RP Turn 41: FWL/Skye Solaris 7 *COMPLETE*

Started by chaosxtreme, July 21, 2010, 03:56:04 AM

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This is General Mike Misanin of the 11th Free Worlds League Legionnaires. My orders are to take up station on Solaris 7 and assist in the garrison against all foreign threats.

Please confirm landing coordinates Solaris 7 command.



  You may land troops at the international zone spaceport.


Here's what were going to do.

Charles, Vassily, Vince your in charge of doing what needs to be done in Montenegro. I want a massive voter registration drive. homeowners, renters, transients guys who are fresh off a Dropship if their in Montenegro and their liable to go League I want them on the voter rolls.

Work with Janette to figure out bussing on poll day's and with Umberto to establish a series of friendly exhibition games. Emphasis on friendly no grudge matches, no bragging rights make sure their good fights but so help me if any sub group in montenegro leaves them with a chip on their shoulder Ill have yours and THEIR Privy Part's you got me.

Alright Hui, your incharge of the legitimate operations in Cathay. We've been good friends to the Empress play that up. Also play up how big the boys in Black Hills have been for the Silesian's running things. We don't need to make them love the FWL. We just need them to hate Black Hills more. Divide and conquer.

Jin...you make contact with the Tong's try and do business with them. Small stuff only, union contracts, bus rentals the usual up the fee 6% above industry standard. We make them money they should ignore and even support us somewhat. Make sure they understand that business can go on as usual under the FWL Banner. But make sure they understand that if they become obstructionist I have a full V.I.N.H. Dark Shadows Section on Solaris with no one to kill..yet."

"Sven, Silesia is yours. Keep it propaganda we're not going to win but by making a few token efforts to court them we prevent unrest when we do win anyway. Your an Ad Man so you know how this works play up the good relations as of yet, the Skye support angle, but also lace it with misinformation on voting days and locations. Similar looking handouts to the official information handout giving information on rallies in selsia across town. This isn't your first Rodeo so I expect you to handle this and do so on a budget."

"Mike not much different for you in the Black Hills, crazy damn Rat bastards lead the charge against us when we were last on Solaris 7.  They get even less effort then the Silesians. They'll settle down once we win."

"Ishida your job is to remind those boys in Kobe how much they hate Silesians and the people from Black Hills. Combine is not on the Refferendum so they will just have to settle for whom they "Don't" hate.


Alright boys where do we stand.

Silesa is screaming bloody murder about the outcome of the plebiscite. Throwing around all kinds of blatantly false accusations about hanging chads and incorrect polling place information. You know behaving like typical Elsie whiners.

Black Hill's aren't much better fewer people grabbing mechs lots of bellyaching and complaining.

Cathay some hate but really not that bad though ahem some of our "friends" are upset that the no-work and no-show jobs we were providing during the plebiscite are terminating much sooner then they were told they would.

Kobe well hell they hate us just as much as always that is to say less then they hate the boys from Black Hills and Selesia only marginally.

Montenegro hell boss it's still one big drunken party, last check there were three Canopan Pleasure Circus's parked in Geo-Synch Orbit. Though authorities are a bit peeved that old Iron Mike is still refusing to allow the 11th's infantry assets to assist the police in crowd control.

They can lump it Umberto, General Mizannin has the right of it. He keeps the 11th squarely in the international zone like the Elsies were supposed to do. Its cheap propaganda with the rest of the communities here on Solaris and lets everyone know that as long as the money "flows" the League will maintain a hands off policy on local affairs.

Will take the air right out of the sails of any Revanchist Steiner supporters trying to stir up trouble on planet.

Well looks like you boys have everything under control after all. Well this isn't the army but you've all done so well take a look at your dossier. Each of you will find information on a similar operation that's going down in Rimmer Space.

Win, and I think I'm staring at a room full of freshly minted newly ennobled MP's from said worlds.  Make me proud ladies and gentlemen and more importantly make the Captain-General proud we just bloodlessly brought Solaris 7 back into the Free Worlds League lets go do it again only bigger this time.

Dave Baughman

So far things have been quiet on Solaris, but VINH's analysts think that something is brewing. Maybe it's Duncan Fisher's pirate radio broadcasts, or the large number of MechWarriors (and 'Mechs) who recently have 'gone on vacation' or just dropped off the map, but the local VINH commander is recommending caution.

Other than his concerns, however, so far you're sitting pretty.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.