[RP/MM] C41- Timehri 1414 - CSA v. AR? (Invasion) [Complete CSA "Win"]

Started by DisGruntled, July 22, 2010, 11:38:04 PM

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Along the Lyran Front the war continues with the Arrival of an Adder TF at it's newest battlefront.

2 Warships and various fighters lead the way in system ~20 FP.


"Attention incoming Star Adder Fleet, this is Governor Al-Ramzid of Timehri. As you make your approach to our quiet world, it occurs to me that you have forgotten your batchall. No matter, honest mistakes do happen. As this world boasts no significant military defense, and I would prefer to keep things civilized besides, I will defend this world on a backgammon board. Best of five matches wins. Who will be my opponent?"


"You seem to be behind the times Governor, your government has shown it's lack of honor time and time again.  Do you spend all of the time drinking and socializing on the public dime so that you do not know the current state of affairs of your nation?  We are here to actively protect our own people and shall do likewise for those of this planet who choose to join us.  Despite what you have heard there will be no violence against civilians unless they initiate it and force most life shall go unchanged if not be improved upon.  There is no need to throw the lives of you militia away needlessly, but if they wish to commit suicide then we shall oblige.   I would recommend evacuating the area immediately around the Comstar compound in the capitol, as they have shown a disheartening lack of compassion as the destroy there facilities upon our arrival."


"Really now, my government, the government of Timehri has show you its lack of honor? Perhaps you confuse us with another world, whoever you are... we've had no contact with your clan or any clan before. I'm glad that you're all about protecting people, but honestly? We were perfectly safe here before your lot showed up. So if you're going to dishonor my challenge and kill men who have no need to die, at least have the courage to admit that you're a bunch of bloody-handed conquering barbarians and get on with it. Your rhetoric would be tired but for its absurdity."


The following message would go out planet wide, rather then directly to the government.

"Denizens of Timehri, your so called leaders have rejected our offer of quarter and have sent out your militia to die needlessly.  In order to better protect our people we must oblige your leaders wishes.  Fear not, for after the needless deaths of your brother and sisters, fathers and mothers, no violence shall fall upon the populace in general from our hands.  Your leaders have once more proven their lack of concern for the the lives of those they are charged to protect and govern in the name of their petty absentee lords.  As your local government has probably not passed on this warning, we suggest those that live near the Comstar HPG Complex to temporarily evacuate.  The fanatical adepts have been a tad overzealous of late in destroying their equipment as well as anyone else in the immediate vicinity. "   

OOC: Unless you really want to fight this one out in MM, shall we go ahead and roll this out?  Figure a 3.25 FP initial force from one of the clusters assaulting the world.


As per another thread's request simple res roll with the exact cluster the force is pulled from posted in the resolution post.

CSA commiting 3.25 FP
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 5, total 7[/blockquote]


A-R Militia

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 5, total 7[/blockquote]


CSA Commits 3.25 FP from the 73rd Adder Cavaliers

CSA DMG : Better then  3:1 destroys the militia barring crits.
AR Militia Inflict: 1 *.35=  0.35 FP

Salvage Pool = 1.35 FP
Salvage Roll:
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6+15 : 4, 2 + 15, total 21[/blockquote]


Salvage : 1.35*0.21=0.2835
CSA DMG = 0.35-0.2835=0.0665 mrounds to 0.