[RP/MM] C41- Wroclaw 1616- CSA v. AR? (Invasion) [Complete CSA Win]

Started by DisGruntled, July 22, 2010, 11:42:08 PM

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Along the Lyran Front the war continues with the Arrival of an Adder TF at it's newest battlefront.

Various fighters of the 7th CASF and 8th CASF lead the way in system ~30 FP.


Incoming Adder Force. This is not our fight. I repeat not our fight. We have taken the Captain-General's coin and are enroute to the UIW to meet our contractual obligations to defend joint UIW and Marik governmental interests.

That being said hermano you pick a fight and "Los Guerrero 's " will give you the same fight we gave the Falcons before that pinche General sold us out to the Rimjobs.

Ora le clanvito this is Guerrero Actual standing by to see where we are at ese.

OOC: 7th Tamar Cavaliers Charge are charging drives.


"Incoming Star Adder Force, this is Cardinal Tadeusz Wierkowski of the Wroclaw Roman Catholic Church. You have seen that our defenders have abandoned us. This world is undefended, and there is nothing here that would pose a threat to you. We have no warriors against whom you might prove your mettle, and no resources worth taking. I implore you in the name of God the Merciful, to bypass this humble world and continue on your way. The wise warrior fights only when justice demands, and otherwise kneels humbly in the peace of Christ. I pray that your hearts are given to mercy and loving kindness, Clan Warriors. Do not needlessly shed the blood of our humble populace."


"Cardinal, your former defender's unfaithfulness goes to show how poor of shepherds your nations government has been to the people of Wroclaw and their safety.  If none oppose us from removing their corruption, then there shall be no bloodshed upon this world.  Suicide is a sin Cardinal, and if the militia chooses to commit it by oppossing our landing, so be it.  That is their right.  I would recommend evacuating the  vicinity of the Comstar compound though, as their fanatical devotion seems to lead to them blowing themselves and any poor souls into caught nearby into oblivion." 


"Adder Commander, your attempt to appropriate the language of faith is crude and insulting; it comes as no surprise that I must explain the nuances of our creed to the adherent of the godless and bloody doctrine of the clans. If there is corruption on our world, we will root it out via penitence and acts of charity for the sake of our souls, not our temporal safety. And suicide is a sin, but dying for the cause of the faith is not, and your sinful social order is a transgression of the natural law set down by the creator - if you must kill the people of Wroclaw, they will die as martyrs. They will die with Christ crucified, they shall be seated with him in the Kingdom of Heaven."

"You are no doubt ignorant of the scriptures, but the book of Revelation speaks of the evil of a serpent appearing in the skies - you have indicated that you are worthy of your heathen totem. Turn back, repent your sinful ways, and spare the peaceful people of Wroclaw, I implore you."


The following message would go out planet wide, rather then directly to the government.

"Denizens of Timehri, your so called leaders have rejected our offer of quarter and have sent out your militia to die needlessly.  In order to better protect our people we must oblige your leaders wishes.  Fear not, for after the needless deaths of your brother and sisters, fathers and mothers, no violence shall fall upon the populace in general from our hands.  Your leaders have once more proven their lack of concern for the the lives of those they are charged to protect and govern in the name of their petty absentee lords.  As your local government has probably not passed on this warning, we suggest those that live near the Comstar HPG Complex to temporarily evacuate.  The fanatical adepts have been a tad overzealous of late in destroying their equipment as well as anyone else in the immediate vicinity. "   

OOC: Unless you really want to fight this one out in MM, shall we go ahead and roll this out?  Figure a 3.25 FP initial force from one of the clusters assaulting the world.


As the Adder force descended upon Wroclaw, the planet's citizens huddled into the tight confines of the world's thousands of churches. From under a thousand steeples, the chants sounded.

"Kyrie Eleison, Christe Eleison, Kyrie Eleison. Lord, deliver us, though humble sinners we are from the scourge of the dragon that brings evil upon our heads. Mary, Mother of God, pray for us in our hour of need, that we might not be crushed under to the boot of the conqueror. Lord, though we are unworthy of your mercy, you grant it freely given. Do not forget us as Satan would seek to tempt us to inaction, and if martyrdom must be our lot, grant that we may gaze upon your face when evil consumes us. Amen.

The scattered and frightened warriors of the Wroclaw militia carried the same prayer upon their lips as the priests blessed them and what scattered weapons they possessed.

OOC: No, the dice can spell out a foregone conclusion, sure.


As per this thread's request simple res roll with the exact cluster the force is pulled from posted in the resolution post.

CSA commiting 3.25 FP
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 3, 6, total 9[/blockquote]


A-R Militia

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 6, total 10[/blockquote]


(we each get a crit check on this one, yes? If wrong, I'm still learning the ropes. Forgive me.)

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 3, total 5[/blockquote]


Yep with both of us being 9+ we both earned a chance.
Adder Crit Check
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 4, total 6[/blockquote]

Salvage Roll
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6+15 : 4, 1 + 15, total 20[/blockquote]


CSA Commits 3.25 FP from the 1st Mobile Infantry, The Iron Men (R/F)

CSA DMG : Better then  3:1 destroys the militia barring crits.
AR Militia Inflict: 1 *.5=  0.5 FP

Salvage Pool = 1.5 FP
Salvage Roll = 20%
Salvage = 0.3 FP

CSA DMg = 0.5-0.3=0.2 FP which rounds up to 0.25 Damage.