[RP/MM] Turn 40: TC vs CGS ToP? New Kerensky Hex 0912 *completed*

Started by Jeyar, June 07, 2010, 08:32:05 PM

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I just hope that this works.

"Greetings and salutations. It is our understanding that this system is under the direction of Clan Goliath Scorpion. We have not been in contact with your people before, but wish to do so, with a directed purpose in mind. Our people are under attack by a people called the Dark, and accusations have sprung up that they had their origins in part from the Clan Smoke Jaguar and a sort of clan-pirate group long known as the dark caste".

"We are very inexperienced with your system of bids, however it has been reported to us that your people prefer open and direct communications when setting such up. Due to this, let me set all our cards on the table. My force is a battalion of the Pleaides Lancers. Among my own people, we are rated as veteran, but my understanding is that among your own people, that would be considered an average force skill. In either case, we seek assistance against these "Dark", and we are willing to attempt a "trial of possession" for that assistance. The reasoning is that: you possess not only the reported unique talents of the Goliath Scorpions to be able to find what others cannot, but also possess the knowledge and experience in dealing with the Smoke Jaguar side of the Dark, yet also feel that dealing with pirates and such as disgusting, so you would not want to offer such assistance without some form of honorable combat. We are not however sure exactly what we should be challenging with that is comparable to what we are seeking, so we are hoping if we inform you of what we are potentially challenging with, so that you can inform us what would be an acceptable form of challenge, knowing already what it is we are seeking from your people. It is true that it is unlikely that we are challenging for such things as the people, factories or ownership of anything of that nature, however we are unsure how our need is interpreted."

"We look forward to working with you, and if need be per your own balancing of honor, honorably fighting with you."

[MM/RP]  Pleaides Lancers (3rd battalion) Vet Rel 5.25 FP Mech – ToP for what would be called "reasonable" assistance against the "Dark".


((OOC: I do not believe that a ToP can be made for assistance. Usually a ToP is for tangible assets. You could ToP for a warrior, or technology, but a ToP wouldn't be appropriate for attempting to force them to assist you. Atleast that is my understanding))
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


[OOC] Well, that is one of the reasons we are looking for their interpretation of just what it is we need to challenge for to GET what it is we need - assistance against the Dark. I mean this force is almost 4 months out of date, but they know that these so called "Dark" have committed near genocide - just don't yet know that the Taurians have had the same turned onto them. If there is some other activity that would be more appropriate, that would be cool too. I mean after counting JUST the forces I know of, these "Dark" are pushing 900 FP, and I have IC suggestions that they have a not-insignificant additional force. [/OOC]


((OOC: I guess the issue is that there really isnt a Trial designed to compel action. So I'm going to go out on a limb and say that i doubt you're going to get what you want through military action. You could try and convince them its in their best interest, but as far as fighting a Trial and forcing them to take action, there is no such Trial in Clan society.))
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


[OOC] Good thing the Taurians do not know that then...  ;D [/OOC]


"I am sorry for the invasion of your realm, but we have no trials for what you ask. As you have informed me the Dark attacks are almost 1,000 Light Years away from this section of space and would require almost a years travel for my forces, given this we cannot offer any military help to you. You are more than welcome to land on New Kerensky, but after that i must ask you to leave the Palladium Protectorate."


"Can you at least give us intel on those that had been Smoke Jaguar? Or perhaps details of this "Dark Caste" that we are told are key to the Dark's Forces? We have virtually no information, and right now information could quite potentially be key."

"Also, this Palladium Protectorate. Could you perhaps tell us about yourselves? What you stand for, what you seek and things along those lines?"


"Neg, you may have our hospitality till you recharge your drives and get some soil under you and nothing more. Fail to comply and we will use other means to make you."