[RP/MM] CIH v. LC and Friends Sargasso 1615 (Recon Raid/Invasion) [complete]

Started by Marlin, July 22, 2010, 05:57:45 PM

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Ok. the BV makes it clear that there was a huge gap involved. Not sure what now. August conceded when his Manticore was immobile, his Carrier was dead and his hopper ko for one round.

On the other hand, only the Moth had 6 points damage and a Foot and leg actuator damaged. (Masc on 3).

I attached the logs for what its worth.


Winner is: TEAM #1

Marlin: 12132 BV remaining (from 12904 initially) 0 BV fled
august: 6573 BV remaining (from 7851 initially) 0 BV fled

Survivors are:
Griffin GRF-1N (august)
Pilot : Unnamed [5/6]
Kills : 0

Demolisher Heavy Tank (august)
Driver : Unnamed [5/6]
Kills : 0

Warhammer WHM-6R (august)
Pilot : Unnamed [5/6]
Kills : 0

Grasshopper GHR-5N (august)
Pilot : Unnamed [5/6] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Lineholder KW1-LH2 (august)
Pilot : Unnamed [5/6]
Kills : 0

Ontos Heavy Tank (august)
Driver : Unnamed [5/6]
Kills : 0

Manticore Heavy Tank (august)
Driver : Unnamed [5/6]
Kills : 0

Fire Falcon B (Marlin)
Pilot : Nova Commander Danielle [2/3]
Kills : 1

Fire Moth D (Marlin)
Pilot : Unnamed [2/3]
Kills : 0

Corona (Marlin)
Gunnery Skill : Unnamed [2]
Kills : 0

Gnome (Marlin)
Gunnery Skill : Unnamed [2]
Kills : 0

Elemental (Pulse Laser) (Marlin)
Gunnery Skill : Unnamed [2]
Kills : 0

Cougar B (Marlin)
Pilot : Unnamed [2/3]
Kills : 0

The following utterly destroyed units are not available for salvage:
LRM Carrier (august)
Driver : Unnamed [5/6]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Fire Falcon B (Marlin)

Detailed unit status saved to entitystatus.txt


I am inclined to gobble up all possible salvage from here, though august wanted to let them fight to the death. I had better range, its not unlikely they were pounded from a distance. Those Arc Royals are certainly not bright, but their bravery is undisputed.  :-*

If my force took no real damage, the Salvage stands at 1.75 FP

Raid Salvage: [blockquote]Rolled 2d6+2 : 4, 3 + 2, total 9[/blockquote]

Rolling what is salvageable: [blockquote]Rolled 2d6+5 : 5, 3 + 5, total 13[/blockquote]


Hm.. Salvage should be .25 FP (rounded up)

and if the CIH grabs 80 % thereof, again, rounded up, that should be that?


IP: As soon as the Raiding force had left the system successfully, another force of jumpships, also Ice Hellions, entered the system.

Init: [blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 1, total 2[/blockquote]


And they saw that the Star Adders were already there. Regardless, the Dropships boosted to the Planet, no real resistance was expected and perhaps the bigger numbers could scare away the Star Adders?

OOC: Its now between Adders and AR remains.



Assuming we don't need to fight out a 3.1:1 fight as per the other threads.

3.25 (or 2.x since the Militia will be damaged from the IH raid) form a regular cluster to be named in the salvage summary.

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 6, total 7[/blockquote]


I've written and then deleted two unkind responses; suffice it to say that I consider this unsporting on the part of the Adder players. At every turn exploiting rules that exist only in the FGC rulebook and wouldn't be at all apparent IC to get the bare minimum ensuring 3+:1 odds.

Defense roll:
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 6, total 8[/blockquote]


OOC: Could you pm me what you find is exploiting the rules here?  Marlin won his recon raid and as CIH and CSA are on good terms, and share intel ,why wouldn't we know there's only militia here?  Would you prefer 80-100 to 1 odds?

This hasn't been a very nice war for a while now unfortunately, and I'd like to do what we can to keep any hard feelings IC and not OOC.


Will that be finished soon? Hellions might want to have a say in this too. (Ownership I mean)


The militia was destroyed above.  If you want to trial v. CSA that's your prerogative of course.