[Turn 52] *Turning Point* New Ivaarsen - Draconis Combine vs. Federated Suns

Started by Dave Baughman, November 06, 2011, 11:33:29 PM

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Dave Baughman

New Ivaarsen Star System
November 3091

After years of quiet, the Draconis March erupts into turmoil as warriors from the Galedon Shogunate launch a series of incursions. In the first wave, the most intense fighting was on New Ivaarsen as the 1st Kestrel Grenadiers found themselves assailed by the elite 2nd Sword of Light.



The attackers are elements of the elite 2nd Sword of Light. In MegaMek, the attacker should build a force of heavy and assault 'Mechs with optional battle armor support. In simple resolution, treat the Sword of Light forces as 10.00 FP.


The defenders are elements of the veteran 1st Kestrel Grenadiers. In MegaMek, the defender should be 85% of the battle value of the attacker. In simple resolution, the defender is 8.50 FP.


In Simple Resolution, standard invasion rules apply (first to win three simple resolution rolls wins)

In MegaMek, each side earns a number of points equal to the percentage of enemy BV destroyed.

  • If the winner's score is no more than 24% above the loser's, the battle is a draw
  • If the winner's score is 25-49% above the loser's, that side wins a marginal victory
  • If the winner's score is 50% or more above the loser's, that side wins a decisive victory
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.