[RP/MM] C41 - Monthey 423 CSA v. RWR [Complete]

Started by DisGruntled, August 22, 2010, 04:02:08 AM

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As the reports from the various sub-formations returned.  Regrouping with the scattered subunits became the main priority.
Task Force 8.1 next movements would bring it to the so called Monthey.

OOC:HTM 12.75 FP of the mixed fighters, droppers, and an Odyssey escorting several troop transport jumpships planing transit through the hex. No further combat actions are planned for this cycle just passing through.


A few merchant vessels and other non-combatants make rude commentary and disgusting jokes concerning the incestuous nature of using the same DNA pool over and over again -- over open freqs  -- but no hostile actions are made against the Clan forces.


The vessels leave as quietly as they arrived.