[RP/MM?] Turn 5 - 2337 Andurien [Complete]

Started by Dave Baughman, October 14, 2011, 08:12:07 AM

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No worries. I've just noticed that traffic to the GM box has slowed down quite a bit over the past few months, and I was thinking that people were falling into old habits from before Dave had it setup. I just wanted to throw it out there, and we need to use the GM box. Saves me and Dave having our private PM boxes full when it comes time to clean them :P And it makes it easier to find, plus we can keep it around longer for reference.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Magistracy Navy

Andurien, Free Worlds League

Normally, one would expect the senior commander on board a Warship to be the senior officer present in system.  In this case, normality was not the case, as Commodore Montana Cox sat silently in her command chair of HMS Vimeiro as the combined allied fleet moved steadily towards the awaiting Davions.  Instead, Rear Admiral Koo Stark of the 111th Naval Fighter Group sat in her fighter, a Royal Ironsides, as she too waited for the gap to close.

One of the first fighter pilots to graduate from the Institute of War, Admiral Stark had refrained from stepping foot on a Warship deck, instead content to lead from the front in her fighter.    She had done several exchange tours with Clan Star Adder forces, relishing the chance to match her skills with the best in zellbriggen duels.  Which would not happen today she thought somewhat whistfully, as her cockpit chimed softly upon the arrival of the latest intel scan.

Dave Baughman

21 October 3091

After a tense standoff that lasted several weeks, things escalted very rapidly in Andurien. When a convoy of DropShips boosted from the surface, the League Admiral made his move and maneuvered to cut off any possible Davion escape from the system.

While FSS Invulnerable peeled off to escort the convoy, the remaining Davion ships moved to engage the Free Worlds League Navy in a hopeless delaying action. Hanse Davion was the first to fall, ramming Continuation of Politics after the same Luxor-class Cruiser crippled her with a nuclear torpedo. Even as the two ships broke up, however, FSS Indomitable managed to get into close range of Santorini. Before the massive carrier's batteries could blast the Fox-class Corvette to splinters, Indomitable activated her KF drive, destroying Santorini.

Alexander Davion was the last FS ship to fall. With the FS plan now clear, her high-speed approach towards Delphi brought about an immediate response - every FWL ship maneuvered to concentrate their fire on the Avalon-class Cruiser. Despite the massive damage she sustained, Alexander continued accelerating towards the second League Carrier, emptying her magazines into any target that presented itself. For all her efforts, she never reached her intended target: multiple nuclear missiles launched from Delphi reduced her to incandescent fragments as she approached her KF suicide range.

The destruction of Alexander Davion marked the end of the battle - fighting raged on for another hour as League aerospace fighters mopped up the remaining Davion forces (and more than a few escape pods). By the time the massacre was complete, Invulnerable and the DropShip convoy were too far out-system for interception; however, there was no way those DropShips accounted for all of the Davion forces.

Attaining high orbit on 27 October, Delphi's Admiral promptly rejected a proposal for negotiations by the commander of the remaining Federated Suns forces. Only unconditional surrender, the Admiral announced, would be accepted. Further, the League commander announced that all Davion officers taken would be tried for war crimes. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the Davion defenders dug in to repel a counter-invasion.

The FWL, however, had no such intentions. Spreading out across the planet's orbitals, the FWL fleet was clearly preparing for large-scale orbital bombardment. This final ultimatum came at midnight on October 28th: if the Federated Suns forces, along with "the treasonous rebel faction," did not surrender within an hour, strategic bombardment of the planet would commence until such a surrender was forthcoming.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


By all means delete this post later, but I'd just like to make a comment.

I've heard more than once by GMs that nations within this game stand or fall on the merit of the actions of the players.  This is probably no truer than what happened to the Lyran Commonwealth.  However here we have a FedSuns forces interjecting in a civil war not of their own, and now to a certain extent, given a get out of jail free card.  The FWL didn't invite the Davions to come to Andurien, and I'm sure would have far preferred to have them stay back in their cantonments. 

To the FWL credit, they concentrated enough force against the Davions this turn to give them a good smacking for their audacity.  However not only have they lost two of their best naval warships (which I'm presuming there is no hope of salvaging), but the FedSuns have been allowed to save a significant portion of their ground force element, plus a warship.  Hours after first reading this, I'm still shaking my head in dismay.

