would need to be extra work put in by everyone involved with the project if they wished to reclaim sanity in the skies.