New (er) Record Sheet - version 0.50

Started by Dave Baughman, July 06, 2010, 04:27:42 AM

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If anyone wants help, I'm willing to help out moving stuff to the new sheets. But chances are that in some cases, you'll have to make changes to how you planned on doing things. Especially if you thought standardization was for poor people... or, I guess, only use one type of unit.

I don't currently have any plans to play this game in any more involvement than a THAC member, or maybe something absurdly irrelevent like a private corporation. And even if there's still a worry about me seeing people's sheets... I've probably seen at least half of the game's order sheet at some point anyway. I won't remember anything after a few days.   :D

Dave Baughman

BTW I have more sheets that I have to write tonight, and I am going to be doing them in Open Office for debugging purposes, so to those of you who are using that program I may soon be sharing your pain... and if so I will hopefully find a workaround to some of the technical issues people have reported.

Hmmmm interesting. Open Office does not seem to like it when proximity-finds are disabled on the V Lookups. I notice that on the literal conversion from XLSX, the Davion II makes the max FP formula error out, but if the final check digit is changed from 0 to 1, it proximity searches and can suddenly discern the FP (the issue seems to be that Open Office can't tell the Davion 1 and Davion 2 apart... probabl the same issue it was having with Green vs. Very Green.

Update 2 -> this seems to fix the validation section when it tries to commit suicide as well.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


I think this thing has been a trial for all of us. Builds character, I suppose.

I should say that I'm actually very happy with my RATs (less the Patrol Dropships -- I'd really rather have the Titan at 7, the Miraborg at 8, and the Vengeance at 6,) I think they add a nice Battletechy flavor to what was actually a pretty bland roster before.

I was going to mention that VLOOKUP was broken in openoffice calc. The problem I was having was with the multiple versions of the Lola III. I worked around that by the simple expedient of just using the Clan version (which it selects without parenthetical notation) and in the case of "Green" modding the formula to ignore the empty lines. I'll try redoing it with non-exact searches. Maybe.

Speaking of which, I'm not exactly a spreadsheet wizard myself, is there a good way to update 200+ rows of the same formula?


Fix the formula in the first cell, then click the black box in the lower right corner and drag it down the columns.  It should copy the formula changing to the appropriate cells(a->b->c etc) as needed.


No worries Dave. I've been in your shoes. Lemme know if ya need any assistance I will do what I can.