[RP/MM] Turn 41: CSC vs LC'ish Invasion- Triesting 11018 *COMPLETE*

Started by Holt, July 21, 2010, 02:59:02 AM

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"The Spirits have come for your world Lyrans, who stands opposed to us!"

6th Nova Cat Cavalry      Mobile   Elite   Questionable   15


"If'n it be Lyrans you be after," an old, male voice says, "then I suggest ya be heading a might east or further south-east o' here."

"Dis here world o' Triesting be loyal to Charlamagne Steiner o' the Clan Star Adder, and me be thinkin' that the Arc-Royal or Skye Lyrans would be more to your likin'"

"Or better yet, down south a wee bit be that Rim Worlds Republic. I hear you Clanner-types aint real fond of dem none.'

"But if you must insist, den me an' me boyos will give you somethin' to 'member us by."

(ooc: presuming that the Cats follow through with their Invasion, 1 FP of militia (that's about standard right?) will defend.)


"Your education must have been appalling, after this world becomes part of Clan Spirit Cat; i pledge to rectify that situation."


Quote from: Holt on July 22, 2010, 05:55:21 AM
"Your education must have been appalling, after this world becomes part of Clan Spirit Cat; i pledge to rectify that situation."

"Mah ed'cashun wa' jis fine than' yo' veruh much. I learn'd, knows, an' has fergotten more den 'nuff to kick yo' ass."

"So yo' got da' stones ta be ah man an' face me yo'self, one ta one, or yo' one of dem dat can't takes a piss wit'out bein' wrapped in tons o' metal?"


ooc: hi - overtaking the cats - I request 2 days to get back on track everywhere :)


(ooc: good to have you back....hope two days is enough)


"There must have been a jump-error... We are checking our nav-computer but it seems that we ended up in the wrong system..."


The reply isn't long in coming, comprehension though may be another matter, "Ah kins whol'y un'erstand, if'n dose damable 'puters werunt so neededs, Ah'd do awah wit da lot o' dem."

"Likes Ah said, dis here is nos Lyran world, Triestin' be Addah now, sos feels free tah recharg' an's be on yo's merruh ways. Ah still thins dah Rim Wurms be mo' tah yo' likin' if'n yo' wanna kicks sum arse."