[COMPLETE] Turn 41: "ACW" v RWR - Invasion - Halifax (620) *RWR Win*

Started by GraeGor, July 21, 2010, 08:22:08 AM

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"It's decided then, since we're already here, we go for it. Adam led a lot of friends and comrades to their deaths, and as a measure of payback we pull out all the stops and deprive him of this world. Last chance to withdraw and save yourselves."

"Ma'am, in this one instance I feel I can speak for everyone. Had we wanted to leave, we would've. Adam Whiner and Daphne Cow gave to many a trip to hell, it's only right that we do the same to as many of theirs as we can."

A simple nod is all the Commanding Officer of the Dar-es-Salaam-Furillo Province Militia BattleMech and Armor Brigades gives to her junior officers. Minutes later the entire combined forces moves out from it's hidden base in the wilderness of Halifax.

"Dar-es-Salaam-Furillo Province Militia BattleMech and Armor Brigades are here to ensure that Adam reaps what he has sown. For the thousands that he led to be murdered at Addergrad, the defenders of this world will be the first downpayment......in blood."

"The only honorable and pure Steiner, Star Colonel Charlamagne Steiner has our service and our lives. This world will be of the Adder Commonwealth at any cost."

(ooc: Already on world - the BattleMech Brigade, 11.25 FP; Armor Brigade, 18 FP. Open for Proxies if wanted.)


"Addergrad?!?  Are you serious?!?" asked Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster.

"Yes, sir.  They've declared for Charley," replied Colonel Douglas Hickey, his XO.

"Fine.  Get me Paul Zardetto on the phone, and tell everyone to saddle up.  Time to go snake-eating."


Defending forces are as follows:

201st Commonwealth Guards RCT (Vet/Rel/totalling ground 42.5 FP)
3rd Lyran Guards RCT (Vet/Rel/totalling ground 29.75 FP)


345th Lyran Independent Aerospace Regiment E/Q 9 FP

Gentlemen just because the Archon is dead and you two could never out do each other at the Newtonburg's Spring Formal is no reason to fall apart.

I'm certain that this can all be resolved reasonably.

But as McMasters still owes me 20 Kroner from last week's races at Kern and his 3rd Guards seem to be acting upon the will of the planetary government and the ahem....darlin Baroness Stein I will simply have to commit the 345th on his side...unless the esteemed gentlemen from Furillo should choose to take their leave.

Commodore Vash Anazazi


In her Command 'Mech, Major Jessie Leis curses, "Damn, damn, damn. Worms are one thing, never expected those damn Leechers to be here."

Over her Unit's Command Frequency she issues an order, one that sits like a lump of lead in her gut, "Pull back Militia, as much as I hate to admit it, we malfed up. Repeat, pull back and withdraw. We'll have to wait for a better time. We're to far outgunned, and I don't feel like tangling with the FWL this morning."

(ooc: the Dar-es-Salaam-Furillo Province Militia BattleMech and Armor Brigades withdraw)


The RWR, without aerospace assets, allow the ACW troops to leave.