IC bit:  "Admiral.  the is Rear Admiral Stark of the Magistracy Navy.  Magistracy naval vessels will not, I repeat not, undertake any orbital bombardment of the planetary surface.  My forces will assist in any way with a planetary assault, which is what I recommend to you.  Rebels or not, the overwhelming population of Andurien has played no part in this rebellion."


Dave Baughman

OOC: I dig what you are saying Parm. For what its worth, those FS troops are jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire - stay tuned for Regulus' thread next turn.

"Admiral Stark, I respect your sentiments," came the signal from FWLS Delphi, "but the Free Worlds Navy has acquired quite a bit of experience dealing in putting down these provincial rebellions. You're free to not participate in this pacification action, but mark my words: if a thousand rebels have to die to save the lives of one Free Worlds soldier, the price is worth it. If we show leniency now, it will only encourage more rebellions."

Turning from the monitor, the Admiral spoke to someone off-camera, "Gunnery control, you may fire when ready."

◇◇◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆ are spent as follows:

◇◇◆◆◆ to inflict 10d6 damage on the remaining FS troops
◆◆◆◆◆ to execute 5 terrorism orders (attacking civilian targets)
◆◆◆◆◆ to attack the planetary biosphere five times

Damage to FS forces

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 3, total 5
Rolled 2d6 : 1, 6, total 7
Rolled 2d6 : 6, 3, total 9
Rolled 2d6 : 3, 2, total 5
Rolled 2d6 : 3, 4, total 7[/blockquote]

Terrorism [blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 6, 5, total 11
Rolled 2d6 : 4, 5, total 9
Rolled 2d6 : 4, 3, total 7
Rolled 2d6 : 4, 4, total 8
Rolled 2d6 : 4, 1, total 5[/blockquote]

Biosphere attack [blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 6, total 11
Rolled 2d6 : 1, 5, total 6
Rolled 2d6 : 6, 1, total 7
Rolled 2d6 : 1, 5, total 6
Rolled 2d6 : 2, 5, total 7[/blockquote]
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

FS forces on the ground take 33 FP (enough is still there that scattering is ineffective at reducing the damage)

Hex is terrorized for 3 turns

Civilian casualties

[blockquote]Rolled 20d1000 : 43, 392, 667, 333, 904, 523, 801, 30, 27, 527, 726, 777, 292, 406, 250, 102, 99, 236, 77, 59, total 7271
Rolled 20d1000 : 379, 67, 616, 495, 811, 304, 994, 97, 742, 685, 433, 442, 46, 471, 39, 479, 939, 979, 402, 601, total 10021
Rolled 20d1000 : 484, 53, 552, 538, 154, 521, 142, 440, 5, 210, 434, 770, 860, 820, 429, 530, 556, 62, 298, 159, total 8017
Rolled 20d1000 : 28, 479, 121, 987, 409, 313, 642, 20, 189, 337, 190, 7, 99, 571, 367, 280, 439, 74, 655, 957, total 7164
Rolled 20d1000 : 714, 478, 60, 936, 906, 666, 440, 29, 212, 346, 252, 871, 381, 744, 735, 677, 448, 877, 138, 697, total 10607
Rolled 20d1000 : 365, 620, 673, 958, 38, 629, 875, 914, 59, 78, 819, 235, 80, 978, 22, 951, 277, 777, 734, 496, total 10578
Rolled 20d1000 : 519, 769, 629, 480, 655, 427, 664, 253, 730, 284, 304, 115, 331, 380, 39, 930, 174, 974, 301, 538, total 9496
Rolled 20d1000 : 660, 759, 322, 796, 488, 271, 398, 222, 98, 636, 538, 300, 2, 950, 707, 865, 563, 471, 411, 178, total 9635
Rolled 20d1000 : 898, 129, 368, 149, 422, 222, 340, 541, 51, 474, 972, 388, 101, 990, 248, 249, 110, 911, 520, 231, total 8314
Rolled 20d1000 : 240, 204, 144, 704, 834, 333, 353, 794, 630, 672, 336, 72, 198, 931, 761, 470, 791, 332, 525, 488, total 9812
Rolled 20d1000 : 287, 755, 400, 81, 65, 593, 122, 135, 618, 375, 333, 692, 365, 530, 506, 17, 599, 594, 356, 572, total 7995
Rolled 20d1000 : 438, 582, 257, 264, 859, 630, 309, 178, 382, 294, 948, 81, 395, 959, 111, 656, 187, 672, 307, 832, total 9341
Rolled 20d1000 : 406, 594, 371, 637, 787, 459, 585, 146, 239, 633, 141, 475, 670, 379, 9, 319, 565, 78, 81, 571, total 8145
Rolled 20d1000 : 408, 327, 896, 870, 476, 908, 28, 493, 950, 730, 423, 312, 45, 978, 759, 360, 638, 227, 329, 105, total 10262
Rolled 20d1000 : 167, 149, 716, 330, 985, 617, 853, 862, 30, 664, 740, 745, 795, 716, 469, 1000, 416, 1000, 995, 234, total 12483
Rolled 20d1000 : 298, 270, 195, 993, 10, 782, 455, 40, 931, 976, 11, 734, 825, 652, 237, 852, 571, 881, 425, 912, total 11050
Rolled 20d1000 : 850, 39, 889, 651, 8, 414, 392, 637, 536, 345, 128, 759, 968, 215, 780, 525, 119, 646, 764, 247, total 9912
Rolled 20d1000 : 472, 720, 766, 209, 642, 863, 745, 795, 218, 945, 938, 408, 461, 416, 145, 918, 420, 836, 795, 73, total 11785
Rolled 20d1000 : 928, 577, 998, 160, 66, 116, 347, 614, 635, 421, 234, 867, 290, 211, 297, 192, 351, 810, 346, 746, total 9206
Rolled 20d1000 : 171, 760, 626, 507, 549, 526, 216, 341, 501, 111, 673, 628, 350, 284, 859, 538, 23, 111, 168, 948, total 8890[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 20d1000 : 224, 21, 785, 976, 500, 635, 877, 146, 589, 31, 470, 449, 757, 754, 702, 565, 171, 397, 327, 45, total 9421
Rolled 20d1000 : 347, 952, 719, 8, 355, 902, 75, 669, 613, 33, 468, 720, 561, 364, 705, 500, 512, 525, 88, 345, total 9461
Rolled 20d1000 : 431, 314, 278, 290, 895, 734, 691, 171, 812, 488, 373, 379, 583, 625, 23, 968, 539, 557, 893, 415, total 10459
Rolled 20d1000 : 444, 161, 437, 657, 454, 80, 402, 730, 973, 251, 851, 162, 409, 90, 949, 169, 26, 426, 244, 186, total 8101
Rolled 20d1000 : 58, 668, 786, 23, 966, 97, 238, 653, 304, 338, 319, 674, 299, 586, 428, 339, 798, 608, 192, 459, total 8833
Rolled 20d1000 : 119, 170, 722, 251, 896, 850, 130, 176, 859, 351, 81, 453, 745, 128, 657, 411, 215, 814, 18, 577, total 8623
Rolled 20d1000 : 352, 15, 737, 993, 382, 817, 446, 218, 824, 126, 678, 275, 114, 784, 561, 26, 327, 292, 92, 427, total 8486
Rolled 20d1000 : 795, 788, 893, 199, 972, 63, 269, 727, 772, 306, 611, 906, 105, 249, 35, 351, 649, 815, 657, 465, total 10627
Rolled 20d1000 : 995, 557, 438, 381, 340, 997, 363, 238, 493, 241, 21, 339, 149, 316, 178, 720, 571, 405, 764, 199, total 8705
Rolled 20d1000 : 374, 594, 10, 183, 61, 238, 572, 282, 693, 887, 241, 398, 242, 206, 439, 513, 606, 848, 533, 353, total 8273
Rolled 20d1000 : 212, 952, 437, 877, 126, 436, 900, 397, 39, 920, 147, 2, 533, 806, 664, 763, 100, 288, 997, 872, total 10468
Rolled 20d1000 : 388, 630, 449, 116, 857, 945, 852, 633, 135, 967, 41, 308, 670, 818, 187, 855, 663, 849, 650, 557, total 11570
Rolled 20d1000 : 8, 225, 778, 744, 651, 859, 155, 870, 696, 260, 996, 199, 905, 970, 88, 125, 677, 62, 559, 23, total 9850
Rolled 20d1000 : 159, 796, 956, 698, 458, 144, 629, 602, 501, 220, 886, 743, 853, 638, 352, 943, 421, 809, 516, 820, total 12144
Rolled 20d1000 : 487, 78, 915, 498, 951, 604, 767, 410, 909, 118, 92, 790, 73, 689, 815, 528, 845, 16, 572, 880, total 11037
Rolled 20d1000 : 547, 314, 785, 49, 662, 314, 254, 883, 865, 514, 589, 109, 69, 791, 773, 100, 162, 535, 844, 343, total 9502
Rolled 20d1000 : 412, 366, 79, 932, 900, 872, 384, 12, 962, 561, 786, 521, 945, 614, 929, 288, 886, 617, 304, 709, total 12079
Rolled 20d1000 : 722, 724, 222, 492, 356, 686, 742, 86, 475, 300, 962, 499, 543, 79, 269, 706, 154, 973, 530, 950, total 10470
Rolled 20d1000 : 968, 474, 459, 243, 196, 603, 329, 537, 909, 509, 865, 137, 81, 824, 226, 733, 949, 862, 853, 737, total 11494
Rolled 20d1000 : 181, 650, 880, 770, 139, 401, 530, 967, 73, 695, 379, 154, 115, 119, 961, 91, 158, 195, 798, 411, total 8667[/blockquote]

