MM/RP ToP Blood Spirit/ Nueva Castille-Ummyadds DP 1407 Valencia Invasion

Started by chaosxtreme, July 22, 2010, 07:12:14 PM

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West of the Espana Valley
Valencia, Castilian Principalties
Nueva Castile, Deep Periphery

Star Colonel Rory Vargras strode into his tent, the largest and most central of those set on the plateau west of the Espana Valley, with an angry slant to his stride.  The two Elementals which stood guard at either side of the entrance, clad in menacing Vampire armor, did not so much as salute as he did so.  Their own eyes were firmly fixated in front of them as they performed their duty of guarding the Blood Spirits' envoy and on-site commander.

The Spirits' bivouac had been hastily erected as they had landed a trio of their DropShips on the plateau, as the Star Colonel had been insistent that he be able to project acceptable force upon the world if the situation warranted such.  Now, clustered at the base of the DropShips and overlooking the barren Espana Valley below, the encampment was bustling with activity, as both warriors and lower-caste support staff moved with a fervent purpose, readying themselves for more unexpected complications upon this world.

Waiting within the tent were the three MechWarriors which had accompanied him into battle with the Umayyads and Castilians, still clad in the plain t-shirts and shorts that they wore while piloting their 'Mechs.  A fourth figure, one whom the Star Colonel had been assigned by none other than Khan Schmitt herself, stood apart from the others.  He was attired in a hooded white tunic with red and gold stitching tucked into dark leather gauntlets, dark loose-fitting pants tucked into dark leather boots that reached nearly to the knee, and an ornate leather belt from which both an archaic dagger and a basket-hilted broadsword hung.  The buckle of the belt was a symbol indicating his origins: a blood-red sword, framed by white raptor wings, set against a crimson, marbelized Cameron Star.

"Tell me what happened on that battlefield," Rory stated bluntly, his dark eyes sweeping the trio of MechWarriors in turn.  Tall and well-muscled Javier set his jaw firmly, petite and lithesome Veronica twisted her lips into a fierce smirk, and lean and wiry Jasper merely lowered his eyes downward, which Rory certainly understood. 

In the confusion that had resulted from the arrival of the interloping Castilian 'Mechs, Jasper had actually opened fire on the Umayyad atabeg's own fallen 'Mech, his eagerness and lust for battle overriding his own common sense.  While it had been Rory's intent to Reave the foolish young warrior on the spot for such a monumental blunder, he had vindicated himself during the battle by not only saving the life of the atabeg from a Castilian Phoenix Hawk which had been intent on murdering the Umayyad commander while his stricken Zeus was unable to defend itself, he had captured the MechWarrior of that destroyed enemy, who was currently being held under heavy guard in this very bivouac.

"Star Colonel," said Veronica, her tone as always strident and lively.  "It is clear that these people cannot be trusted.  To break the Circle of Equals and violate the Trial... it is madness, quiaff?  We would have destroyed Clan warriors who dared to do something so vile!"

At that, Javier spoke him, shaking his head emphatically.  "Neg, we cannot judge these people by the same standards we would judge our own kindred.  They are Peripherants, little better than animals, and such behavior is to be expected.  Is that not why we insisted on serving as arbitrators over their Trial in the first place, quiaff?"

"We have one of their 'warriors' in custody now," Jasper said, not even bothering to keep a boastful swagger from his tone.  "Shall we not simply demonstrate to the bellycrawler the price of such perfidy?"

Just as Rory was preparing to respond to his warriors' queries, a new voice joined the conversation.  The fourth individual spoke with an iron resolve and intelligence that instantly raised Rory's own estimation of the man, adept as he was at reading others.  That skill was why the Khan had assigned him to this most important of missions, and he did not second-guess what his instincts told him.  This was a man to be respected, he decided, until he demonstrates otherwise.

"You are asking the wrong questions," spoke the Knight Sanguine.  "What we should be asking ourselves is how the Castilians, whom exist at a technology level below that of the Spheroids when we originally dispatched Operation Revival, acquired the stealth technology that those 'Mechs mounted.  And from whom."

With that, Rory nodded once, sharply.  "Aff, Knight Logan.  You have the right of it."

At that, Jasper scoffed openly.  Behind him, Veronica's smirk widened in sarcastic displeasure, and Javier merely set his jaw even more firmly.  "And you expect these bellycrawlers to give us that knowledge truthfully?  I believe their battlefield conduct proves the level of treachery that they are capable of."

Rory could not restrain a chuckle at that.  "You yourself should be able to answer that, MechWarrior Jasper, as you have provided the means of attaining those answers.  We shall ask our 'guest'."  Then, his dark gaze fell upon the Knight Sanguine, who returned it in kind.  "See to it, Knight Logan.  I expect a full report by the end of the day... more than enough time, quiaff?"

The Knight Sanguine nodded once, sharply.  "Aff, Star Colonel.  It shall be done."