[RP/MM?] Turn 41 Neutral Movement RD vs DC- Sheliak 2814 *COMPLETE*

Started by Holt, July 21, 2010, 04:11:09 PM

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The silence of space was torn asunder by jumpships entering from the void, after a few minutes the Dominion technicians knew the ships belonged to the Draconis Combine.

"This is Tai-sa Hendric Ito of the Draconis Combine Admiralty, we are in pursuit of the Steel Viper vessel Snake in the Grass, which recently violated Combine space in an attempt to gauge our defenses. We mean no harm to the Dominion as long as you stay neutral in our endevour, we will recharge our jumpdrives as soon as possible and leave this system to hunt our prey."


"It is not generally the policy of the Rasalhague Dominion to allow allied vessels to be hunted down and destroyed in our space. We will not prevent your movement, as your quarrel is between you and the Steel Vipers, but be notified that Rasalhague cherishes the neutrality of its ports in this conflict, and will take whatever measures are necessary to preserve it."

(Neutral movement is granted, IIRC I can't stop a hunting expedition without firing on it.)
