[RP] MRBC Hiring Offices - Wolf's Dragoons

Started by NVA, September 06, 2010, 05:58:56 PM

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To: Colonel Marcus Garibaldi FWLM Mercenary Adjutants office
From: Wolf's Dragoons Contracts Department
Subject: Final Approval required

Wolf's Dragoons Contract:

Article I: Command Authority
Wolf's Dragoons to maintain Strategic and Tactical Command.

Aticle II: Transportation
Dragoons to provide their own transport assets.

Article III: Target
Dragoon's to choose their own targets.

Article IV: Salvage rights
Dragoons to claim 60% of salvage rights. Payable in material or cash. Except for all Naval or Aerospace Asset's all salvageable or captured naval and aerospace asset's are the property of the FWL as employer.

Article V/a: Payment
2 RP/month(4 RP/turn) for minimum maintenance

V/b: Combat Bonuses
2 RP for every 5 FP of Adder Com Forces destroyed.
5 RP for every Adder Com World conquered and turned over to Free Worlds Control.
1 RP for every MF/SY/PF on conquored worlds turned over to FWL
3 RP for every Adder Com Officer captured as bondsmen and turned over to Free Worlds Control of Star Colonel/General rank (not applicable to non-battlearmor infantry commanders)*
25 RP should The Dragoons successfully capture Star Colonel Charlemange Steiner and turn him over to FWL control

*Star Colonels of Clan Star Adder, Generals of the Adder Commonwealth(ex-Lyran): Cluster or Regimental commanders respectivly

Article VI: Escape Clause
Wolf's Dragoons reserve the right to terminate this contract if it is deemed by the Command staff, that orders recieved from Employer(FWLM) are placing the Dragoons in a disproportionatly dangerous assignment. Wolf's Dragoons would then retreat to a 'safe zone', to either renegotiate the contract, or else nullify the contract in whole, and return to Outreach.

Article VII: Emergency Transportation
In the event that Wolf's Dragoons integrated transport assets are lost due to combat situations, the Employer(FWLM) will immediatly transport all surviving elements of Wolf's Dragoons back to Outreach, at no cost to the Dragoons, and the contract will be legally terminated, at no loss to either the Dragoons or their Employer(FWLM).

Article VIII: Support
Tactical and Strategic support elements, including naval support, will be agreed upon as-needed. FWLN will provide naval support at FWLN Theater Commander's discretion, at no cost to Wolf's Dragoons. Wolf's Dragoons naval assets will provide naval support to any FWLN units within operating sector(hex) as requested, provided it does not undermine ongoing Alpha Command mission.

Article IX: Refit/Resupply
The FWL will designate planets/facilities for Alpha Command to refit/resupply as needed, and provde said services at cost to Alpha Command for the duration of this contract.

Colonel Maeve Wolf, Wolf's Dragoons Alpha Command
Major Benjamin Stark, Wolf's Dragoons Contracts Department
Alyssa Reading, MRBC Contracts Department
*Awaiting Colonel Marcus Garibaldi verigraph before rally

((OOC: Chaos, we said in Skype that u meant Star Colonels of the ADDERS themselves, but that wasn't in the original contract, it said GalCom/Generals... i ammended it as we discussed, Star Colonels of the Adders, but i kept the Commonwealth Generals(meaning the ex-lyrans). consider this a last chance to discuss before we literally sign the specifics, although we've already agreed its gone through. Just want to make sure we don't have a final hangup, I just noticed it now))

((OOC-PS: I added articles concerning the support we discussed, and the refit/resupply we discussed. I also reworded the Emergency Transport article, because the original wording had the Dragoons paying for the transport. It SHOULD'VE read the Dragoons wont have to pay for the transport back to Outreach if their spacelift gets nix'd. Just make sure you've re-read it thouroughly, last thing I want is to mess up the first contract I take, lol)).
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade