[RP/MM] Turn 41: RasDom vs Lyrans -- Invasion Arcturus (2219) *COMPLETE*

Started by JediBear, July 21, 2010, 02:07:55 PM

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Message transmitted from arriving RasDom forces:

People of Arcturus, my name is Galaxy Commander Douglas Silva, and I have been sent here in response to your request for aid from the Rasalhague Dominion.

If any would deny the right of the people of Arcturus to freedom and self-determination, he should know that I and my Delta Galaxy stand against him.

Our victories are many. Our prowess is legendary. Are there any in this system that wish to meet us in battle?



  "Galaxy Commander Silva, your presence here is a suprise but your intentions are not. Unless instruced by the civilian government to leave will will defend this world in the name of the Lyran Commonwealth."

26th Skye Rangers RCT (Elite 53.5 ground,6 air)
2nd Royal Guards RCT (Vet  53 ground, 7.5 air)


Perhaps I did not make myself entirely clear. I am here on behalf of the civilian government because they were afraid you might do something rash if ordered to step aside. I applaud your valor, and my warriors are eager for battle, but perhaps you should consult the civilian government before you lay down your lives [i]in opposition[/i] to their wishes.

Nevertheless, if battle is your desire, battle you shall have. With what do you defend this world?

(Delta Galaxy:
Jorgensson's Keshik (Elite, 5.75FP ground)
8th Bear Cuirassiers (Veteran, 14.05FP ground)
73rd Battle Cluster (Veteran, 16.4FP ground)
68th Striker Cluster (Veteran, 13.58FP ground)
115th Striker Cluster (Elite, 17.45FP ground)
140th Striker Cluster (Veteran, 15.93FP ground)
Delta Aerocluster (Regular, 30FP air)

Dave Baughman

OOC: The civilian government is dead-set against being "enslaved by those Swedish sons of bitches", but at the same time LCAF military police are the main reason the government house is still standing. Ever since the Bears arrived there have been mass demonstrations along the lines of "Rangers go home," "freedom for Orestes Shire," and "Long Live Rahim." These stayed peaceful for about the first day, after which they devolved into riots after bus-loads of local Redshirts showed up to "counter-demonstrate."

"Massive public disorder" and "complete failure of civil authority" would generally describe the situation on the ground.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.



  The Commander of the 2nd Royals looked at her counter part. "The Bears have come calling. Do we fight or declare ourselves neutral. Either way we are damnned if we do, damnned if we don't."



  "Galaxy Commander Silva, we grant you safecon to land. The decision engage in honorable combat is left to the perview of my superiors. Should you decide to engage us we will defend ourselves. You may ground at the commercial drop port 50 Kilometers west of my position."


Landing as instructed, Delta Galaxy deployed troops to maintain a security perimeter and sent out messages to the head of the planetary government and the commanders of the two Lyran units present on-planet inviting them to conference with the Galaxy Commander.



  The hoverjeep stopped at the Bear perimeter. The occupants were unarmed save for side arms and under a flag of truce. They waited for admittance to meet with the bear commander.


A Ghost Bear MP waved them through and directed them to one of the larger spaceport buildings.


 The Hover jeep pulled up to the building indicated. The senior officer looked for a guard. She then turned to the driver and handed him her sidearm. "This keeps us honest. Hang on to these." The other officer followed suit. "General, are you sure we can dig our way out of this hole?" She turned back and nodded. "I'm sure we'll be fine the Bears aren't looking for a fight and if we can aviod it better for us."


The building had clearly been an aircraft hangar before the Ghost Bear had appropriated it to his own purposes. It had since become environmentally-controlled through the application of HarJel and air conditioning and a large T-shaped conference table now dominated the space. Arrayed around it were eight Ghost Bear officers. To anyone familiar with Ghost Bear uniforms, they would have been recognizable as a Galaxy Commander and seven Star Colonels, all but two of them Trueborn.

Galaxy Commander Douglas Silva spoke:

"Please, come in. Be at leisure. We have cookies and cake, and tea will be served soon."

As he said this, laborers bearing elaborate tea service entered the room with several varieties of genuine and herbal tea, all native to Rasalhague or Alshain.



  Leutnant-General Nichole Simmons took the a look at the offerings and nodded approval. "I appreciate the hospitality Galaxy Commander. I do have a question for you. Why are you not looking for a fight? As far as I recall there are no declared hostilites between the Rasahague Dominion and the Lyran Commonwealth in spite of your clan origins. I understand your presence was requested by elements with in the civilian population and I am willing to respect thier wishes under the condition that when we leave we are allowed to take the Ducal family out. Barring that I'm sure we can make some sort of arrangement. I understand your invatation included the Duke and Duchess but they declined."


"Why should I be looking for a fight? As you mention, there is no state of war here, merely a state of disarray, and while I and my people are warriors we are here as peacekeepers. While there is no doubt glory and honor to be found in plenty if our troops square off and fight to the death, we are each more valuable to our respective people as intact military commands. The Lyrans have been good neighbors to us for some time, and I see no reason that my enforcing these people's right to self-determination should lead to us coming to blows."

"As to the ducal family, they may come and go as they please. I do not intend to take them prisoner. If they wish to go with you when you withdraw, that is their decision. I must insist, however, that you do withdraw. Otherwise, it is likely that however good my intentions are we must come to blows."



  "Understood Galaxy Commander, my forces will remain in position for at least another 48 hours. After that I will have to make the call. In the meantime I will head back to my troops shortly to ensure that the cease fire stays in place and have the Ducal family prepare to leave. It is my hope that we continue to be good neighbors. I do need to transmit a message from my HQ to my direct commander. I'm sure he will be pleased to hear his units are still intact."


Arcturus, 48 hours later.

  The combined forces of the 2nd Royal Guards and 26th Skye Rangers boost off world.