[RP/MM] C41: ToP MoC v's CSC, Lost (hex 0816) (CSC Win - Complete)

Started by Parmenion, July 24, 2010, 02:45:38 PM

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Lost System

Following a succesful transit into the system, Hurley Reyes, Jack Shepard, Kate Austen and Sun-Hwa Kwon, all crew members of the Star Lord class jumpship 'Royal Sovereign', looked on as the groundpounder Major sent her message.

"Well met, warriors of Clan Spirit Cat.   I am Major Mélanie Doutey of the 3rd Canopian Fusiliers and I have been given the honour of seeking battle with the warriors of your Clan for possession of this world.  With what forces do you defend this world with?"

elements of the 3rd Canopian Fusiliers
Magistracy naval elements

Dave Baughman

OOC: Spirit Cats sheet emailed to Hugin, I'll let him post the defenses/bid/etc.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Once in range, a live video feed came to life. It showed a blond, tall mech warrior with the distincitve rank sign of a Galaxy commander of the Spirit Cat clan.

"Welcome to Lost. Major Mélanie Doutey of the 3rd Canopian Fusiliers.

My name is Galaxy Commander Katrin Nostrac commanding the Seeker Keshik of the Omicron Galaxy.

I am not going to accept your trial for this world.
Dirtside... as the spacers would call it is of essential importance for our clan and we do not posess many worlds so we can't afford to loose any."

she rose a finger

"However, honoring the behavior of the Magistracys troops and your nations battle history with the clans I will accept a trial for a binary of clan mechs of your choice... if you intend to challenge me for this..."

she smiled

"On the other hand... if you decide to try to take this world the spheroid way... hear my warning as I have the whole galaxy assembled on the planet and ready to fight any invaders!"

the smile was gone and her eyes were stonecold

"What is your choice?"


Lost System

Mélanie Doutey scowled as she received the response from the Spirit Cat commander planetside below.  The Cat had no doubt spent far too many years honing her knowledge of the Inner Sphere in the deceptive maze of Combine society.  With her hand reaching out to comm her own superiors on the matter, she was beaten to the buzzer as a spacewoman came up to her.  Within minutes she was in discussion with her CO and shortly after returned to send a second message to the planet below.

"Galaxy Commander Nostrac.  This is Major Mélanie Doutey.  I understand your position from an Inner Sphere perspective all to well.  And as a Clansman, might I be right in assuming you have put the honour of your Clan above your own personal desire and honour?  If that be true, then a Trial of Possession for a Binary of Nova Cat Omnimechs it shall be.  With what do you defend with against my claim?"

(ooc:  sorry for the delay Hugin.  Been down with the flu)


"Major you are right. As a Galaxy Commander I must think for my people and the clan comes first and foremost.

There is, however a bunch of young warriors eager to gain personal honor going to face you.

Clan Spirit Cat defends with one star of light and medium Omnimechs rated Veteran.


OOC: we have already agreed onto simres so I'll roll rightaway

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 2, total 6[/blockquote]


Bargained well and done, Galaxy Commander.  The Magistracy will meet you with equal force."

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 3, total 4[/blockquote]


From the rolls, the Magistracy lost slightly more in material, therefore the Spirit Cats win the field.  Magistracy forces withdraw.

Making a call on the forces fielded, each side was represented by 1FP.

Magistracy took 50% losses = 0.5FP   (10% battlefield repair is not enough to amend anything)

Spirt Cats took 40% losses = 0.4FP, rounding to 0.5FP  Sorry Hugin.  (10% battlefield repair is not enough to amend anything)

Fought under Clan honour rules, battlefield salvage is 50% of 1FP = 0.5FP, brining the Spirit Cat forces back up to full strength.

Will mark as complete, although feel free to add anything Hugin.