Planetary biosphere is not damaged
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

Total civilian casualties: 420,872 (not counting secondary casualties, expected to rise into the millions within one month).

Within hours of the massive, coordinated attacks, the planetary government signalled its unconditional surrender. After sabotaging their equipment, the Federated Suns forces were not far behind.

Admiral Gopivallabha greeted Rear Admiral Stark with a dark grin, "You see, Admiral, it didn't take them long to see reason. I don't know how you do things out in the periphery, but there's a reason the Free Worlds League has stood for four centuries, and its the same reason it will stand for four centuries more. Now, if you will excuse me, I believe I have a military tribunal to organize. So many Federats, so little time..."
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

Horrors of War

+5 for damage inflicted (117 FP of FS naval losses, 33 FP of bombardment losses, plus 100-ish FP damage to the FWLN)
+20 for tokens spent (5 nukes in th naval battle plus 15 bombardment tokens)
+5 for terrorism used against the planet's civilian population
+15 for tokens used against ground targets

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6+45 : 2, 4 + 45, total 51[/blockquote]
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

All surrounding hexes are terrorized for 3 turns.

Potential hex element damage: MFx4, SYx2, PF, IC, RS

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 5, total 7
Rolled 2d6 : 1, 4, total 5
Rolled 2d6 : 6, 5, total 11
Rolled 2d6 : 5, 1, total 6
Rolled 2d6 : 5, 6, total 11
Rolled 2d6 : 4, 6, total 10
Rolled 2d6 : 1, 3, total 4
Rolled 2d6 : 5, 2, total 7
Rolled 2d6 : 3, 5, total 8[/blockquote]

Automatic biosphere damage (2d6+25, target is a "12"). Andurien is reduced from a Regional Capital World to a Control World.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

1 MF, 1 SY, and the PF are destroyed

The RS is offline for... [blockquote]Rolled 1d6 : 6, total 6[/blockquote] ...turns.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


"By all means, Sir.  My people are continuing SAR and I would request to be able to land what medical teams I can muster to work with your medics."

Signalling to the comms rating that she had finished and that communications to the Free Worlds flagship be set to receive only, Admiral Stark motioned to her chief of staff to join her.  "Have our medics prepped for a planetary deployment.  And give me our final casualty figures as soon as you are able, as well as the number of AFFS survivors we have picked up.  The Palace is going to want to know what went down here as soon as possible, considering the potential fallout.  Admiral Gopivallabha's word for the day is Davion arse.  Nailed to a wall. "